scorch 🌷 (stardew au)



1 year, 2 months ago


note; this au is very long,,, and still a wip. yet, feel free to draw him in stardew form{?}

note; solo is my boyfriends sona, and scorch's boyfriend in this AU 

Scorch Mártini:
age: 19
gender: male
birthday: 4th spring
house location: a small one room house deep in the forest, it has a pink roof and is covered in flowers and crops during the appropriate seasons.

character description:
Scorch is a rather angry guy in Pelican Town, he takes quite a while to warm up to you, and even at 8 hearts, he can still be rather feisty. Although he has some money, Scorch will go around stealing things instead of buying them. Quite a few people in town know about a mysterious stealer, but no one finds out, until your player catches him at a 2 heart event, yet you cannot tell anyone, obviously, because Scorch is super stealthy,,,totally

(note: Scorch will be outside mostly in rainy/snowy/stormy weather. He will still follow his usual routine in sunny weather, but if the hot days get too repetitive, he may spend a few days not leaving the house.)

Spring- Scorch will be in the clinic every morning until 11am, and after he will be in the forest writing under the trees until 5pm. Scorch will then go home until the next morning, however, every Thursday he spends all day at the clinic until 3pm before returning home.
Summer- Scorch will be at home until 1pm before going to the clinic until it closes. He will then go to the Saloon and sit with a pizza until 12am. Every Thursday he will be at the clinic all day until it closes before going to the Saloon until 12am.
Fall- Scorch will be writing under the tree beside Sam’s house until 11am. He will then be at the clinic until 3pm before returning back to the tree until 12am, and then going home. Every Thursday he will be at the clinic all day until it closes before writing under the tree until 12am.
Winter- Scorch will be at the clinic until 11am, and then writing on the beach until 10pm. He will then return home, except on Thursdays where he will be in the clinic until it closes, and then the beach until 12am.


Loved gifts:
-fairy rose
“oh, thanks.”
“thanks, it’s nice.”

Liked gifts:
-fire quartz
-rainbow shell

disliked gifts:
-everything else not mentioned in other 3 columns
“thanks, I hate it.”
“this is awful.”

Hated gifts:
-chocolate cake
-pink cake
-meat/anything with meat in it
-rabbits foot
-all fish/sea life
(Note: if Scorch is given a hated gift, he will refuse to take it)
“is this a joke?!”
“I don’t want this.”

heart events:

two hearts:

Trigger- walking into the clinic any time that scorch would be there.

you see Scorch stealing some sort of bottle from the clinic and putting it into his pocket when Harvey leaves the room. Scorch notices you looking, and gives a “……” in which you can reply in two ways. 

If you reply with “hey! I saw that!” he will act angrily by saying “what I do is none of your business!” 

Or, you can reply with “do you need help buying those?” in which Scorch will act nicely by saying “that would be nice” and you give him 100g. Even if you give scorch the money, he runs off and steals the bottle, ending the event. (If you do not have 100g at the time, the event will not trigger.)

four hearts:

Trigger- walking into the saloon anytime in the summer.

Event- Scorch will be sat on his own eating pizza, as usual. You go over to him and sit at the other side of the table. Scorch complains, saying “ugh. I hate it when they put herbs on my pizza.” and you can respond in two ways. 

If you say “isn’t it supposed to have herbs?” Scorch will respond angrily with “not on my ones! I always tell them to remove the gross plants!” 

Yet, if you say “why do people put herbs on pizza anyway?” Scorch will reply enthusiastically with “I know right! Leaves belong in salad! Not on a pizza!”

After this conversation, Scorch will throw the pizza onto the bar, and stop beside you. He will say “thanks for talking, I guess.” and then leave. After that the event will finish.

six hearts:

Trigger- walk into the town square whenever it’s raining/snowing/storming.

Event- Scorch will be writing under the tree beside Sam’s house, and you walk up to him. When you approach him, he says “hmm. I’m unsure on how this sounds.” and hands you his writing journal. 

If you respond with “it could use some improvement.” he will respond in annoyance by saying “hmph, I’d like to see you do better.” and it’ll have a negative effect on your friendship. 

But if you respond with “it’s going great.” he will say “I guess so, I’ll have to ask Solo about this one.” 

After this conversation, the event ends and you go to back the town square.

eight hearts:
(note: after this event takes place, Scorch starts writing next to solo whilst he plays guitar, and sits next to him in the Saloon instead of on his own.)

 Trigger- walk into Scorch’s house anytime he is there. 

Scorch is sat on the end of his bed, and as you walk into his house everything is silent. After a few seconds he nervously says “can you pass me that?” and points to a bottle on his desk. After you pass him it, he swallows something inside and looks at you. 

You then speak, and if you say “are you okay?” he will say “what does it look like?” 

Yet if you say “do you need any help?” he says “I’m okay.” 

No matter what option you picked, you walk a little closer to Scorch, and he gives you an awkward, stiff hug and says “thanks [player name].” 

After he ‘hugs’ you, you can say “what’s going on?” and he will reply with “nothing, just..problems.”

 Or you can say “should I get someone?” in which he will respond with “no, everything is fine.”

 After this, Solo walks in and sits next to Scorch on his bed. Scorch then says “Uhm..cheers” and you leave. As you leave you can see Scorch and Solo hug each other and then you are brought back outside his house.

voice lines:

When approaching Scorch in the clinic:
Line 1) “I hate the clinic. But Harvey makes me stay longer on Thursdays.”
Line 2) “Maybe it’s for the best, though.”
Any other day-
“What’s the point in being here? They’ll just send me home with no updates anyways.”
“I’m glad Solo can wait with me. It makes being here a little less boring.”

When approaching scorch when writing:
Under the tree-
“My friend once told me to start a diary. Eh, maybe.”
“Writing stories calms me. Books are definitely better than people.”
“I like being outside in cold weather, it’s refreshing.”
Beside Solo-
“The music distracts me from my writing, but being beside Solo is worth it.”
“What do you want? Cant you see I’m trying to focus.”

When approaching Scorch the Saloon:
On his own-
Line 1) “These pizzas suck.”
Line 2) “but I guess I can’t be too picky.”
“Sometimes I feel lonely, but then I remember how much people suck.”
“This is boring, but what else is there to do?”
Sat next to Solo-
“I wonder what Solo’s thinking right now.”
“I could do with a water. All these people are making me dizzy.”
“Solo keeps me company in here, it’s nice.”

Random lines:
When sunny-
“I hate this weather, it makes me feel faint.”
“Why does the sun even exist? The moon looks cooler anyways.”
When stormy/raining/snowy-
“Why can’t it be this cold forever?”
“I feel more energised in this weather. I’m less dizzy.”
Any time-
“I didn’t sleep much, a coffee would be helpful.”
“Sometimes I feel sad. Then I remember bunnies exist, and I’m happy again.”
“Will you stop bothering me?”

random notes:
•scorch walks rather slow compared to other characters
•a scar on his chin appears on spring 1st of year 2
•he wears ponytails in spring and summer, and lets his hair fully down in fall and winter
•when at home, he is mostly just listening to music and farming

House details:

•book on floor “bunnies: top facts”
•necklace on his desk
•records “playing: the smiths”
•pictures of solo on wall
•plushies on bed

Scorch will send you letters as a way of showing his friendship. Multiple letters will be sent as your friendship increases.

Two hearts-
“Hey [player name]. I thought maybe I should write to you. I don’t know what to say though, maybe this isn’t a good idea after all.
From, Scorch <3.”

Four hearts-
(This letter will only send if it’s Fall. If you receive future letters first, this one will still send when the time is appropriate.)

“Hello [player name]. Perhaps I should write more of these. I saw this really cute flower when walking to the clinic yesterday, I think it’s called a fairy rose. Well, if you ever spot one, you know who to give it to.
Scorch <3.”

Six hearts-
“Hiya [player name]. I have to ask you a favour. Can you feed Scorch Junior at 2pm today? I’ll be at the clinic. He only eats pizza from the Saloon.
This isn’t optional,
Scorch <3.”

(at 4pm, you will receive another letter. The contents depend on whether you fed the rabbit or not. Feeding Scorch Junior will gain one heart towards Scorch’s friendship.)

If rabbit has been fed-
“Hey. Thanks for helping earlier. Scorch Junior enjoyed his meal.
Scorch <3.”

If rabbit hasn’t been fed-
“Hey- or- not hey. Scorch Junior went hungry. I’m not trusting you like that again.
Thanks for nothing,

Eight hearts-
(this letter will only appear the morning after his eight heart event.)

“Hi. Thanks for helping me yesterday, I appreciate it. I apologise for not talking much, I’m not good at making friends. I’ll try and chat a little more though, cheers for sticking around, friend.
Your new best buddy, Scorch <3.”

(After you receive this letter, Scorch will stop being as grumpy around you and become more talkative.)

Eight hearts 2-
“Hello. I am panicking. Help. How do I ask someone out? I don’t know if he will like me back, what if it’s awkward? You seem like you get a lot of guys, surely you can help me with this. Maybe I’m just a lost cause.
I am losing my calm,
Scorch <3.”

(After you receive this letter, you have a task to buy a bouquet from Pierre’s and gift it to Scorch. Since he isn’t a bachelor, it will not make him your boyfriend, and instead he will give it to his own secret admirer off screen.)