scorch šŸŽ§ (šŸŽ§ā”Šlarkspur au)



1 year, 1 month ago


Basic info;

Land is called Larkspur, itā€™s full of rare and valuable flowers found nowhere else, so it's constantly being attacked and challenged in order to get the land taken over. The people that live there used to be part of a small village where the flowers first started to grow, but as they realised how important these flowers were, the people began building security over the area to protect what they cared about (the land and growth on it) from extreme deforestation and destruction of land that had become an outrage in the last few years.Ā 

As the population grew in Larkspur, the people realised their ways about protecting their land were very different and varied more than they expected, so the people split into two groups separated by their beliefs which then led to the building of two different institutions.Ā 


Thornwood is a large, red and black, dungeon-like castle. The members of Thornwood are called Rose Thorns and they make up around 60% of the Larkspur population. Rose Thorns believe that machinery is the most efficient way to fight, and they spend their time making machines to fight against those who threaten their land. Rose Thorns also believe that their property (both Thornwood Castle and the land and flowers itā€™s built on) come before the people, meaning that healthcare and personal wellbeing isn't something that is a concern in Thornwood territory.Ā 


note; Rose Thorns do not get to pick their jobs, it is assigned to them at birth so they can have as much training as possible to be as good at their jobs as they can be.

Chanters; leaders who control who does what and when. Very strict and they assign people their rooms, masks, and kits (kits including food, water, and other basic survival needs). There are around 5-7 due to the large population.

Quinces; in charge of protecting the inside of the building and making sure everyone follows the rules at all times. Honestly, literal prison guards.
Quarters; in charge of protecting the outside of the building, and alert the Rose Thorns whenever thereā€™s an attack.
Sparkers; mechanics that make the machines the Rose Thorns use to battle. Since it's such an important job, your machines can only be used by the community once you get a Sparker licence at 20.


Rose Thorns have a rather strict uniform in order to make them less identifiable as people, consisting of a white shirt and a dark red waistcoat and pants. Even their shoes have to be the same (black boots), and they have to wear a red metal mask over their face at all times. This is so the Chanters donā€™t feel bad for mistreating the people as they are unable to see their faces, and Rose Thorns are only allowed to take the masks off when they are by themselves. Rose Thorns also have to clean their uniform often and if there are any scratches or tears in their uniform they will be punished accordingly (usually missing a meal or being unable to fight, which is very cowardly).Ā 


Rose Thorns have to eat and take care of themselves in their own rooms (they have bathrooms attached and they get delivered their 3 meals a day at the appropriate timing). Ā The only places for socialising is a gathering hall to discuss techniques and criticise efforts, and a machine storage hall where Sparkers dump their creations for the Rose Thorns to use in battle.Ā 


Petalbridge is a smaller, more appealing castle than Thornwood, being decorated by daisies and bright colours. Members of Petalbridge are called Daisy Chains, and their main belief is that protecting their members and keeping them healthy and happy is the best way to win against any attackers. Daisy Chains use animals to fight, and they make sure to treat them all well as possible and heal all their injuries responsibly.Ā 


note; Daisy Chains choose their jobs themselves when they reach 10, up until then they get education on Larkspur history and the importance of the different roles to Petalbridge.

Celestials; leaders (3-5) who take care of the overall wellbeing of the people and often hold meetings to assign young Daisy Chains their roles and engage with the Petalbridge community. They are also in charge of guarding Petalbridge.Ā 

Healer; doctors who take care of injuries and care for the elderly and ill Daisy Chains.Ā 

Fauna; takes care of animals, breeds, and trains them to be strong for animals. Also doctors but only for animals.

Educators; teachers who educate those from 3-10 about Larkspur history and the importance of roles.


Daisy Chains pretty much have no uniform, they are free to wear whatever they are most comfortable in as long as they wear a daisy chain round their neck or on their head. However, depending on their roles Daisy Chains may have a few small requirements (educators and Celestials dress presentable, and Healers wear their correct equipment when caring for the ill).Ā 


Daisy Chains have their own rooms (with personal bathrooms) that they can decorate as they wish, but Petalbridge has a canteen, cafeteria, school for educators, and a meeting hall for Celestials to announce what they please. Faunaā€™s will get two connected rooms where they can have a bedroom and a room to take care of their animals, and Healers will get an extra room as their ā€œdoctors officeā€ to help patch up patients, but there's also a healers room downstairs (a hospital) where patients who are elderly or ill can stay for a while whilst healers help them.Ā 


note; anyone can have animals as pets in Petalbridge, but Fauna are required to.

Theigruff; puppy-like dragons who can fly a little above the ground, they are able to split fire and use that to defend their people in battle. They are small (the size of a medium dog) and are very friendly and harmless to Daisy Chains.Ā 

Varion; large birds with horns that have powerful beaks and claws. They are nocturnal and watch over Larkspur outside when it's dark out, but they also attack in battle.

Iā€™m very uncreative and this isn't actually too important to the lore so I will create more soonā€¦

Soloscorch story (finally);

has a pet Theigruff called coral

19 (turns 20 before returning)

Thornwood gets badly badly destroyed in a battle against those wanting the land, and they don't have enough supplies or room to keep everyone in the castle anymore. Petalbridge is kind enough to help out, and Thornwood sends all those deemed useless (not helping much to the community or badly injured) to stay at Petalbrige and each Daisy Chain gets assigned a Rose Thorn to take care of and get back into shape since the attack caused a lot of harm.Ā 

Solo is assigned to take care of Scorch, and as much as Solo wants to help treat his wounds and befriend him, Scorch has no interest in changing his ways. Scorch refuses to take off his mask in front of anyone (which is considered very rude to the Daisy Chains) and is really upset and confused as to why he was thought of as useless. Solo really tries to convince Scorch to stay with Petalbridge since Rose Thorns are treated so badly, but Scorch is very proud of Thornwood and being a part of it. Scorch has a bow and arrow called Scorch junior that he carries everywhere with him, and he is excited to go back to Thornwood to get his Sparkers licence as he is only 19.

Eventually, Scorch takes off his mask in front of Solo and allows him to heal his wounds, and in the next 6 months they bond over sharing their knowledge. Although Solo doesnā€™t believe weapons are the right way to fight, Scorch teaches him the basics on how to make them, and Solo teaches Scorch basic medicine recipes using the rare flowers, and how to take care of himself overall. After 6 months pass and Thornwood is ready to allow its members to return (they had no idea how long it would take and got 0 updates) Solo tries all he can to convince Scorch to stay, but he has worked his whole life to get a Sparkers licence, and since he turned 20 during his stay at Petalbridge, he felt obliged to return and earn what he's worked for his whole life. Him and Solo say their goodbyes, they share a kiss and Scorch gives Solo his bow and arrow. Scorch will do everything he can to see Solo again, but he knows itā€™ll be impossible with Thornwood security (although he doesnā€™t tell Solo that).

After a year, Solo still has hope Scorch will return, and just as he hoped, he does. It wasnā€™t easy running away and it took him a lot of courage, but Scorch finally got to see him again. Petalbridge found it confusing that a Rose Thorn ran away, but welcomes him and treats him like their own and allows him to stay with Solo until he gets to meet new people. Scorch still refuses to take off his mask in front of anyone other than Solo, so Solo paints it pretty colours and covers it in daisies for him. Only a few days after they reunite, Soloscorch make it official and become boyfriends :D andā€¦ it too cheesy to say they live happily ever after? Ohā€¦and Scorch never feels the need to get his own room.Ā