


6 years, 4 months ago




Nonchalant ⚡ Jokester ⚡ Daredevil

"Livin's about how well ya keep laughin' despite what life gives ya!"

  • Name: Sydney Ava (biological), Jonas von Heimlich (adopted)
  • Aliases: Jigwe, Birdbrain (by Mirage)
  • Age: 16
  • Species: Mobian
  • Race: Cockatoo/cokatiel hybrid (identifies as cockatiel)
  • Gender: Male
  • Occupation: Cashier, Vigilante
  • Hometown: Suburbs outside Station Square
  • Residence: DVNz base
  • Voice Actor: Max Casella (Daxter from the Jak and Daxter series)


Jonas (aka "Jigwe") van Heimlich is a playful, happy-go-lucky jokester that can't seem to take anything as seriously as he should. If he's not cracking a joke or scheming another prank--usually with his sister Victoria as the unfortunate victim--he's doing whatever it takes to enjoy his life of freedom as much as possible. His flippant attitude is not without its demons, however: cursed with the deadly "Overload" variant of a rare genetic condition known HSE, he was stripped away from his biological parents as a young child to be a live test subject by government authorities, only to be broken from incarceration and taken in by a surrogate family of mutants escaping custody like him. He now acts as the primary field agent and marksman for said family--known now as an underground gang of vigilantes known as DVNz.


Jigwe the Cockatiel
  • Height: Above average
  • Build: Skinny, athletic
  • Hair Color: White
  • Hair Style: Tied-back ponytail of long crest feathers (untied and worn somewhat similar to dreadlocks in public)
  • Eye Color: Unknown; eyes appear always shut
  • Body Color: White upper body (chest up, including arms); black mid-section and lower body (chest down)
  • Beak Color: Medium Gray
  • Clothes:
    • General attire: : Black bandana around neck; white, black, and yellow athletic sneakers; Black and white gloves, a yellow “bracelet” connected to the base of the cuff
    • Combat attire: Black bandana with a yellow lightning pattern covering mouth; gold tinted goggles with a black frame; black, hooded, full-body cloak buttoned at the collar; black full-body undersuit; black and brown cross-shoulder rifle scabbard; black combat boots


Jigwe the Cockatiel

Jigwe is a nonchalant jokester who doesn't seem to take anything too seriously. He's pretty much walking comic relief, always seeming to ruin high-intensity situations with his nonchalant attitude. He's very snarky and doesn't hesitate to speak his mind, even to high-authority figures. The only times he seems to get serious is when his or any other DVNz's secret identity is on the line—the worst thing he feels that can happen to him is be caught. He lives by a code of survival in memoriam to his parents, who left him with that request.


  • Jokes and pranks
  • Food (spicy and/or sweet dishes especially)
  • Games
  • Movies
  • Sightseeing and exploration
  • Outdoor activities (e.g. hiking, rock climbing, camping, etc.)
  • Common people, small business owners, and genuine
  • Freedom


  • His real name ("Sydney")
  • Incessant complaining
  • "Buzzkills"
  • Pretenses
  • Media outlets
  • Life on the run
  • Corruption, greed, selfishness, etc.


  • Expert Marksmanship
  • Expert Gunslinging (quickdraws, high accuracy rapid fires, complex trickshots, etc.)
  • Expert Stealth
  • Expert Hand-to-Hand
  • Enhanced Speed
  • Enhanced Acrobatics and Reflexes
  • Enhanced Awareness
  • Survival Skills

Total: 490/600


Jigwe is a Reactor, i.e. possess kinetic powers from a certain genetic mutation. His power is electrokinetics. Unfortunately, he lacks the ability to naturally slow or stop his powers once he activates them, and will continuously generate electricity until he Overloads.

Ionic Overload: An ability that is only usable by Jigwe and another reactor, Gust. If one of them triggers their powers without any way to limit it (i.e. K.E.S.L.A., see Equipment), they will continue to accumulate energy until their powers reach maximum. Although this gives them an insane boost in power and speed, their bodies can’t keep up with it and will eventually give out. Jigwe only deliberately uses this as an absolute last resort.

  • Overload traits:
    • Extreme speed boost
    • Extreme attack power boost
    • Direct electricity manipulation
  • Overload main abilities (Jigwe’s version):
    • Boost - Allows Jigwe to boost in a fashion similar to Sonic, with a focus more on power than speed.
    • Trace - Summons a single lightning bolt that tracks and strikes an enemy.
    • Burst - Blast identical to the K.E.S.L.A Bolt Rifle’s Multibolt (see Equipment), but with high attack power at long range. Can be used in rapid succession.
    • Deluge - Mid-range AOE. Blows back and stuns enemies with a massive, expanding pillar of electricity.
    • Barrage - Jigwe’s ultimate attack. Creates hundreds of high-intensity lightning bolts that strike around him for a short period of time, obliterating anything in range.


As usual for one of DVNz, Mirage's vigilante uniform consists of the following quipment:

  • Multi-vision goggles - Mechanical goggles that have the ability to switch between normal vision, thermal vision, night vision, and EMP vision (for detecting electrical wiring). These can also take pictures and send/recieve video feeds.
  • Communicator - A small earpiece that allows Mirage to contact other members of her gang.
  • Steel-plated gloves, boots, elbowpads and kneepads - Mirage has exceptional striking power on her own; these accessories, created by metal from Alloy's transmutation ability, greately increases that power. With them, she can deliver punishing blows with enough force to effortlessly break brick and bend steel.
  • K.E.S.L.A (Kinetic Extraction System for Limiting Accretion) - Complex set of devices that allow Reactors to use their powers without the threat of Overload. Jigwe's version has two components:
    • Siphons - A pair of mechanical bracelets that drain and store electric energy Jigwe produces. When fully charged, Jigwe can dispel the electricity gathered to either fuel his Unloaders, act as makeshift tasers, or create small blades of concentrated electricity for close-range combat.
    • Unloaders - Lightweight, triggerless blasters that use electricity stored in the Siphons as ammunition. The 8 modes can only be used with a full Siphon charge, which holds 72 base-power rounds of ammo. The rounds themselves are usually calibrated to be non-lethal, but carry striking power with the intense pain of a lightning strike, the degree of which varying by the blaster's mode.
      • Pistols - Dual-wielding pistols Jigwe keeps holstered at his hips. Each Sparker fires a short beam of lightning at base power (72 max ammo). Besides its main firing mode, it has two utility modes:
        • Whip/Grapple Shot - Fires a continuous beam of concentrated electricity that can be used either as a whip or a grapple. Uses 1/4 of a full charge.
        • Negator - Weak long-distance shot meant solely for charging or frying electrical equipment. Using only 1/16 of a round, it does almost no damage to any other target.
      • Rifle - Rifle blaster that Jigwe keeps holstered on his back. It has selective fire capabilities with 3 different modes:
        • Semi-auto
          • Default mode, fires a single beam of lightning per shot at 3x power of one round (24 max ammo).
        • Full-auto
          • Rapid fire mode that shoots similar beams to semi-auto, however at 2x power for more ammo capacity (36 max ammo).
        • Arcshot
          • Lightning buckshot that fires a wide-radius blast of fanned-out bolts at 9x power (8 max ammo). It does more damage up close, enough to completely blow away targets..
      • Striker - By adjusting the Bolt Rifle and attaching the Spark Pistols to it, it creates the most powerful form of K.E.S.L.A. This form has two modes:
        • Sharpshooter - Fires a single, quick, high-intensity beam of lightning at 24x power (3 max ammo). This mode is capable of hitting targets at extremely long distances, a successful shot typically being an OHKO.
        • Detonator - Fires a single beam that explodes into lightning bolts on contact. The beam itself is at 12x power (6 max ammo) not counting possible explosive damage.


  • Lightning fast reflexes
  • Situational and spatial awareness
  • Resourcefulness and improvisational skills
  • Calm demeanor
  • Mid-to-long-range combat
  • Robotic opponents/opponents with mechanical limbs (who are vulnerable to electric attacks)
  • Ion-rich areas (waterfalls, lakes, oceans, beaches, mountains, etc.)


  • Close-range combat
  • Low stamina due to constant K.E.S.L.A recharging
  • General inexperience with 1-on-1 confrontations
  • Limited mobility and slow charging of Striker mode
  • Chaotic tendencies
  • Intense fear of capture
  • Overload


Sydney Ava

Sydney was born the only son to a young, high-middle class, newlywed couple who loved and cherished him dearly; it could easily be said that he had the perfect family. As a toddler, however, he developed a bizarre condition: if anyone tried to touch him while he was upset, they would get electrocuted and he would pass out. Day by day these episodes got worse, advancing from slight static shocks to visible sparks emitting from his body. Eventually, after numerous failed diagnoses from multiple doctors, G.U.N. caught wind of the peculiar child and issued a warrant for his capture to probe him as a test subject. 

The tests they performed on Sydney were rigorous, painful, and very strenuous on his tiny body. He was kept in an isolation chamber, restrained and sedated to quiet his frequent cries for his parents. This treatment went on for months; it was enough for even a child his age to go insane. 

Meanwhile during his captivity, his parents were visited by a middle-aged Mobian named Oskar, who introduced himself as a distant relative from Eurish. After a casual conversation, Oskar revealed the motive behind his visit: he was a professor and scientist from Spagonia University researching the Reactor gene, and has been tracing the lineage to find its carriers. His research led to him identifying the Ava household as the next and newest to produce a Reactor. 

Although initially skeptical, the parents told Oskar about Sydney and his capture by G.U.N. Oskar, in turn, expressed concern, knowing the bad history between Reactors and the government. Moved by the parents’ fear for their child, Oskar proposed to break Sydney out of Area 99, adopt him, and train him alongside other Reactors to live with his powers. In exchange, Sydney’s parents would get to see him one last time. Unfortunately, this would mean that Sydney would have to abandon his comfortable lifestyle and become a fugitive in addition to a freak of nature. Sydney’s parents agreed, prioritizing their child’s livelihood. 

Oskar successfully broke Sydney out of Area 99 later that month. After a brief, tearful reunion, Sydney and his parents said their goodbyes and left each other with one request: survive at all costs so they can someday meet again. Oskar took Sydney back with him to Eurish, to an underground sanctuary hidden deep within the mountains where Oskar housed the other 2 Reactors he gathered from different continents of Mobius.

In the weeks following Sydney’s arrival, Oskar ran simple, non-invasive tests on him and observed his interactions with the other Reactors. Before long, Oskar found the source of Sydney’s problem: the newest Reactor mutation produced kinetic energy faster than the body could keep up with, and when inadvertently triggered (e.g. by a child’s delicate emotions), would cause intense fatigue and fainting. Based on this information, Oskar went on to design and build with his nephew’s help the K.E.S.L.A. Siphons to act as limiters to Sydney’s powers. Sydney and the other young Reactors were subsequently home-schooled, trained, and raised by Oskar. Years later, Oskar offered them an opportunity to put their powers to use and become heroes. Young and naive, the Reactors enthusiastically accepted the offer. Each Reactor was assigned a role: Sydney was to be a marksman, sharpshooter, and spy. After years of training in marksmanship, hand-to-hand combat, wilderness survival, espionage, and others, Sydney and the other Reactors formed a small vigilante gang called DVNz (pronounced “deviants”). Each member of the new gang was assigned a new codename, and Sydney took on the name “Jigwe”.

 In the 7 years since DVNz formed, Jigwe has continued to live underground as a vigilante. However, he currently works as a cashier for a local pizza restaurant ran by a friend of Oskar's by day.


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