Ava (dark academia)



2 years, 16 days ago


Ava LaRosa

Called "Ava"

Gender Female

Pronouns She/her

Age 20

Region Summerton

Occupation lead of Band


HTML Pinky


Height 5'9

Build skinny

Eyes Dark brown

Skin Tone light brown

Hair Color Dark brown

Hair Style Long and straightend

Demeanor mysterious


  • Ava hasn't cut her hair in a long time and only really trimmed it. ava has loose curls but she gets it straightened.
  • Ava has two moles one above her lip and one under her eye.
  • Ava always wears layers and long sleeves because she is always cold.
  • Ava wears a lot of browns and greens. Some of her faves are a green flannel skirt and her brown chunky boots combo.
  • Ava has always had long nails, they never broke easily so it is easy for her to just let them grow up
  • Ava has pretty thin eyebrows because that is how she blucks them.


Ava has been in a band doing classical music since she had the option to do so. She easily became proficient in a lot of the stringed instruments and eventually got bored of doing just classical. She started doing alternative experimental violin. She would do different genres and would start performing those in her school's band concerts. this would get attention with her being one of the most preformative of her high school. But even with that she was a very quiet person and this would get her a reputation of being a mysterious person. Ava has always had a bit of social anxiety but performing was the only thing she was able to do without feeling like she was going to throw up from being anxious. But somehow this only added to the aura of her personality, people were drawn to her and she was able to make friends but she wouldn't talk too much. She was loved by many people and teachers and her outstanding reputation and experimental taste in music were able to get her into Timberland High. When she was traveling there she was truly shocked by the absolute mass of this school and all of the outstanding personalities. This immediately made her nervous and she's pretty sure that she will be pushed into the background but somehow that doesn't happen. She is able to hold up the same mysterious atmosphere about her and grow attention towards her. When she finally got into the band club she was surprised to see that they would let them play things that aren't just classical. She was able to do her own thing.


Friendly Mean
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

Ava has always been one of the shyest of her grade, she's always had social anxiety and this has always made it hard for her to make true and close friends. but she is a nice girl who is always truthful and kind to anyone she meets. She has a struggles speaking to people and will often stumble over her words and speak in a quiet low voice.



Ava has always had a good understanding of how instruments work, and with it being able to be an easy hobby for her she ended up enjoying the learning process of how to make different sounds and making different genres. she loved being able to be able to create things that people hadn't ever heard before and the light feeling she got on her feet when she is making beautiful noise from all sorts of instruments.


Ava has went threw almost every phase in music and she cant settle on just one thing. she is able to relate to many pepole because of music and being able to conect with people threw at least one job.


Ava has always been a bit of a bookworm and has always loved the mysterious characters in their earthy clothes in the library she always wanted to be just like them to have her character arch and being able to be the girl that everyone wants to be friends with, to have her witty remarks to things but she never could. She never felt confident enough to be able to make jokes or be more confident.



Ava always has to have some sort of noise going on. she always has music in her classes, when shes walking, and even when she is sleeping. when she is in the comlete silence she finds it very hard to think or concentrate on anyhting.
