Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:


some characters contain some triggering subjects such as the following:

*suicide/self harm

*Crimes such arson,murder,theft 

*possession by spirits and or demons

*abuse ranges from emotional-physical 

*toxic relations such as relationships and friendships 

I do not,and I mean I do NOT condone nor think the listed behavior is ok, just because my characters may behave a certain way or do something. doesn’t mean I encourage that behavior .

 I do also own some suggestive behaving characters,such  as a god of love&lust,some incubus‘s and succubus’s. these Characters have warnings on them! But non of their art is anything above slightly suggestive.

As well as the occasional suggestive words like “b**bs “ ect I do not draw nsfw, nor do I plan to in the near future.

please do not interact with me if you are against 

blm,lgbtqia+,women’s rights,ect

i am African American and Panromantic Demisexual. So if you’re against what’s listed above. You’re Not,going to like me.

if you are a zoophile, pedophile, necrophile, Zionist or ANYTHING like those. do NOT interact with me, truthfully I do not want to interact with you in any way. If I am to find out you are any of these,you are getting ip blocked you are a disgusting being

Check out my tag explanation for info of what some tags mean!

check here for my T.o.s

and here for my blacklist

Character Content Warning

This character profile has been marked with a content warning:


Nicks backstory is EXTREMELY dark, nothing in his back story is sugar coated

the stuff he faced/faces will be colored blue

and stuff he did will be in red

normal warnings are in green

these are all warnings nonetheless 

the Following topics this character deals with is:

-Child abuse

- abusive parents

-Emotional abuse

-mental abuse

-physical abuse

-child abandonment


-self harm

-guilt tripping


-death of a sibling

-death of a significant other (died by suicide)

-Arson (he burned his school down killing 20 people and himself)

-death by flames

-death by crushing

-religious topics (such as mentions of demons vs angels

- aggressive swearing 

Nick is very very very messed up. He suffered a lot but I do NOT condone his actions or think what he did was ok. Regardless of what he went through.

Nick is a Demon who was once a mortal,who after making a deal with Lucifer. Now has to convince others to sin so they wind up in hell.

(some extra challenges he faces are)

-Eating disorders
-abandonment issues
-overall really bottled emotions

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