Basic Info



Name Meaning






Border Collie


Shy, quiet, meek, timid, full of self-doubt, kind, thoughtful, loyal, selfless


Hikaru is her brother. She and her brother both look up to Zenon, who is like an older brother and mentor to them.

Lyanna is Hikaru's older sister. She is a quiet and meek individual. Her younger brother always tries to protect her, as Lyanna isn't very confident and can't stand up for herself well. She hates the fact that she has to rely on her brother and thinks she isn't a good older sister because of that. After all, she's the big sister and ,in her opinion, she should act more like it. Her desire to become stronger lingers deep inside, but will she ever have the confidence to act on it?

Lyanna always tries to think about others first. She's quiet and thinks a lot, about many things. The night sky calms her, her favorite place being under it and it's million stars that twinkle in the night. Sometimes she lies down in quiet and ponders on her thoughts, wistfully looking up at the night sky as if it could take all her problems away. In those moments, one should not disturb her peace.

She feels envious of others and gets bitter sometimes, but she hates herself for thinking that immediately after. Though there are times where Lyanna just can't help herself and these kind of thoughts just slip into her mind, especially when confronted with someone who has the traits she so desires to have herself.