Asha Melancholi 'Inkling Form'



6 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


Asha [Osh-uh]




Nonbinary [everything-presenting/switches forms often]


Butterfli reborn into an Inkling




Queer / Polyamorous


Inks [Husband]


King/Queen of al'aradi almuzalama [Dark Lands]


Shapeshifter, Aura Bender, control over some darkness matter, beast tamer [why they have so many pets], Weaponist [jack of all trades but a master of none..maybe with staffs though]

May I RP with this character?:


May I Draw This Character?:


Is this Character Shippable?:



[ [ Update 4-8-23: Im striking all below info out as it is no longer canon but I dont want their info area to be empty so Until I can find time to come and write down all their new canon info it’ll just be like this. ]]
Fur form can be found here  

Update: 4-25-20

Asha was not always an Inkling. They originally began out as a Princess within a Light Righteous race known as the Butterfli. They were a people of Light and were known to worship those that gave them the gifts of Life and Land. In a long line of Siblings, Asha was the last born in a set of Triplets. Those triplets being Reza, the eldest, Xyre , the middle, and then Asha. Asha was a favorite to their mother who would sometimes do what she could to shield them from many a thing. It was believed this was due to them being the last born and therefore, the baby. To an extent Asha liked this but would see how it would sometimes leave sour tastes in the mouths of their siblings because of it. This would cause Asha to rebel sometimes. Getting themselves in trouble and even danger. Resulting in their mother wishing to shield them even more. 

As time would go on and Asha would grow , they would become excited for what their lineage and blood would hold for them. Only to find that with almost all possible positions filled for grand beings were being taken by their siblings. Leaving no room for them to shine. The only place they really showed any gran prowess was with the many creatures they would befriend. But to allow a royal child near such intimidating and dangerous beasts would be insane! So eyes were kept on Asha as the Lap Dog of their parents. 

With their parents doting and protective, Asha acted out more. Their siblings seeing this as something the youngest just does, saw no means of interrupting anything. Reza , of course, would see the opposite. Believing that even a worm could climb the ladders, she would often coax Asha in her own way to break away from the brattiness and try to be better. Asha would confide they would try. Again and again. But would always fail. This was only seen in Reza’s eyes as surrender and more childishness. Taking it upon herself, Reza would often tug Asha around, ‘training’ and ‘teaching’ Asha the ropes of being a ‘big girl’. 

It would soon come to Asha’s attention that Reza was not doing this for the better of them, but to get rid of the nuisance that was Asha and the love their mother had for them...

In the midst of a training battle one day Reza would push Asha to their limits, seeming to have intent on ending them. With fear and anger, Asha lashed back with what they could and soon ran away. Deep within the forest surrounding their kingdom through one of the many hide-away-passages Asha had made whilst hiding. They would soon run into a strange sentient form of what they thought was...goopy ink. It would reveal itself to be a being of life and in need of help.

 Asha felt pity for it and asked to help in anyway they could. This would be a turning point in their life for the possible worst. The being would never reveal itself to them, and would tell them just enough about themself to keep them coming back. They needed aid badly, but they could not just take it. Not from a child. It would be too easy. 

Within time it would be said that the being needed to take shelter before it was too late and it died. Worried and not wanting to lose their new friend so quickly, Asha asked what they could do. It was then that a sort of contract was made and the being would sync itself with Asha, practically melding the two together. From there, things would never be the same. 

In exchange for being the forms home, Asha asked to be told more of what it was, where it came from. Why it was there and how it came to be in their home of Lumaterra. It was said only that it was attacked and had lost much blood. And needed time to reveal itself. And it could only do that if they took home within another whom was very strong. The last part being said so that Asha would be more inclined to allow such a thing. 

 One day the events with Reza would push Asha over the edge and in the confines of their room would beg the being within them now for more than knowledge. They would ask for power. To this, the being would curiously oblige, allowing even their abilities to meld. It would leave out one detail though upon doing this; the melding would take away the most prized possession of the host. In this case, Asha’s wings. 

Wings being Butterfli’s greatest aspect of their being.

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[ [ Will continue ] ]