The Bound



6 years, 4 months ago



Name The Bound
Designer Elkaart
Gender Genderless
ObtainedIn a character trade
Significant Other N/A
Rules May gift or trade
Species Demon

RoleDemonic Entity


  • "The Bound" Does not refer to a SPECIFIC character. It refers to a MULTI-OCCURING type/species of demonic entity. They are all the same and do not have separate personalities to speak of. 

It communicates with its victims through mind games, and leaves letters in ancient demon text written in blood. If it has a true-direct word message to convey, the only manner in which it speaks is to consume the mind of a human and use them to speak for it. It uses people's own individual fears to antagonize them, either external-something such as clowns or scary visuals, or touching on their inner fears and deepest worries.

It's major abilities include manipulating the mind and what its victims can see and hear, being able to teleport both itself and its targets- including bringing them to another plane of existence. It has some foresight into a person's personal struggles, but it seems unable to predict a person's actions or inevitable fate until it happens. It enjoys using symbolism among its victims, representing their fear in various ways. A common representation it uses is the poem Dante's Inferno and his circles of hell; though it is unknown how it became attached to this text. 

It is opposed to sunlight, will flee at the sign of cats, dislikes (though is not necessarily harmed by) holy artifacts. It can be hurt with human weapons, but will typically regenerate before any major harm can be done. (Will bleed if shot,ex, but will heal quickly). It is an immortal creature, but it can be sent back to the plane of existance it came from. 

The only way to banish the creature from one of its rampages is to eliminate fear of it, as only someone who can remain entirely calm regardless of the chaos it brings with it, can control it and command it to leave. Until banished, it will continue to target and kill anyone in its path; but typically only focuses tunnel-vision on one victim at a time.

To control your fear, anxiety, is to find calm and understanding, and not to deny that it exists- but to accept its purpose in the world and what it brings with it. 


  • There is a common written  theory that if a bound decides to kill you, it will free the arms from its chest to use the swords on its back to cause you harm.
  • Their movements are extremely strange/jerky and uncomfortable
  • They are a MINOR demon that never lived a mortal. life. Simply the creations and minions or higher-serving demons that are directed by hands outside of their control.

A demonic entity that serves to prey upon people too weak to defend the things they care about and let themselves be consumed by their own fear. It is a malicious creature that can be summoned (similar in fashion to other demons); through extreme violence- including precisely six deaths and through a unique ritual that is mostly lost to time. It seems motivated in teaching a lesson to humankind, and has no ability to speak or address others even if it wanted to. It moves in peculiar,jerky movements, and carries two swords on its back. Its limbs appear attached to it, as if in a straightjacket, but they can tear free of the body to grip its blades. It's face appears blank and faceless, but it can tear open to reveal a mouth and emit a horrifying scream. It enjoys toying with its victims, causing them hallucinations, to hear things, and generally intentionally scaring them to the point of paralysis before finally killing them. 

It will threaten the things they hold dear to test a person's courage and merit, and if they are deemed unworthy and do not find the bravery to resist the hold the creature has on them before their time is up, it will take their lives. If someone is brave enough to stand up to it, it will move on and leave them be, with only their memories of it to plague them. Most who have survived the creature, have suffered mental crises and ended up in institutions as a result, questioning their reality and what they experienced. 


  • N/A

  • N/A

Name relationship

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Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.