the "Claire-wolf"



2 years, 8 days ago



The "Claire-wolf"

♀ werewolf / otherhearted

One night under a full moon, a beast bit her in the dark. The next full moon she experienced a horrific transformation into a werewolf. On her first night, all she did was wonder the streets and the woods and eat a bit out of the dumster. The second night, she found a deer on the side of the road that had been hit by a car, and she ate that. The third night, she returned to the woods, sniffing for another canine. She found a band of coyotes mauling a deer. Upon the arrival of such a beast, the coyotes backed away, allowing her to secure the kill on the deer.

Back in human form, the lycan told her boyfriend that she had vague memories of being a vicious creature and he consoled her the best he could. Over the next few weeks, the lycan put aside her schoolwork to figure out where to get a cure before the next full moon. During the next full moon, she did everything to prevent any sort of interaction with moonlight. She went to the basement and stayed in a windowless room each night, and it worked the first night. Unfortunately, werewolves have a hormonal cycle that lines up with the moon phases, and during times where the moon is very full, it takes very little to trigger a transformation. One bad dream had her in full lycan form clawing at the walls. Once again, she left and woke up in the woods.

On the third night, she planned to stay in a windowless room at her boyfriend's house where he try to keep her calm in the night. In the evening, to prepare for the night, she was looking for toothpaste in the cabinet. She was moving things around in there to help the search, when she made a curious discovery: a syringe and vile of liquid wrapped with a handwritten note with the instructions. "use before bed to prevent transformations." Naturally, she took it out and asked him what it was. He was caught off guard, stumbling his words, before she kept pushing and he revealed that he was the lycan that infected her.

Her shock turned to anger when she realized that that meant, not only did he infect her and lie to cover it up, but he found a source for a cure and didn't tell her about it to preserve himself. She responded in an angry tone, and as she kept talking her tone got angrier and her body shifted. She turned into a werewolf and killed her boyfriend, then ran off far into the woods