✦ TBN's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Ileshkve Global Rules

Last Update: May 1, 2024.


By owning a design created by me (Ileshkve), you affirm to have read and agree to the following Terms of Service listed below. Failure to abide by the Terms of Service may result in a blacklist and/ or a public service announcement.

Please note that Terms of Service may be subject to change without prior notice.


  • You must be 18 y/o or older to purchase any design from me.
  • You acknowledge that you're buying a Digital Good and will not require shipping of any kind.
  • You're NOT allowed to add your own rules to my designs.
  • I must be credited as the creator of the design. You're not allowed to claim credits of my designs, whether you did or did not make any edits to the designs.


  • As the owner, you're allowed to give the design any name, gender, story, etc.
    • However, you're not allowed to use my designs to promote, glorify or romantize any of the following topics: pedophilia, homophobia, transphobia, incest, racism, nazism, etc.
  • Co-ownership is allowed. However I'm not responsible of any dispute that may occur between the character(s) owners.
  • I cannot revoke the design under any circumstance. The only circumstance where I am allowed to revoke a design and/or put it back on sale is when you issue a charge back against me.


  • You're allowed to make both minor and major edits to the design. However, I must still be credited as the creator no matter how much the design has changed.
  • You're allowed to edit my art for minor edits but I must still be credited as the artist. Major edits must be made in an additional artwork.
  • All edits/ redesigns must be sold together, you're not allowed to sell them as separated characters.


  • You're allowed to resell the design for no more than the purchased price unless additional value (i.e commissions and/ or personal art) has been added. Free/ Gifted art does not count as additional value.
    • Trade / Gifted designs can be sold if additional value is added.
    • Gifted designs can be traded even if there's no additional value added.
  • Once you Sell/ Trade/ Gift the design, it is no longer yours. You're NOT Allowed to revoke a character from the new owner unless they issue a charge back against you or don't complete their part of the Trade.


  • You're allowed to use the design for merch, comics, videogames or any type of Commercial Use. 
    • My art cannot be used in any type of commercial use. Only the Design. 
  • You're not allowed to use the design for NFTs and/or AI.