
6 years, 2 months ago


✦ Details
NameZenith Reeves
Gendergenderfluid with a side of [REDACTED]
Speciesbahuga/eeyla hybrid and something else? :)
Homelittle house out in the woods
Occupationflorist and baker
Sexuality???? Very Gay and Polyamorous 
✦ Appearance
Body TypeTUMMY....
Hair Stylelong thick and wavy
Hair Colorblack but greying with age
Eye Colorpurble...
Skin Colorpasty
Clothing Stylefashionable gay button ups
Posturehunched and meek or just,, normal ig
Othermissing an eye and has wicked sideburns and feathers
✦ Likes
cuddles, hugs, snuggling, pretty much any positive physical contact 
cold climates 
✦ Dislikes
not being able to befriend people
hot climates ~(EXTREME HATE)~ 
✦ Hobbies
Flowers (hes a florist!) :-]
✦ Traits
usually doesnt seem Quite All There, like he's worried or lost in thought
Very sweet and loving and caring, incredibly friendly
✦ Quirks
has mysophonia lv 7/10 
Has a YEEHAW accent that comes out more when hes excited
✦ Phobias
Leaving his family/family leaving him (death or otherwise)
people seeing him as a father figure triggers his anxiety really bad
✦ Section

HE'S DOING HIS BEST!!!!!!!!!!!! :')

✦ Trivia
● Zenith has ADHD-C! he has a lot of stims and symptoms, which lead some people to believe he's autistic, which he doesn't really confirm or deny.
his stims include rubbing his knuckles with his thumbs, grabbing his shirt, messing with his buttons, squeezing his hands or fingers, or holding/rubbing his tummy and arms when he's nervous, flapping his hands, holding his face, singing and rocking when hes happy, clacking/gnashing his teeth when hes bored, and scratching his arms and digging his fingers into himself to varying degrees, and scratching hard surfaces when hes overwhelmed, has his mysophonia triggered, or extremely upset.
● Goes by Mr. Reeves or just Reeves in public, due to having certain identity issues. He doesn't want anyone but close old friends calling him Zenith, and he wants NOBODY to call him Vincent.  
● is sometimes controlled by a demon that lives inside him named Nemesis. It triggers when he's hungry or extremely angry, and causes him to kill and devour people, who usually don't deserve it. due to this, he tries to make sure to remind himself to stay well fed and relatively chilled out, though this can be difficult on his own due to mood swings or executive dysfunction
● he cleans up really nice! especially when going out. though he usually goes for button-ups and t-shirts when at home or casual, when it comes to being fancy he tends to be a touch more "effeminate", as well as super sweet eyeliner  
● has a Bakery Flower Shop called Reeves' Roses! he works alone typically, but will occasionally call in some friends if they wanna help out on a busy day. 
✦ Relationships
Toastfucken kity
Segginresponsible for zenith being ,, a bit on the sad side. Used to be his son, but zen realized how evil this person was so now he's Gone.
OliviaHis best friend!!! they absolutely adore eachother and can usually be found hanging out at 4 am chatting and CACKLING at absolutely nothing

profile html by Hukiolukio