* Hennamae



6 years, 4 months ago



August 3
Female (she/her)
??? Dragon


• Always searching for feelings of wonder.
• Loves to be out and about in nature!
• Enamored with the stars, mountains, and the desert.
• Enjoys cuddling.
• Lively, imaginative, and introspective.


She is a complex individual, with a gentle heart but a sometimes aloof and even cold outer expression. This is probably adapted to ward off unnecessary social interactions, as she tends to have fairly intrusive social anxiety or at least discomfort. This is not to say that she is unfriendly with others; she's actually very adept at being pleasant and friendly--it is rather that she is made uncomfortable by interactions with strangers (especially those that pry into her privacy). However, she is actually very bubbly and outgoing with those that are closest to her, almost seeming to be a completely different individual. Her quirky nature quickly becomes apparent when she is around those she's comfortable with, full of odd interests and behaviors. Far from shallow, she is actually full of deep thought and a particular passion for feelings and spectacles of grand, ethereal wonder. She is infatuated with tales of exciting adventure and heroism, and hopes to go on her own adventure someday. She also likes big words.

Quiet though she may seem, Henna has an adventurous soul, and hates to be stuck in one place or in a routine for too long. She adores the desert, and dreams of one day living there, where she can soak up all the warmth that she wants. She is catlike in nature, not only loving to lay in the sun but also appreciating head rubs and curling up in a plush, cozy nest.

She has a fixation on rocks and crystals, and loves to collect them extensively. She also thoroughly enjoys nature, and is especially fond of the scent of lilacs and of pine forests. She appreciates many different aesthetics, and finds it difficult to place her interests in one "niche"--she likes it that way, though. She loves to be adaptable and flexible, making friends with all sorts of individuals.




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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eu ultrices mauris, vitae efficitur eros. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent gravida vestibulum venenatis. Vivamus semper justo ipsum, quis aliquet arcu gravida a. Pellentesque at ipsum efficitur, mattis ex eu, imperdiet metus. Sed facilisis lacus nec justo luctus accumsan. Ut feugiat arcu eget lacus viverra, vitae vulputate risus faucibus.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eu ultrices mauris, vitae efficitur eros. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent gravida vestibulum venenatis. Vivamus semper justo ipsum, quis aliquet arcu gravida a. Pellentesque at ipsum efficitur, mattis ex eu, imperdiet metus. Sed facilisis lacus nec justo luctus accumsan. Ut feugiat arcu eget lacus viverra, vitae vulputate risus faucibus.



Made with: BeFunky

Mood Music: Monody - TheFatRat

August 3 | Leo Sun/Moon | Scorpio Asc | INFJ