


1 year, 11 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)


Name: Khuda
Age: 25
Species: Dhrotyr
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Gay
Height: 5'10
Relationship: Khuda has a friend he plays video games with that hes never met but has a huge crush on, he hopes to one day be able to meet him, no matter how impossible that goal seems for him.
Personality: Although he seems unapproachable and cold, thats only an act he puts on for his familys sake, being the strong and resilient heir. When Khuda is is on his own he is finally able to let loose and shows his more laid back and kind side. Khuda unfortunately isnt able to show his true self to anybody because of his strict upbringing. When he has free time he gets lost in the world inside of his computer screen, not being able to have public appearances outside official ones his parents set up, he uses an alias onine and has fun playing video games and making friends there. Without being to let go of his responsibilities like this would probably break him, but as long as his family doesnt find otu about this, he is able to be himself if just for a little bit each week. So although hed be difficult to approach irl, he is very friendly and doesnt ignore people who try talking to him on purpose, he simply cant break the act infront of his parents.
Other: Khuda is a zebra dhrotyr hybrid. He is born from a strong and extremely famous Dhrotyr bloodline that is said to be descendants from the first Dhrotyr that ever made contact with humans , because of this hes got a lot of responsibility and not enough time to make friends outside of relatives and potential spouses. Khuda loves playing video games, it being his only hobby that he chose for himself.Although he hates most of his responsibilities and sports or arts his parents forced onto him, he loves knife throwing and is also incredibely good at both throwing the knife and using it for more practical things, like defending himself or quickly slicing up a bunch of vegetables when helping his siblings or maids cook (he is nto a good cook himself at all).