Bubble Longear



6 years, 2 months ago


Bubble Longear


Basic Information

Beaux Longear

Bubble, Captain

January 2nd 831



Female she/her

3’ 7”


Languages Spoken
Standard, Whispers









Magic Alignment


Artistic Notes

Reference Sheet: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/44021293/


Physical Appearance: Very athletic. She’s used to running around and doing heavy lifting. Her fur is generally clean, but it’s often tangled or unkept. Unless stated otherwise she’ll always be wearing her captain’s hat

Clothing: Bubble almost always wears formal captain style clothing. On the off chance she’s wearing something else, it’ll be more casual workout gear. That being said, she always wears her hat. Always

Expressions: Confident, happy, mischievous


Likes: Adventure, running, airships, purple

Dislikes: Being patronized, demons, mountains, caffeine


Bubble is very bold and outgoing. She’s not afraid to voice her opinion and stand up for what she believes in. That being said, she tends to speak faster than she thinks. It’s not uncommon for her to say something only for her to regret it immediately afterwards. Many people who aren’t acquainted with her find her annoying because of this. It’s not that she’s trying to be mean or malicious, it’s just that she doesn’t think things through.

Generally speaking Bubble could be considered a proud individual. She doesn’t like being proved wrong and she doesn’t like her opinions being swept aside. This is mainly due to her upbringing; seeing as Whiver tends to not be taken seriously in Mirror Domain. Being treated like a child really sets her off. She feels the need to rise above the stereotypes and prove everybody wrong, even if it means putting on a charade. Her act can be draining on her at times, and every now and then she’ll reach her breaking point.

Despite her occasional temper and snarky nature, Bubble is a positive and peppy individual. Her optimism can get sickening at times, as she’ll try to find the light even in the darkest of situations. She just wants to explore the world she lives in and see what it has to offer. Anything that happens along the way, good or bad, is just part of the experience that is life. She’s happy to be alive, and she’d like to spread her positivity to everyone around her.


Strengths: Optimism

Weaknesses: Overzealous

Weapons/Tools: Airship

Bubble is faster than the average Whiver. She’s faster than the average mortal in general. Whether this is a magical ability or a physical one is unknown, but it's safe to say that she’s able to outrun most beings. This power does come with a downside, however, and that’s that it takes a tremendous amount of energy. Bubble is a sprinter, not a marathon runner. Her powers can only be used in short bursts.


Addictions: None

Mental Illnesses: ADHD

Physical Illnesses: None

Disabilities: None

Allergies: None


Beaux was born in the country of Spracot into a very unusual family. Spracot was known for its high population of Whiver, but despite this most of the Whiver there still worked under a higher being. Being a servant or an otherwise unskilled worker was the standard; as it was everywhere else in Mirror Domain for her kind.

Beaux’s family was different. Her great grandfather dreamed of one seeing the world, and he dedicated his entire life to doing so. For a time he wanted to set sail and spend his days traveling via ship around the Fathomless sea, but this idea was short-lived. Yes, the sea did give him access to several different countries, but it just wasn’t enough. He wanted to see Mirror Domain as a whole; meeting new people and learning new information. After a while he’d reach a roadblock. There’s only so many places you can see on the open ocean, and once you’ve seen them all there’s nothing left.

So, the focus of his desires shifted from sea vessel to air vessel. Airships had existed for several decades and using them for long distance travel was beginning to get into the mainstream. Not enough for there to be hundreds of them in the skies, but enough to where most capital cities at least had a landing strip of some kind. This seemed far more viable to her great grandfather, so he began formulating a plan on how to acquire one.

He worked day in and day out in his shop, gathering materials and tweeking blueprints in order to build a ship of his own. No one in their right mind would sell a vessel like this to a Whiver, but they’d gladly sell the raw materials needed to build one. After years and years of hard work and effort, her great grandfather finally had an airship to call his very own. He named this ship Valor. Valor was passed down to his firstborn child, and then the firstborn after that. Eventually this Airship ended up under the ownership of Beaux’s very own father.

From a very early age, Beaux had an odd fascination with the ship. Her father and grandfather both saw it as a tool. A means of getting from point A to point B in order to conduct the family business, which had turned from exploration to shipping cargo. Getting out and exploring the world was fun, but it wasn’t viable. Her great grandfather had almost gone bankrupt during his expeditions and his children and grandchildren were left to pick up the pieces. Beaux saw this ship in the same light as her great grandfather. A means of leaving this country and seeing the world.

Ever since she was little Beaux did whatever she could to sneak aboard and follow her father on his journeys. She did so successfully many times. Each time it made her father greatly upset, but she continued on nonetheless. Nothing anyone ever said to her as to why she wasn’t allowed to tag along made sense. Did it really matter if she missed a few months of school? Surely she’d learn far more during her travels.

While Beaux loved the ship dearly, she was also faced with the fact that she wouldn’t inherit it. Traditionally Valor was given to the firstborn of the family, making Beaux second in line. Her only sibling and older brother, Jack, was destined to take over both the ship and the family business once their father became too old.

She never resented her brother for this since neither of them had any influence over when they were born. Instead, she tried to gain his favour so they could work on the ship as a joint adventure. Jack never took issue with this. In fact, he welcomed the idea. He and his sister were extremely close and they had been since the beginning. So, whenever Beaux tried to sneak on the ship, Jack would help out. Oftentimes they’d both end up as stowaways, much to their father’s dismay.

The constant running away from home and being away for months at a time really put a strain on the family. Beaux’s mother never traveled on Valor because she was supposed to be watching the children, but they’d both sneak onto the ship. Both parents were constantly worried about who was where and if they were safe. You can’t just assume that if your child isn’t at home that they're on the airship with their father. What if they got left behind? What if they fell overboard? It put so much of a strain on Beaux’s parents that their relationship began to suffer as a consequence.

Something had to be done about this. There had to be a better way to keep track of these little Whiver. So, Beaux’s parents began to work out a system. Valor was forbidden to depart until both Beaux and Jack were present where they needed to be. This was usually right outside of the airship; where both of their parents could see where they were. This did end up delaying Valor more often than not, but it really helped smooth things over. Now no one had to worry about who was where or if they were safe since they’d already know.

Despite this newfound system, Beaux still tried to fight it. She wanted to be on the airship. She needed to be on the airship. The sense of adventure and excitement she got while traveling was too good to pass up. She saw no real reason why she had to stay behind. What would she do? Go to school? What’s the point in going to school if she was just going to work on the airship anyway? Shouldn’t she be spending her time learning about her job there instead?

For a stint of her childhood Beaux was grounded. The airship would go on it’s deliveries without her. Instead of traveling the world and seeing the sights, Beaux was stuck at home. Going to school and doing other normal teenage work. She’d help her mother around the house, take care of her grandparents, and work a few odd jobs every now and then. Even though her life was pretty occupied, she still spent the majority of her time dreaming of the airship.

Eventually both Beaux and Jack got hired on as permanent crew members. They were more or less both going to inherit it someday, so they might as well make themselves useful. Of course, Beaux was ecstatic when she heard this news. Spending all day every day on Valor sounded like a dream come true. For a while it was.

Day in and day out, Beaux worked on the ship. At first she did menial tasks, such as mopping floors and dusting, but after a few years of hard work she was trusted with more and more. By the time she was sixteen she was helping her father chart courses and learning to navigate all by herself. Having three ship heads really helped with the workflow of things. Beaux’s father would tend to business matters, Jack would take care of crew related happenings, and Beaux would navigate. The family of Whiver had struck the perfect balance.

As a bit of a going away gift, Beaux’s grandfather gave her a special parting gift. On her first birthday after being hired to work on Valor, her grandfather gave her her great grandfather's old captains hat. It’d been a family keepsake over the years, reminding the Longear family of their origins. Beaux’s grandfather thought that if anyone was worthy of keeping such an item, it’d be Beaux. Sure, Jack was going to be the one inheriting the ship, but he wasn’t suited for the title. Jack was captain by birthright, but Beaux was captain in spirit. This hat quickly became Beaux’s most prized possession. It was a reminder that she was worthy of traveling on Valor and a valuable crew member.

One day before departing on their typical route Beaux was called into her father's office. He explained that there were certain quarrels between countries and that he needed her help altering their flight path. Getting too near either of these places put their ship and their lives at risk. He wanted Beaux help chatting a course that'd lose them the least amount of time. Sure, they were going to be late regardless, but their business partners would understand. As long as they made an effort to lose as little time as possible they'd be fine.

After looking at the map and talking things over for what seemed like hours the two whiver came to a decision. While they were dangerous, there were no countries near the mountains. If they followed the mountainline closely they'd be able to avoid the current war and ensure they'd male their delivery unscathed. Convincing her father was one thing. He trusted Beaux a great deal, especially considering how dedicated she was to valor and this lifestyle. It was convincing the crew that was the tricky part.

Most of Valor’s crew were indifferent towards their captain. He was a whiver, yes, but he’d proven himself computant enough at his trade. His children were another matter. Valor's crew didn't trust Beaux or Jack. The only thing worse than a whiver was an adolescent whiver. The adults were childish and unintelligent enough as is. How could they trust a child?

So, Beaux and her father agreed that they'd leave her out of this when suggesting the idea to the crew. If they thought this was the captain's idea they'd be more likely to go along with it; and it’d be less likely to cause tension or resentment. The last thing any of them wanted was a mutiny while they were stuck over the most dangerous part in Mirror Domain thousands of feet in the air.

Beaux didn’t mind this course of action. At the end of the day, she was the one to chart the course. She’d be the one navigating, and she’d be the one left with the satisfaction of a job well done when they finally arrived at their destination. Whether she got credit for this or not didn’t matter. All that mattered was the fact that it worked. Credit was arbitrary to her.

Eventually the captain got everything settled with the crew and Valor set off on it’s next delivery. The idea of traveling the mountain boarders wasn’t as well received as anyone would have liked, but at least the crew didn’t seem opposed. Flying over a mountain range was better than flying over a warzone. Especially if it meant that they’d avoid being shot at. The only real risk was that of flying demons, but as long as they knew that risk and took proper precautions then all would be well.

Valor set off and for a time everything did go as planned. The weather near the borders of the mountains could be a bit unpredictable at times. Large sandstorms and strong winds were very common. Despite this, the ship pushed on and continued on it’s charted course with little issue. It was a large and sturdy ship. No one wind storm could blow it off it’s course. Especially not with Beaux navigating.

As time went on tensions began to rise. Some of the ships crew were starting to get routy. Paranoia was running higher and higher the longer they remained within range of the mountains, and it was causing some of the crew to act out. A small fight here and there. Fights which quickly escalated into long and drawn out arguments over the pettiest of things. People began to worry more and more about small and unimportant things.

Whether this was just in their heads or a side effect of demonic power was unknown. All Beaux knew was that the crew was getting upset. It was usually up to her brother Jack to take care of things like this, but even Jack was succumbing to the cabin fever. He needed her help, so she began spending more time settling quarrels between crew members than actually piloting the ship. Valor would be fine, right? As long as she locked the sails in place and made minor adjustments every now and then the ship would continue along its course without much issue.

About three weeks into the journey the wind storms began picking up more and more. At first they happened once every few days. Soon it was every other day, and finally every day without fail. Valor was getting pushed more and more off course. Not only could Beaux not see through all of the sand, dust, and mountain tops, but their compass began to act strangely as well. It seemed to be getting drawn to something in the area instead of pointing north. They had no way to navigate.

One night around dusk the windstorm picked up with rage and power unlike any storm they’d encountered thus far. It was so powerful that the ship was getting rocked back and forth. Crew members found it hard to keep themselves upright, and the ones on the top deck found it hard to keep their feet on the ground. The wind picked up a few of them, but they managed to keep themselves on board.

Panic and arguments began to break out. No one knew what to do. Did they continue on and risk getting blown into the mountains, or did they land and risk getting swarmed with demons? Should they increase their altitude? Should they try stalling and staying in place until the storm blows over? Everything was up in the air, and the crew was at a total loss. None of them had ever encountered anything like this before. It was terrifying.

Suddenly, a large gust of wind picked up and swept one of the crew overboard. It was a lesser dragon named Taxton. His wings allowed the wind to carry him far and very soon he’d been completely lost from view. Everyone began to panic at this point. Someone had been blown overboard! This had never happened before. They had to get everyone below deck. But Beaux couldn’t go below deck. She was in charge of navigation. If no one took charge and steered the ship in the right direction they’d be at the mercy of the storm; a storm which didn’t seem merciful. No, she had to stay up and push on.

Both Jack and her father did their best to gather the crew and get them all below deck. Everyone had more or less gathered towards the edge of the ship where Taxton had been blown away; looking over the edge to see if he’d fly back on board. The arguments continued as people debated over what to do. Half of the crew agreed with Beaux. Someone should be upstairs on the top deck to ensure they didn’t crash. The other half wanted to get everyone below deck. It was madness.

As the argument raged on, Beaux saw something cut through the storm. It was a very brief silhouette. A large and pointy silhouette. At first it seemed like the mountain range coming into view, but something was off about it. Whatever this thing was appeared to be moving. It bobbed up and down as if it were swimming through an ocean of sand and dust. Beaux wanted to get a closer look. If there was something in the area she’d have to do her best to avoid it, but she couldn’t avoid what she couldn’t see. Peering over the ship, Beaux could see a large set of yellow eyes staring back at her. These eyes were enormous! Much larger than anything she’d ever seen before.

As soon as the eyes came into view, they disappeared back down into the dust. A second later, a gargantuan creature shot upwards and rammed its head into the side of the ship. Beaux tried to scream out to the crew. She tried to warn them; tell them to get down. But the creature was too fast. She managed to get a grip on the steering wheel at the last possible second before the creature collided with the side of the ship. The collision sent everyone careening overboard as the ship was turned sideways. Debris and sand was blown every which way and the once mighty Valor was sent on a collision course with the mountain range below.

Beaux tried her damndest to hold on to the steering wheel, but the jolt from the crash was too powerful. She too was sent crashing down to the ground below, albeit after several seconds of free falling. Her body rammed against the side railings of the ship right as it collided with the ground. Oddly enough, there was no pain. Just terror, screaming, and then nothing. Everything seemed to stop as her body hit the ground. All of the feelings and chaos of the situation. It was all gone. Everything was black, and Beaux felt peaceful.

The storm finally subsided and morning came as usual. A gentle warm light finally jolted Beaux awake. Soft and inviting light that was ever so slightly casting through the broken and battered debris of Valor. Getting up proved to be a challenge. Beaux’s body had been badly damaged from the crash. Her legs felt weak and her head was pounding. Still, she pushed on. She was alive. If she was alive, the rest of her crew might be as well. It was her duty to check on their wellbeing.

Beaux rubbed her head in agony. Something felt a bit off about it, though. It took awhile to figure out what it was in her dazed state. There wasn’t any blood. A few bruises maybe, but she wasn’t bleeding. There wasn’t anything on her head at all! That’s when it hit her. Her hat! Her prized possession was gone! She had to find her hat, but it could wait. Her crew was more important than a silly piece of fabric. She had to find them before finding her hat. So, Beaux started to make her way out of the wreckage and out into the unknown landscape of the mountains.

Peeking her head out from behind the bow of the ship, Beaux could see what appeared to be a pair of Kodin looking over the body of a now deceased crew member. It wasn’t clear what these two were doing. They were too far away to hear properly, and they were both speaking in a language Beaux couldn’t understand. It almost seemed like they were looting the bodies. She could see them rummaging around their pockets; pulling out an item or two and placing them in their own pockets. Seeing this angered Beaux. How dare they come here just to loot the wreckage? This was her ship, and that was her crew!

While she was disorientated and weary, Beaux managed to get up and run over to them, yelling at them to drop what they’d stolen and surrender. This surprised both Kodin. One of them yelped loudly before taking several steps away from the body. The other stood firmly in place. Both of these Kodin were several feet taller than Beaux, but she didn’t care. She didn’t have anything left to lose at this point. If she was going to die, she’d go down defending Valor and its crew. Surprisingly, neither Kodin got violent with her. The timid one immediately began explaining the situation.

Their names were Sonie and Thunder. They’d come to the mountains at the request of a lesser dragon named Taxton. He’d told them about the crash and how the crew may be in danger. These two were the only people willing to travel into the dangers of the mountain range in search of this fallen ship. Beaux tried to listen to them, but her attention was being pulled every which way. Part of her wanted to listen to what these two had to say, while the other part of her wanted to run off in search of her crew. On top of all this, she was fighting to even keep herself upright. Her injuries were very taxing on her body, and all of this excitement was only making things worse.

Her desire to recover her crew won out in the end, and Beaux began shouting out their names in hopes of getting a response. Both Kodin tried stopping her; telling her she was too injured to be running around the area like this. Beaux didn’t listen to them, though. She needed to find her crew. Her family. Her father, the captain, and her brother Jack. If she was alive, who’s to say they weren’t as well? They had to be.

Sonie could tell that Beaux wasn’t going to leave until she’d found her friends, so she began sniffing around the area for any signs of life. Thunder seemed reluctant to even be there in the first place, but he too began helping in the search. The trio began scouring the area, looking between every crevasse and behind every rock for any straggling crew members. They found a great deal of them, but none of them in time. Every crew member they stumbled across had succumb to their injuries.

It was disheartening, but Beaux pushed on. Taxton was alive. She was alive as well. There just had to be more. Her father and Jack had yet to be found. Maybe they’d already found their way back to town. If Sonie and Thunder had been sent out to rescue her, maybe more people were on the way. It was just a matter of time. The trio had found everyone except Beaux’s family. She had to find them. Dead or alive, she had to find them. She needed the peace of mind that came from knowing. Beaux didn’t want to be left thinking “what if” for the rest of her life. That’s why she was so hellbent on recovering the entirety of her crew, even if it meant tallying the bodycount.

During her search for her lost crew, the trio ended up stumbling upon Beaux’s hat. It’d been a bit scuffed and damaged from the crash, but finding it gave Beaux hope. If they could find a little hat in the fast expanse of the mountain range, surely they’d be able to find Jack and her father. It was just a matter of time now. There was no way two almost four foot tall Whiver could be blown farther away from the ship than a little hat. No, they had to be getting closer. She just knew it.

Some shuffling could be heard off to the north. Beaux began to make her way over, but she was quickly stopped by Thunder. The Kodin both seemed to be on edge at the noise, and neither of them wanted Beaux to follow it. It could be a demon. A demon of any size could easily take her out given her current state. She was small, injured, and disoriented. A very easy target. Beaux didn’t like being treated like a helpless child, but she was in no position to fight this. Instead she let Sonie check out the noise while she stayed behind with Thunder.

Sonie poked her head behind a large wall-like boulder. Her tail fluffed up to almost twice its size and she immediately retreated. She muttered something about how she’d found something bad, and how they should leave now. Whatever it was, she really didn’t want Beaux to see it. The two Kodin spoke to each other in the same unknown language as earlier, and Thunder’s face grew solemn and sad. Neither of them were telling Beaux what was going on, so she took it upon herself to go and see. Thunder tried to stop her, but she was too fast for him. Even in her injured state her walking speed was over double his own. He never stood a chance.

Looking behind the rock, Beaux saw a sight she’d never forget. Lying on the ground in front of her was the half eaten body of her father. It seemed as if a demon had dragged him over here to have a nice meal. There wasn’t much left of him, other than the tattered captain's coat he’d been wearing. It’d been tossed to the side. Presumably the demon that did this had torn it off of him and discarded it. Seeing this broke her. She ran over to her father and desperately tried to shake him awake; despite the fact that he was obviously beyond help. She cried and pleaded for him to get up. He had to get up.

Eventually both Sonie and Thunder managed to drag her away from the scene. They grabbed the tattered coat and wrapped it around Beaux’s shoulders before walking her back to the ship. But she couldn’t go back yet. She hadn’t found Jack! They’d managed to find everyone else, but Jack was still missing. He could still be alive! He could be right around any corner, just waiting for someone to find him. They couldn’t give up their search now! It’d been several hours by this point. All three of the group were starting to get tired, but Beaux insisted they continue the search. They couldn’t leave Jack. They had to find him, no matter what it took.

Her injuries started to become more and more taxing. Beaux’s legs felt heavy and gravity seemed to be fighting to pull her down. Eventually it became too much for her. In the midst of her speech, her plea to find Jack, Beaux collapsed on the ground. Her vision started to become blurry and distorted, but she managed to stay conscious. At least she was conscious enough to hear what the Kodin had to say.

Thunder bent down next to her and began explaining he was going to take her back into town. All of them were tired at this point, and if they continued this search any longer then none of them would have the strength to hike back. They all needed to go down, tend to Beaux’s injuries, and get some much needed rest. Then they could come back tomorrow to continue their search. If Jack was still alive, he’d be able to make it one more day. It was a few more hours of walking, but the three eventually made it back to town. The only remnants Beaux had of her once beautiful ship was her great grandfather’s hat and her father’s coat.

In town Beaux was taken to the local guild. That’s where Taxton had gone to seek help and Sonie and Thunder were hoping to meet up with him. Perhaps being reunited with her crew would give Beaux some much needed hope. At the very least they could discuss what to do with the ship from here. Taxton was less than pleased to see Beaux walk in the door. She’d been the one trying to steer Valor through the storm. If she hadn’t been fighting so hard to keep the crew on deck he wouldn’t have been thrown overboard.

In fact, Taxton seemed to blame Beaux’s whole clan on what had happened. He was upset that her father dared to do such a stupid thing. His actions had gotten him and his crew killed. It was further proof that Whiver were childish and unintelligent. These words made Beaux angry. How dare he insult her father like that! It wasn’t his fault they got into this mess! He wasn’t the one to chart their course! He wasn’t. She was. Beaux was the one who planned this trip. It was her decision to head towards the mountains, and it was her fault that the ship had gone so off course. The crash. The crew’s death. All of this was on her. Taxton didn’t stick around to hear her explanation. Once things started to get heated he turned and left, never to be seen again. Not by Beaux, at least.

The next morning Beaux, Sonie, and Thunder all headed back to the crash sight along with some of the guild members. Now that they knew where the crash was, they had a better idea of how safe the area was. The guild agreed to help Beaux clean things up and assess the damage to her ship, on the condition that they could take whatever valuables they saw fit as payment. This seemed reasonable to her. Perhaps it was her shocked state of mind, or maybe she’d hit her head a bit too hard, but she really didn’t care about any of the ship’s cargo.

As everyone was working on cleaning things up, people were asking Beaux about what had happened and what was going on. None of them seemed to believe her claims. A Whiver captain? It was unheard of. Not only that, but none of them had ever even heard of a creature as large as the one Beaux had described attacking her ship. Everyone was treating her like a delusional child; writing her story off as nothing more than a terrified Whiver trying to rationalize what had happened. That wasn’t the case, though. What she was telling them was true! Her father was the captain, and her ship had been attacked The only people that seemed to believe her were Sonie and Thunder.

During the cleanup Beaux was desperately searching the area for her brother. He still hadn’t been found by this point, and her worry was beginning to overtake her. No one else seemed to care about Jack. Even Sonie and Thunder were beginning to think it was a lost cause. With so many people out here cleaning up the wreckage and scouting around the area, they were bound to find him if he was still here. But he wasn’t here. He wasn’t anywhere. Jack seemed to have disappeared without a single trace. Beaux didn’t want to give up the search, but she had no choice. There were other matters to attend to. She’d just have to accept the fact that she may never know what became of him.

Eventually everything had been cleaned up and the damage to Valor had been properly assessed. The air tank hadn’t been damaged, only the body of the ship. It’d still be able to fly, it’d just be a bit unsafe. Beaux didn’t care, though. If she could get out of here she would. She’d fly back to Spracot. Back home, where people knew who her father was. Her ship could get repaired there. That is, if she could get another crew together.

As much as she didn’t want to admit it, Beaux couldn’t pilot the ship on her own. Sure, she could navigate and she knew how to steer, but she couldn’t handle everything else. A lot of general maintenance required an amount of strength Beaux just didn’t have. That’s why her father’s crew was made up largely of Lesser Dragons. Valor was specially tailored to Whiver, but there were some things that were just unavoidable. Beaux needed people to help her. She needed a crew.

Finding such a crew was difficult, though. She had no means of paying them for their work, and she had no real way to get them back home in a timely manner. No one in town seemed very keen on being bossed around by a Whiver either. None of them took her seriously. The few people that even believed that she knew how to pilot a ship were put off by the rest of her story. It was safe to say that the little reputation she’d gotten in this place over the past few weeks was negative.

There were two people interested in her offer, however. Sonie and Thunder, the Kodin that’d had been sticking close by as this situation was unfolding. Both of them were up for joining Beaux on the ship. Thunder didn’t get along with his family, and he’d been trying to get away for quite some time. Sonie had no money and nowhere else to go. They were both fine tagging along with Beaux as long as she provided them a safe place to stay.

So, the three gathered everything they needed in order to return to Spracot and set off. As the journey continued on, the three got to know each other more and more. All of them had one thing in common, and that was the fact that they were alone. Beaux had lost her family, Thunder had been disowned, and Sonie had been abandoned since the beginning. None of them had anyone anymore, yet somehow they’d all been brought together in the right place at the right time. It seemed like fate in a way.

All three members of this newfound crew had one other thing in common as well. The fact that they’d all been scarred by the carnage that was Valor’s crash. While it was never explicitly discussed, the three came to an unspoken agreement that the events of that day would never leave this ship. They wouldn’t talk about it with anyone. Beaux wanted to forget it ever happened, and neither Sonie or Thunder wanted to remind her. As far as Beaux was concerned, she was an only child who was raised by her great grandfather. Once he passed, she’d inherited the airship. It was better to believe that. She still wanted the ship to be a thing of adventure and excitement, not a painful reminder of her greatest failure.

After a few months of travel the crew arrived in Spracot. Beaux did her best to lie low and get Valor repaired as quickly as possible. No talk of the crew, no mention of her family, nothing. She didn’t even visit her mother and grandparents upon returning. If her crew was dead, she thought it’d be best to die with them. She’d rather live on in their memories as a valiant sailor than a murderous failure. Beaux didn’t want her failure to follow her for the rest of her life. She had to start over. Beaux Longear was no more. From now on, she’d go by a new name.

How Beaux came to be known as Bubble is a story she largely keeps to herself, mostly to save herself from embarrassment. The name came from an inside joke between the crew. When she’d first introduced herself to them, her daze had made her stutter a bit. Her stuttering made them mishear her name, and the three have been joking about it ever since. Bubble not only began responding to the name, but she straight up refused to be called Beaux. Eventually her name became one of those things. Something that, despite being relatively new, seemed to always be that way. To the crew, her name had always been Bubble. The name Beaux was almost alien to all of them.

Bubble didn’t want to stay in Spracot. There was nothing for her here anymore. The death of her father and the failure to meet quota meant her father’s business had come to an abrupt end. She wanted to take Valor and explore Mirror Domain, but she was stuck in the same situation as her great grandfather. She had no money to upkeep the ship. This couldn’t be it for the airship, though. There had to be something she could do to salvage things. This ship was all she had left, she couldn’t lose it now.

That’s when Sonie suggested something. She’d traveled to the mountain range in search of a treasure that’d been rumored to be there. In fact, she’d been hunting for valuable items around Mirror Domain since she was a child. Sonie wanted to uncover valuable treasures and sell them for a high profit. Artifacts, relics, ancient ruins. Anything that could be considered treasure. The main thing that’d prevented her from doing so was the fact that she had no real connections. She wasn’t part of a guild, she had no money, and no means of traveling. But she did have knowledge, and with the help of Valor she could use this knowledge to uncover some of these treasures.

Traveling to the unknown areas of Mirror Domain in search of treasures was alluring to Bubble. Not only that, but with Thunder around they also got guild benefits from the guild he was associated with. Even if they didn’t find treasure, they could always go from place to place doing guild work. Hunting demons and apprehending criminals. The possibilities seemed endless! This trio of misfits seemed to have everything they needed in order to make a name for themselves. All they had to do was take this opportunity while they still had the chance.


Sonie Jewel

A close friend and trusted crew member. Bubble and Sonie have been in this together since the beginning. The two’s positive energies often play off of each other; sometimes causing a feedback loop of questionable decisions. It’s not that either intend to do anything bad or malicious, it’s just that one will get excited about an idea and the other will pick up on it. Both of them enjoy the thrill of adventure, after all! Luckily they have at least one mediator in their crew to settle the two and keep the peace. Good or bad, the two get along very well. They’re thick as thieves. Both part of this little found family that Bubble’s crew has become.

Thunder Alto

While Bubble and Thunder are extremely close, it’s safe to say that their conflicting personalities get in the way at times. She views Thunder as a bit of a downer. Oftentimes she gets frustrated with his overly cautious nature and his pessimistic attitude. Still, Bubble needs someone like him around. He’s often the one to make the tough decisions the crew is often faced with. Things that may put them in danger if not properly thought over. The calm and rational one. Bubble greatly appreciates this, even if it does mean a minor annoyance every now and then.


Creation date: December 2012

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Voice Claim: None

Other: I made Bubble back in 2012 with the intention of replacing my main character, Sonie. Originally she was meek and anxious, but her and Thunder have slowly swapped personalities over the years. Eventually I re-wrote her entire character to reflect this change.