Alpaca Felisarda Olemodowl



6 years, 2 months ago


One of my fursonas!! Often reffered to as simply "Alpaca" or "Bellalpaca", this lesbian got created by mistake with the simplest design of the three! Mostly pictured having casual slice-of-life conflicts and being very friendly and caring, spends a lot of time being worried about multiple things (mostly what Katails is putting in her mouth) and thinking about her girlfriend.


Other facts about her:

>She kind of came to life in the middle of my alpaca obsession in 2013, I started drawing myself as an Alpaca a lot and before I knew it she was obviously my fursona

>She resembles me physically the most! Very tall and very fluffy with glasses and a dumb gay face

>Most of her doodles of the past have her accompanied by my past best friend's current animal obsession, Bunny or Bunnyan! We haven't talked much so that's not a thing anymore :0

>The "omo" on her chest stands for the cleaning products brand, it's a reference to a very old inside joke I had with my old gang of friends, I'm not sure what it's about but it definitely has something to do with my lesbianism, or at least it does now

>She can't do much magic BUT she can spin a tiny hulla-hoop on her horn for hours!

>Back in 2013/2014 I had a weird phase where my sunburns and my acne mixed up to make me look like I was flustered all the time, so Alpaca has pink cheeks!

>Out of my three fursonas, Alpaca tends to be everyone's favorite!!!
