Aeon Esse



6 years, 2 months ago


Basic Information

Full Name: Aeon Esse

Nickname: Eon

Birthday: December 8th 462

Species: Demon

Purity: N/A

Gender: Male he/him

Height: 5’ 7”

Sexuality: N/A

Languages Spoken: Demonic, Lupin, Whispers

Artistic Notes

Reference Sheet: Note: Aeon is anthro. Not feral

Physical Appearance: A bit scraggy. His fur is often messy or ruffled, but not for lack of personal care. Moreso it’s because his feral tendencies make it difficult to keep a pristine appearance. That said, his fur is very fluffy and soft, even if it does look a bit messy. Aeon is a bit on the thin side.

Clothing: Often wears a leather jacket and a red shirt. Casual but nice looking. His clothes are usually scuffed/torn/worn.

Expressions: Aloof, scared, confused


Likes: Adventure, history, sweet foods, friends

Dislikes: Felines, blood, hurting people, being alone

Fears/Phobias: Memory loss

Aeon is a very confused, yet curious individual. His lack of past memories is deeply concerning to him, and he often spends hours on end trying to grasp at anything he might be able to recall. Considering he can’t remember much about the world he lives in, a lot of average everyday things are brand new to him. He loves learning about these, whatever they may be. Because of an event in his past, Aeon has a particular dislike for Feline variant Kodin. No matter how hard he tries, he’s unable to bring himself to trust them regardless of their personality. He also doesn’t care much for regular cats, although he’ll put up with them because he knows an animal can’t do anything malicious without outside influence. Other than that, though, Aeon loves people. He doesn’t like being alone because him being alone wears at his mental state.

Aeon’s memory loss has made him fairly naive. He’s not stupid, but his need to get his memories back often clouds his judgement. If someone claims to have a way to return them to him he’ll do anything, even if he knows he’s being taken advantage of. On the flip side, if he feels like someone is withholding this information from him he’ll become angry and irate. While he doesn’t like hurting others, often going great lengths to avoid it entirely, if Aeon were to ever encounter the person who took his memories in the first place he’d probably kill them with no hesitation.

Generally speaking Aeon is aloof and confused, but certain types of magic will alter his mental state. When around Blue Magic he’ll get what he calls “moments of clarity”. The fog shrouding his mind clears, and he’s able to recall far more about his past than he would otherwise. He’ll act Mortal. When around Red Magic, however, Aeon will turn into a feral beast. Instinct takes over. He’s unable to understand language. People become threatening. Aeon calls this Red Magic alter ego “Eon” in hopes to separate himself from that form as much as possible. He hates when Eon takes over, as he can’t remember anything Eon does.


Strengths: Immortal

Weaknesses: Memory loss, Feral tendencies

Weapons/Tools: None

Aeon has a vastly increased sensitivity to magic. He’s able to sense different types and their sources from several yards away. His sensitivity is so great that even the ambient magic in an area is able to alter his personality. It can be maddening at times, given two of the three main types of magic give off less than favourable effects, but it’s an extremely useful skill. Being able to sense Magic like this allows him to track artifacts, relics, and even wizards or warlocks with ease; keeping him out of danger.


Addictions: Blue Magic

Mental Illnesses: Amnesia

Physical Illnesses: None

Disabilities: None

Allergies: None


Aeon was born in Patallon back in the year 462. Back then, Pattalon had yet to interact with the outside world all that much. Because of this, Aeon’s early childhood was extremely sheltered. He was never taught any other languages, he never learned the customs of different species. Hell, until he was seven years old he didn’t even know there were other variants of Kodin. He thought they were all Vulpine.

The early years of his life were pretty average. During the mornings he’d go to school, and in the evening he’d help his dad at the local Demon hunters guild. Demon hunting was his family’s main source of income. Seeing as Patallon is so close to the mountains, Demons were an extremely common problem. Not only that, but the Demons from this mountain range were known to be far more intelligent and dangerous than the average Demon. Many of the guild members had to be specially trained to identify these Demons, Aeon included.

While he wasn’t an official member of the guild, everyone there loved him. Guild work was dark and grueling. A happy go lucky child such as Aeon really helped lighten the mood. Perhaps he was a bit naive, but he always brought a smile to the guid members' faces when he made innocent remarks on otherwise terrifying demons. Sometimes the guild would even let Aeon nickname the Demons they hunted in order to lift people’s spirits. It’s hard not to have a laugh when you’re hunting a demon named “fluffy pants”. The guild loved him, and he loved being there.

That being said, working at a guid like this inherently brought on many hardships. People he considered to be his friends often came home injured or, sometimes, wouldn’t come home at all. In the span of an hour someone he’s known for the past seven years could cease to exist. Harsh realities like this were always hard. No matter how many times it happened, Aeon was never able to prepare himself for these losses.

In order to cope, Aeon took to practicing magic. It was a nice way to distract himself. You can’t focus too much on the death of a loved one when you’re deep in a book trying to figure out the technicalities of a spell. Like most people, he knew that Blue Magic was the magic of life.  He also knew that this magic was able to drive away Demons and other evil beings. If he could harness the power of this magic for himself, he’d be able to keep his friends and family safe from the dangers of the mountains. If they got hurt he could heal them. If a demon got too close he could drive it away. It was the perfect solution to all of this.

There was only one problem, though. Patallon wasn’t known for its vast amounts of Blue Magic. If anything the most prominent type of magic here was Red Magic, seeing as it’s so heavily tied to demons. Finding enough blue magic to replenish his Mana was difficult. Learning how to use it with this many setbacks was even more so. His family thought this was an impossible task, but they supported his efforts nonetheless. Their town didn’t have any powerful wizards or mages, so if Aeon were to become one he’d grow up to be incredibly successful. Most of Aeon’s teenage years were spent studying magic. His guild work slowed to a halt as his studies took over his life. Sure, he still spent a lot of his time at the guild, but his involvement with jobs had ceased.

Eventually, his love for blue magic became too big of an issue. He desperately wanted to get better with magic, but the magic of his choice was just too difficult and expensive to acquire. Many of his friends urged him to switch to general magic practice. Learn the basics of Green magic and master that. He’d still be able to protect the town from demons with green magic. Aeon wasn’t convinced, though. He’d gotten it into his head that learning a “weaker” magic would bring his skills down overall. He though that if he got too used to using green magic, blue would be too powerful for him. In order to keep his skills sharp, he needed to continue on with these studies. Things were getting difficult. His bull headedness was beginning to cause a strain on many of his relationships. It was easy for the adults to brush it off as teenage angst, which only frustrated him further. For the longest time there didn’t seem to be a solution to this problem, but in his early twenties Aeon would meet the person who’d later become his mentor.

Life began to change for Aeon around the year 480. An abnormally large amount of demons began to invade the area, causing chaos within the country. Aeon’s hometown was hit the hardest, seeing as it was one of the closest cities to the base of the mountain. It was an all out war. Property was getting destroyed, livestock was getting killed, people were going missing. It was horrible, and Aeon and his family knew this. They knew it was time to pack up and leave. So, the small family of Vulpines collected their belongings and began making their way to their new home. They decided to move to the country of Flaidver. It was one of Patallon’s few allies, and it was far enough from the mountains for Demons not to be as much of an issue. It’d be a lot to get used to, but anything was better than where they were. Patallon was far too dangerous, and Aeon’s family didn’t think it was worth the risk.

Flaidver was definitely a culture shock to Aeon. For one thing, he’d never seen buildings made for anything other than a Kodin. Double wide doors for Centaurs was one of many things that took some getting used to. He also had trouble understanding a huge chunk of the population. The people of Flaidver predominantly spoke Terrin, a language Aeon didn’t speak. He found the language extremely confusing, and given he was already devoting his studies to magic, adding an extra language to his arsonal was too much of a hassle. Too much to learn and not enough time to learn it all.

Still, despite the culture shock Aeon liked Flaidver. There was a small magic school in his city which he was planning on enrolling in. They also had a sizable public library where he could further his studies. Sure, he wasn’t able to read a lot of the books there due to a language barrier, but anything was better than before. At least this city had other magic users at all. Other people he could share his knowledge with. There’d be difficulties, yes, but once he enrolled in school his knowledge of magic would increase tenfold. Fall rolled around, and Aeon managed to get himself enrolled as a student. Because he had no prior schooling he had to start at the bottom, despite the fact his magic far surpassed that of his classmates. Still, it was always good to refresh your memory. There were even some basic things Aeon had never learned, which was good to know. Things were going smoothly.

After a few years in the university Aeon met the person who’d eventually become his mentor. His use of blue magic had put him above many of the other students there and people were starting to take notice. A small group of travelers had found what they believed to be a powerful Relic, and they’d brought it to the university to look it over. It was a blue gem in the shape of an eye, with a white rope strung through the middle of it. At the end of the ropes frayed edges were a plethora of small glass beads. The magic radiating off of this item was so intense that even average people were able to sense its power.

Because this Relic was tied to blue magic, the university gathered their more skilled blue magic users to study it. Aeon was among them. Sure, he wasn’t as knowledgeable in the general practice, but he knew far more about blue magic than many of the other people there. The school was more geared towards general magic use, after all. All of the basics were rooted in green.  Not only was the university working on this, but once word got out other mages from other countries began making their way to Flaidver in order to study it as well.

Amongst them was a black Feline Kodin named DC. He was allegedly extremely well versed in the realm of Magic and when he heard about this Relic he was one of the first ones to come looking for it. He was fascinated with the thing, but at the same time he didn’t seem to know much about the magic within it. DC made it known that he wasn’t too fond of blue magic and that his studies geared more towards the darker side of things. Still, he wanted to uncover the secrets of this relic nonetheless and he needed help from someone who did. Someone like Aeon.

Sure, there were more competent people at the university than Aeon, but people like them were already very set in their ways. DC believed they were old bums who didn’t have any more room to grow. Aeon, however, was young and eager to learn more. Someone with a drive like that was just the kind of person he needed. Their preferred type of magic clashed, but the two got along extremely well. DC was charming and fun, and he had countless stories from his world travels. Aeon had never even heard about some of these things before. Who knew there was an entire settlement of Sinvian!? Aeon didn’t even know they were smart enough to build anything, let alone a town of their own! The study of this relic spanned over the course of a few years, during which time Aeon had begun to move away from the university to study under DC. It’s not that he wasn’t enrolled, he was, but Aeon found DC’s methods of teaching more enriching.

The pair worked together for almost four years. While they didn’t use the same type of magic, a lot of DC’s teachings and techniques were easily retrofitted to his own power. His magic copitancey nearly tripled in the span of time they worked together. Enough for the pair to finally crack the code on this relic once and for all. Over the years people had often talked about how they said and did odd things while the relic was on their person. Saying secrets and truths they’d never tell people otherwise. It’d even dispel certain illusions. That being said, these effects happened seemingly at random. People knew it happened when the Relic was being held, but it only happened some of the times. Other times when it was held it did nothing but look pretty. It was baffling!

The relic had a loop at the top. Everyone assumed that this loop was in order to secure the item to a belt or a backpack or something, But Aeon didn’t think this was the case. Over the years when people held it with their wrist in the loop it would work; but even then it was only occasionally. He knew your hand had to be inside of the loop, but there had to be some other step in the process to get this thing to work all of the time. That’s when he got the idea to point the eye at someone. The gemstone was in the shape of one for a reason, right? What if he made the eye “look” at someone? He had to test this, so he packed up the relic and made his way to DC’s house to give it a try.

DC was a bit hesitant to give it a try, but Aeon managed to convince him it’d be fun. Isn’t that what research is all about anyway? This relic was like one big four year long puzzle, and they were about to find the missing piece! With an analogy like that DC couldn’t help but play along. So, Aeon slipped the relic onto his wrist and made sure the eye of the gem was looking directly at his mentor.  The gem glittered and shined with a bright blue light, but other than that nothing happened. At least, nothing at first.

The Relic was known to shine through illusions. When Aeon pointed it at DC, his appearance began to warp and change. His pure black fur began to get patchy, revealing a grey face with maroon cheeks. A set of horns sprouted from his head, and a third eye opened on his face. On top of all of that, Aeon could swear he saw a large set of leathery wings appear on his back. His mentor went from a well dressed and put together Kodin to a demonic and hellish creature. He jumped at the sight. Aeon knew how to identify demons, and DC ticked all of the boxes. There was no way. Despite his terror, he kept the relic pointed directly at DC. The relic was also known for making people reveal hidden truths. Perhaps he could get him to explain what was going on.

So, he began asking questions. His hands were shaking, and his voice trembled, but he managed to ask DC what the hell he was and why he looked the way he did. He was confused, at first, but he soon realised what was going on when he began spilling his guts. Who was this guy? DC. Lord Lykan. Ex ruler of Vertgate and God of Red Magic. Why was he here? Relics are made by the Gods. He didn’t make this “Eye of Truth”, so he wanted to see what was going on. What did he want with Aeon? Well, it was all part of his game. At a certain point Lykan stopped trying to lie at all. Aeon had bested him in this little game, but he couldn’t be allowed to continue on anymore. Once his ruse was up, he’d no longer be able to study the relic. If people knew who he really was they’d send in guards and armies to come and strike him down. He’d enjoyed Aeon’s company over the years, but Aeon was just another Mortal to him. One of millions. Lykan didn’t want their conversation to leave this room.

With a flick of the wrist, red circles of light appeared around Aeon’s body and constricted him until he was unable to move. Once he was on the ground Lykan sauntered over to him and placed his hand over Aeon’s forehead. His heart was racing at a million miles an hour as he desperately looked for a way out of all this. One moment DC was his close friend and trusted mentor, and the next he was a warlord from ancient times! This couldn’t be happening! There had to be something he could do. Blue magic countered red, but could his magic really rival that of a god?

He couldn’t figure it out in time. In the midst of his panic Lykan shot a devastating blast of magic directly into his skull. His body began to burn, and circles of glowing red rot and decay began appearing on his skin as his body was quite literally torn apart. Aeon could feel his mind beginning to melt. Memories of his time at the university. Memories of his home in Patallon. Slowly, everything he once knew began to disappear into nothingness until his mind was shallow and empty. At a certain point it all became too much. His body began to give up on him, and everything began to fade to black.

Aeon awoke hours later in an unfamiliar place. It looked like he was in the bottom of a dark cave. The area around him was absolutely chalk full of green magic. It was in the ground, the air, the walls. Everywhere around him was dripping with it! So much magic all in one place like this was very disorienting. Not only that, but Aeon couldn’t remember how he’d gotten here. He couldn’t remember anything at all! Not even his own name. Whenever he tried to recall anything it felt as if his mind was locked behind a thick fog that just wouldn’t go away. It was alarming, to say the least. At a certain point Aeon decided to get up and take a look around the area himself. There was no point in sitting around feeling sorry for himself. If he didn’t get up and look around, he’d never get any answers.

Wandering around only brought on more questions. For one thing, Aeon noticed an alarming change to his body. He couldn’t remember what he looked like before, but he knew that the average Kodin didn’t have bright purple circles of rot on their body and an extra mouth affixed to their tail. Traits like this were unnatural. Demonic, even. But that couldn’t be the case! Aeon may not know who he was, but he knew for a fact that he wasn’t a Demon. He was a Kodin! He’d always been a Kodin, right? Demons were evil bloodthirsty beings, and Aeon knew he wasn’t like that. Months went by, and no matter how long or how far Aeon searched he just couldn’t find a way out of this endless void of nothing. On occasion he’d run into what he was sure were demons, but he was able to understand them. He’d never been able to understand Demons before. These must not be “normal” Demons.

During his aimless wandering a few vague memories returned to him. He could recall what he thought was a Feline Kodin talking to him, getting increasingly more and more angry. He had something in his hands, and then the Kodin took it away from him. After that, he got shot with a devastating blast of magic and woke up here. That Kodin, he took something from Aeon. He wasn’t sure what it was, or how much he could even trust this foggy and distorted memory, but he knew for a fact that he’d lost far more than just the item in his hands. That Kodin took far more. He had to find that Kodin. But how would he do it? There was no escaping this place, he knew that for sure. The few demons that’d give him the time of day made it extremely clear. No one exited the Void.

But that wasn’t true, and Aeon knew it. After being there for several years he’d seen firsthand the red magic circles that appeared occasionally. Whenever one did, demons from all over scrambled to get to them before they disappeared. If a demon managed to touch one of these circles, they’d disappear never to be seen again. It was the one true way out of the Void, but there was one glaring issue with this method. Demons had to fight tooth and nail in order to escape. Aeon wasn’t good at fighting without the use of magic, and the magic he found himself good with simply didn’t exist here.

That’s when he met Eon. Eon was a Vulpine just like he was. Her fur was silky white and lightly dotted with the same rot-like patterns Aeon’s was. She was in the same boat as him, but with one distinct difference. Eon was highly skilled in the realms of Red Magic. Her red magic drove Aeon completely mad. Whenever she used it around him he’d begin to go “feral”. His memory would slip, and he’d find himself blacking out. One moment they’d be talking about the last place a magic circle was spotted, and the next they’d be somewhere completely different patching each other’s wounds. He’d have no recollection of a fight or how they even got there.

While he didn’t like her magic, he knew that Eon would be his ticket out of the Void. His ability to sense magic from seemingly miles away paired with her powerful Red Magic made them the perfect pair. He’d begrudgingly put up with her as long as she could guarantee his escape. Once he escaped, he’d be able to find that Feline behind his memory loss and reclaim what was stolen from him, whatever that thing was. They could co-exist until then, but once they were out they’d go their separate ways.

There was one problem, though. After a few weeks of traveling together Aeon found himself becoming less and less lucid. He’d get moments of clarity every now and then, but they’d only last a few minutes. It was almost as if Eon was intentionally keeping him in the dark. Keeping him in his feral state to take advantage of his tracking abilities without having to put up with his complaining. He hated not remembering, and he began resenting Eon for intentionally keeping his memories from him. It was horrible, but he had to grit his teeth and bear it if he ever wanted to escape this hell.

Finally, Aeon was able to make his escape from this place once and for all. His last moment of clarity felt like weeks ago, but he found himself snapping back to reality at the perfect moment. He woke up to him and Eon face to face with a magic circle. There was blood on his fur, although it wasn’t clear whose blood it was. Eon looked more or less the same. She was crouched down by the body of a now deceased demon trying to pickpocket the few belongings he may have had. Once she realised he was lucid, though, Eon abruptly stopped and began to ready an attack.

Eon had never intended on helping Aeon escape. Eon wanted to abuse his abilities to find a magic circle for herself, then ditch him in the Void so she could make her escape. It was crushing, being used like this. It made him angry. So angry that he managed to shake himself from his oncoming feral state long enough to get to the magic circle himself. The two both dived for the exit at the same time, and Aeon had to fight his way out of her grasp. In the end, though, it was Aeon who came out victorious. He slammed his hand directly onto the center of the circle and in an instant the area around him faded away in a bright red blast of energy.

Once again, Aeon woke up in an unknown place with his mind shrouded in a thick fog. He was standing above someone he didn’t know. They were laying face down in the dirt, and he had a nice crimson trail of blood behind him. After a few moments, Aeon could see that he was dragging this person by the arms. He immediately dropped him once he realised what he was doing, and bent down to look over his injuries.

When he turned the man over on his back he could immediately see he was dead. He’d been mauled to death. Large bite marks could be seen all over his body, and huge chunks of flesh were missing. It was a gruesome sight, but that wasn’t the only thing that was alarming. Not only was this man covered in bite marks, but after a few minutes Aeon could taste a raw metallic taste in his mouth. It was dripping with blood; blood that wasn’t his own. That’s when it hit him. He could vaguely remember going “feral”, and this situation lined up perfectly with those outbursts. He was the one who’d mauled this man to death.

An unbearable amount of emotions washed over his as the realisation hit him. Anger, confusion, disgust. It was all so overwhelming! In hopes of calming himself back down, he tried wracking his brain for answers. There had to be a reason behind all of this. He’d never hurt someone like this intentionally! That’s when the name Eon came to him. He didn’t know why, but he associated his feral outbursts with the name Eon. Half because he didn’t want to believe he was capable of murder like this, and half because he wanted to blame someone else, Aeon came to the conclusion that Eon was this feral persona that’d overtake him. If he ever did something bad like this, it wasn’t his doing. It was Eon controlling his actions. Deep down he knew this wasn’t true, but he had to believe it for the sake of his sanity.

While he really didn’t want to admit it, Aeon knew this man was beyond help. He needed food, clothing, and supplies if he was going to survive out here, so he began stripping the man of his belongings. It was horrible, and he even considered stopping what he was doing and just leaving empty handed, but he knew he had to. He needed to survive if he was ever going to get back what was stolen from him. Whatever it was, anyway. Still, he wasn’t just going to rob this man and leave him to rot out in the open like this. After he’d taken everything of value off of the man, he dug a shallow grave and buried him inside. It was the least he could do.

Aeon wandered through the thick swampy area he found himself in for several weeks, trying his best to find any semblance of civilization. The swamp was large and empty, and the entire area smelled heavily of oil, but Aeon’s innate ability to sense magic managed to guide him. As long as he followed the trail of blue magic he’d become so accustomed to, he was confident he’d eventually end up somewhere with people. Blue magic was the magic of life, after all. Surely he’d find some by following it, and find some he did. Aeon eventually found himself in a place known as Clashire. The area had a plethora of blue magic, which kept Aeon’s mental state clear. But getting to Clashire was only the first step.

Aeon quickly realised just how different he was from the people there. Not only were Vulpine Kodin uncommon in the area, but Aeon exhibited many demonic traits that aroused suspicion. He managed to fly under the radar long enough to gather supplies, but he knew he’d never be able to live in town with these people. Not in his current state. They thought he was a demon, and demons were bad. As long as they thought this he’d never fit in with everyone else. Plus, his demonic traits were extremely difficult to hide. There’s no way to hide a tail like his without cutting it off entirely, and that’s not something Aeon wanted to do. So, after gathering supplies Aeon began traveling outside of Clashire to find a place to settle down. Somewhere outside the borders of any nearby countries, but still close enough to civilization to be able to make occasional supply runs if needed.

Eventually Aeon found himself on a small peninsula near the borders of Clashire and Havenlyn. It was a little rocky area full of trees and shrubs and, most importantly, caves. These caves made for a perfect hiding place. Aeon could store his belongings here, knowing they’d be hidden from view and safe from the elements. Over the years this little cavern went from a temporary shelter to a more permanent home. He carved shelves into the rocks, gathered some simple furniture to lay on, and found other bits and bobbles to make this place feel more like home. Aeon lived this way for several years. It was nice here. Sure, it got lonely at times, but Aeon didn’t want to risk his feral side hurting anybody else.

While he liked it here, there was still something missing. Aeon’s memory was still missing. Not only that, but he knew for a fact that someone had taken something from him. That Feline. The black shadowy figure that blasted him in the head with that Red Magic. He had to know what happened that day. It’d drive him insane not knowing. Even if he couldn’t get back what was taken from him, he had to at least get his memories back. He had to know for sure. So, after several years of living alone, Aeon decided he’d finally leave his home in search of this mysterious Feline.

The problem was, the outside world was scary. This Feline had used red magic, meaning Aeon wouldn’t be able to stay lucid during his search. He’d have to hope and pray to whatever God might exist that Eon didn’t end up killing anyone else while on his search. At least, not until he found the bastard that did this to him. He didn’t care what happened to that cat. If anything, he wanted him dead the second he got back whatever he’d taken for him.

So, Aeon wandered. He knew this person was a red magic mage, so he began following trails of this magic. The only problem was, when he followed a trail of red magic he’d go feral. He needed to have a constant source of blue magic in his system in order to keep himself sane. Days turned into weeks, and into months. After a while, time stopped mattering all together. It was hard for him to remember if an event happened days ago or years ago, and he didn’t care. All he cared about was finding what was taken from him.

Eventually, Aeon found himself in the mountains. It wasn’t clear what mountain range he was at, or even how he’d gotten there. The mountain’s magic had shrouded his mind and turned him feral for god knows how long. For all he knew he’d been wandering aimlessly in the mountains for weeks searching for a person who may not even exist anymore. With how many years had gone by at this point, Aeon wasn’t even sure this man was alive anymore. Still, he pushed on. He needed to get his memories back, and he was willing to risk his life just to find answers.

He’d gotten a moment of clarity after wandering high up into the mountain range. A moment of clarity that he’d only felt after being exposed to blue magic. There was an extremely powerful source of it in the area, and his curiosity had gotten the best of him. The mountains weren’t known to house magic like this. Especially not like this. He needed to find the source. Whatever it was, it may help him keep his clarity. As he got closer to this source Aeon started to hear what sounded like music. It was pretty, and the melody was calming. Someone must be playing this music. Music like this doesn’t play itself.

Following the source of the sound led Aeon to what appeared to be a small campsite deep into the mountains. There were a couple of small tents, a few horses tied to a makeshift stockade, boxes of supplies. Sitting in the middle of this camp was a Kodin. She was a Vulpine much like himself. Or at least, how he used to be. He still wasn’t sure if he was still a Kodin or not. Either way, she looked a lot like him. Her fur was a soft orange which was dotted with white, and she was dressed in a very simple set of robes.

That wasn’t it, though. This woman had a small instrument in her hands; the source of this magic. It was absolutely brimming with it. Every time she strummed its strings a huge wave of calming blue energy radiated out of it. Seeing this instrument brought back a memory. He’d felt something like this before. Power this strong, there was no mistaking it. The instrument this Kodin was holding was undoubtedly a relic. Aeon knew that for a fact. But how would he approach her? Mortals hated demons, and everyone seemed to think he was one. He couldn’t just waltz up to this woman and strike up a conversation, he’d be killed on the spot!

Unfortunately for Aeon, he spent too long trying to make a decision. After several minutes of pondering what to do, the music came to a sudden halt. Looking over, Aeon could see the woman laying the instrument on the ground beside her and walking over to him. He tried to duck behind the ledge he’d been hiding behind, but it was too late. He’d already been spotted. His mind began racing as he desperately searched for the right thing to say. What could he say? Everything that came to mind would just get him murdered. If he told her he came all this way just looking for her relic, she might think he’d come there to steal it. She may also think he was stalking her, which would also end badly. There was nothing to say!

The woman poked her head over the ledge calmly and asked Aeon what he was doing. Her voice sounded calm, and almost playful in an odd way. She definitely didn’t sound angry. Hearing this definitely calmed his nerves, but he was still unsure what to make of the situation. He figured the best course of action was simply to tell the truth. Given his fleeing amounts of clarity, lying would only end badly for him. The Kodin sat silently and listened to Aeon’s story, giving the occasional nod to show she was still listening.  After he’d explained his story, she began to explain hers.

Her name was Rags. At least, that’s what people called her. She lived up here in the mountains; taking care of the smaller demons in the area. While most demons didn’t care for mortals such as herself, she was able to use her lute to calm their nerves and heal their wounds. She not only liked demons, but she even liked them more than mortals! It was a stroke of pure luck that Aeon happened to stumble across someone like this. The two continued to chat late into the evening. Surprisingly, they had a lot in common.

Rags had been researching demon origins for the past several years. Her goal was to figure out where they came from and how they got that way to begin with. She’d dedicated her life to this hunt, but there was one major glaring issue. Rags wasn’t able to get into any of the demon “in groups” because, well, she wasn’t a demon. Aeon faced a similar issue. He wanted to know how he came to be and who took his memories, but he couldn’t talk to any mortals because they all thought he was a demon. Their situations were so similar, yet so different.

That’s when Rags suggested they work together. With Aeon by her side, she’d have a lot more leeway when it came to talking to demons. Vice versa, if he had a mortal with him other mortals would overlook his demonic traits. One Kodin by itself in the middle of an area where they aren’t common draws suspicion, but a pair of them together just looks like a set of travelers. They were the perfect pair! It was fate that they’d met up like this.

Not only that, but Rags’ lute would allow Aeon to have more moments of clarity. If he ever started slipping, all they had to do to snap him out of it was strum it’s strings a few times and he’d be more or less back to normal. It was perfect! After all these years of being alone and confused Aeon had someone on his side. Someone who could vouch for him. A friend, maybe. With all of that said, the two began formulating a plan. The first course of action was to get out of the mountains. Rags had heard of a research center in Havenlyn that did some work with demons. Maybe they could start there? At least they had some sort of lead. And that’s where Aeon is today. On the hunt for his fleeting memories, looking for the mysterious person who’d stolen them away while also helping out a new friend.


Rags Nel: Rags and Aeon have gotten pretty close over the past few years. They’re both Kodin, more or less, they both use blue magic, and they both share the same goal to discover the origin of all demons. Sure, Rags does do a few things that irk him every now and then. Her overly calm demeanour can come off as fake or disingenuous at times, but he’s able to brush that aside. At the end of the day, the good outweighs the bad


Creation date: January 2nd 2018

Alignment: True Neutral

Voice Claim: None

Other: Aeon and Eon used to be two separate characters fuzed into one body, but no matter how hard I tried I just couldn’t get that to work without it being cringey. So, I made Eon a separate person entirely and just made him believe they were one and the same.