


6 years, 3 months ago




Cynical Deceptive Tsundere

"You might think you're all big and bad...but in the end, you're just like everybody else: an idiot."

  • Name: Victoria van Heimlich (originally 'Pennteller')
  • Aliases: Mara, Vicky, Icky (by Volt)
  • Age: 17
  • Species: Mobian
  • Race: Margay
  • Gender: Female
  • Occupation: College Freshman, Vigilante
  • Hometown: Central City
  • Residence: DVNz base
  • Voice Actor: Ashly Burch (Chloe Price from Life is Strange)


Victoria van Heimlich appears to be a typical edgy high schooler with a love for all things rock and magic. However, there's a lot more to her than what meets the eye. By night, she becomes the enigmatic hero and master of deception knows as Mirage, a member of the infamous travelling band of vigilantes known as DVNz.


Mirage the Margay
  • Height: Below average
  • Build: Skinny, athletic
  • Hair Color Blonde (usually with dyed highlights)
  • Hair Style Varies, typically long swooped bangs
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Body Color: Yellow-brown with brown spots
  • Muzzle Color: White w/ brown markings on cheeks
  • Clothing:
    • Casual attire: Varies; typically follows a rocker-chick style.
    • Combat attire: Black full-body cloak; face concealed by black aviator sunglasses and black bandana


Mirage the Margay

Mirage's outward personality can be summed up as icy and tempermental. She doesn't take crap from anybody, and pretty much believes that everybody is out to give her crap. She's rather aloof around people she doesn't know; generally, she'll only speak when spoken to, or approach someone if she absolutely has to. Not that she's scared of people, though; she's extremely fearless, and won't hesitate to speak her mind to—let alone fight—anybody that sets her off, no matter how tough they appear to be.

Her attitude towards strangers stems from a cynical belief that all people everywhere are nothing but liars; let them get too close, and their true colors will eventually show, leading them to you in an instant. Therefore, she keeps people as far away as possible in order to protect herself from being hurt. Whenever she does meet someone, though, she uses her skills in cold-reading/mentalism to analyze their body language, vocal tones, micro-expressions, etc.—anything beyond their initial front—to characterize them and determine how much she can trust them. There's really only a handful of people Mirage completely lets her guard down for, and most of them are in DVNz.

As much as she hates liars and deceptive people, though, she's a pretty big one herself. In reality, she's not really as cold and heartless as she lets on; it's only a defensive front to keep people away from her. She’s pretty much the embodiment of the phrase “broken people like broken people”: her experience in foster care has left her a huge soft spot for people who’ve been demeaned, bullied, or outcasted, just like her—pretty much why she’s doing the vigilante gig in the first place, but she wouldn’t tell you that (although that part of her life is a secret in the first place). Deep down, she just wants to help people feel like they have a place in the world, which is namely what she didn’t feel while in foster care. She’s well accustomed to the world of psychology, and doesn’t hesitate play psychiatrist to people she grows fond to.


  • Punk-rock fashion
  • Rock music
  • Magic (sleight-of hand, mentalism, etc.)
  • Mobile games
  • Light teasing (unlike Volt's pranks)
  • Tricking people
  • Mechanical puzzles (Rubik's cubes, lock puzzles, etc.)
  • Sweets
  • Shopping
  • Cooking
  • MMA/Hand-to-hand training


  • Boredom
  • Nosiness
  • Crowds
  • Condescending attitudes
  • Forced conversations
  • Stuck-up people/bullies
  • Her height

Skills & Stats

  • Expert Hand-to-hand combat
  • Expert Stealth
  • Master of sleight of hand/misdirection
  • Expert cold reader
  • Enhanced Acrobatics and Reflexes
  • Enhanced Speed
  • Skilled Vocal Impersonator

Total: 470/600


Mirage is a carrier of the Reactor gene, thus inheriting kinetic powers. As her codename suggests, her power is hallucikineses—that is, illusion manipulation. By emitting from her body a special type of energy that refracts light and sound waves, she can create intangible yet convincing illusions.

These illusions include any (or all) of the following:
  • Cloaking - Making herself and/or other objects undetectable by sight or sound
  • Projectioning - Creating mock projections (can range from clones and fake objects to fake powers, large beasts, etc.)
  • Misdirection - Making objects, people, and/or sounds appear as if they’re somewhere else


As usual for one of DVNz, Mirage's vigilante uniform consists of the following quipment:

  • Multi-vision goggles - Mechanical goggles that have the ability to switch between normal vision, thermal vision, night vision, and EMP vision (for detecting electrical wiring). These can also take pictures and send/recieve video feeds.
  • Communicator - A small earpiece that allows Mirage to contact other members of her gang.
  • Steel-plated gloves, boots, elbowpads and kneepads - Mirage has exceptional striking power on her own; these accessories, created by metal from Alloy's transmutation ability, greately increases that power. With them, she can deliver punishing blows with enough force to effortlessly break brick and bend steel.
  • Combat Knife - A combat knife also custom-made from Alloy's metal. Although simple in appearance, its sharpness rivals full-length katanas, able to make deep cuts with very little pressure.
  • Tether/Grapple rope - A Allows Mirage to get to higher places. She may not be accustomed to this tool as much as Volt is with his grapple shots, but she still does use them to her advantage.
  • Collapsable staff - Another cutom made weapon made of Alloy's metal. It fits in the palm of the hand when unopened; however, with the flick of a wrist, it fully extends into a long metal pole Mirage uses as a staff for melee combat.


  • Cleverness in manipulating perception
  • Skill at reading even the subtlest of details of a person
  • Deceptiveness (e.g. concealing her actual powers, creating distractions, etc.)
  • Hand-to-hand combat expertise
  • Conservative fighting style


  • Limitations of her powers:
    • Limited duration, especially for large-scale illusions.
    • Visible activation. If her opponent doesn't blink or look away before she activates an illusion, they can detect when it begins.
    • Energy consumption. The larger the illusion, the more energy it takes; for some very large illusions, she has sit in a meditative posture in order for her to effectly use them..
    • Senses other than sight or hearing (i.e. taste, touch, smell)
  • Long-range combat
  • AOE attacks
  • Mispredictions due to inexperience (rare but possible)
  • Quick temper and overall bad attitude


Young Victoria

(rough draft) Victoria was born in Central City to what seemed to be a stereotypical wealthy family. She had all the comforts of life in her early childhood: fancy foods, expensive clothes, a large penthouse/condo in the middle of the city and various vacation homes, etc. Such wealth, however, did not come by a legitimate means, likea lucky investment or inheritance: her parents were selfish, greedy con artists who made a living through running multiple scams and pyramid schemes across Eurish. While Victoria was still young, her parents were caught, arrested, and sentenced to life in prison for their crimes. With nowhere to go, Victoria was placed in foster care at a local orphanage.

When Victoria first arrived at the orphanage, she was immediately targeted by her peers. Though contrary to her persona, her fancy clothes and well-to-do image made the other kids see her as a 'wannabe princess' who thought she was better than everyone else. She was bullied quite often, constantly teased and outcasted. She was able to defend herself quite well physically, though; however, the other kids did not ease off of her one bit, railing on her more and more each day. Soon, she became the prime target of the other kid's bullying.

Before long, the harsh treatment began to weigh on Victoria's mind. No matter how much she wanted somebody—anybody— to stand up for her, no one would: not one of the other kids, and not even the faculty working there. She was alone, left to fend for herself against constant attempts to tear her down. One day, the stress became too much; she snapped, ran into her room and sank in a corner, crying uncontrollably. In the midst of this meltdown, she began to feel...different, as if something triggered inside of her by the weight of her heavy emotions. Moments later, she passed by a mirror; peculiarly, she couldn't see herself in it. When she suddenly reappeared (and scared herself) she realized something was wrong.

Little did she know, this was the first emergence of her powers.

At first, due to her lack of control over them, they began activating at seemingly random times. The projections and illusions she involuntarily created made the kids—and even most of the faculty—think she was 'cursed' or 'haunted'. This only made the bullying get worse and worse for her. But over time, however, she caught on to them; and, through sheer willpower, began teaching herself how to use her powers to get back at the people in the orphanage. She often used them to steal snacks, toys, etc. without anyone noticing; play pranks on the other kids and faculty; and escape from her room during bedtime, among many other tricks. Even though she acted out mostly for attention, the label of 'troublemaker' was now tacked onto her, and pretty much everyone there at the orphange hated her.

One day, a couple of years after the emergence of Victoria's powers, a well-known Mobian scientist named Oskar ("Alloy") came and adopted her. After bringing her home with him to an underground sanctuary in a mountain range near Spagonia, Oskar revealed to her her identity as an inheritor of the Reactor gene. He then homeschooled and trained her alongside her surrogate brother and fellow Reactor Rico ("Overclock")—and eventually, Sydney ("Volt")—to teach them how to use their powers responsibly. Years later, the 4 Reactors formed a vigilante gang to restore their ancestors’ honor: DVNz. Victoria currently is a student at a local public high school. Her vigilante identity, Mirage, is kept a secret. However, unlike the other DVNz, no one outside of the gang knows what her power actually is; she uses her illusions to disguise them.


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