☀My Rules☀



1 year, 6 months ago


☀Rules about my OCs and Art☀

Felt I needed to make this so people understand my works better. This is a list of things you can and can't do with my OCs and my general art work (not counting commissions.) Please read everything here first before you think of doing something with my stuff. This list may update in the future. If you have any questions or inquiries that aren't listed here, feel free to message me and I'll get back to you asap.

Fan art
Let me know first ahead of time though (unless you just wanna suprise me or something)
Critique / Feedback
I like hearing other's thoughts on my stuff and wanna keep improving my work, so I don't mind if you give me any as long as it's NOT hostile or preachy
Do not make NSFW / fetish art of my OCs
Unless I ask/commission for NSFW myself, I won't accept it. I also have a few characters I don't like lewded at all
Do not label / make art of my OCs associated with ANY kind of postive or negative political ideologies, propaganda, labels, icons, flags, or activism in general
I don't want to see ANY of my characters or art become objects / mouth pieces exploited for internet clout. It's extremely disrespectful to me and how I present my stuff online. Please be respectful and don't do it, period
This also applies to headcannons. Don't assign any of the things mentioned above to my characters, I don't like flaunting that stuff and it's very intrusive
Do not create OCs heavily based off of mine or part of my stories
My stuff is very personal and special to me, it's not your sandbox to play in
Do not steal, copy, trace, make bases of, recolor, or make money off of my art
Do not use my art or OCs as your icon/banner/etc.
Do not repost my art or OCs anywhere else without my permission
Do not kin or roleplay as my OCs. Do not use them for coping or comfort
It's very creepy, don't do this
Do not ship / link my OCs with yours
I prefer to ship / link my characters with each other rather than with those that I don't know or aren't close to
Use my art or OCs for stories / game projects
Mainly for OCs centered around fandoms. If I give you permission you will NOT alter my character(s) in any way, strictly adhere to the rules listed above, and give me credit somewhere. My original stuff is off limits
For art, you must discuss and commission me for this. I don't allow commercial use of my stuff however