


8 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info


Lariat Valksray


Around 24


Gentle, polite, calm, possessive


Anything in black/white, accessories, wine, dance


Anything with the colour pink


Lariat's mother, Melcia worked as a prostitute, because of her good look and happy personality, she had lots of customers, and of course jealousy from other prostitutes. She worked hard to earn money to get Lariat into a noble school so that Lariat is well-educated and could had a better life in future. Lariat have great respect for his mother, and is proud of her.


Lariat knew that his mum is trying hard to give him the best she can, so Lariat treasured everything his mum gave him. He studied hard in the noble school, enduring every humiliations and abasement either mentally or physically he'd received in school... he tried hard to hide those wounds and bruises from his mother but she knew it all since the first day he was back from the school... humiliations can't be avoided, but there's a thing they're good at which is endure.


When Lariat is around 17 years old, Lariat had earned the "Year's Most Remarkable Student" award and preparing for his graduation ceremony. When he reached home, he found his mother dead on bed, raped, naked and a pink ribbon was tied around her neck and hands... all the valuables in the house was taken away, except his mother's accessories, most of them are earrings... and so he wore them often, and touch them often subconsciously...


Lariat then started to work as a male dancer and gigolo, and it was profitable since he'd inherited the looks from his mother and his body was trained from the time when he was in the noble school, durable and flexible from all those beating and hiding. Through various customers and connections, he found some clues related to his mother's death...


A close friend of Quenna. He seems to be annoyed when Quenna's around.



Alternate universe:

He met Enzo in a bar one day, at first sight Lariat thought that Enzo was a normal, quiet guy with a gloomy personality. However, after few meetings he was attracted to him despite Enzo claimed that he is nothing special in looks or personality wise. Since then, both of them had been going out to various places together. Friends with benefits with Enzo Reyes /////



1. Hair should be waist length / over waist length.
2. Red iris with two circles and pupil at the center.
3. Feather earrings.
4. Mole under his left eye.