


1 year, 8 months ago



Name Howel
Age Unknown
Gender Female
WeaponDual Twin Blades
Ash of warBloodied Drake
AffiliationShadow to Godwyn
birth placeLand of Reeds

❝ Please... take me with you... my lord Godwyn.❞

Howel is a haunting tarnished wandering the Lands Between with no memory of their life. Now wielding a peculiar knife and blood laden blade, a familiar warmth guides them home on a journey of death to reclaim their past.

Rather quiet and constantly in thought, Howel comes across as intimidating to others, seemingly uninterested in their surroundings. On the contrary though, Howel is filled with love and adoration for those around them, full of emotion that just doesn’t translate well all the time.


  • Godwyn
  • Sunbathing
  • Fruit
  • Warm Baths
  • Sharp blades


  • Being Patient
  • Fia
  • Those Who Live in Death
  • Snow
  • Heights


Born as a bastard child to an affluent family in the Land of Reeds, Howel was cast out and treated as an animal. They exhibited feral-like tendencies as they were constantly isolated and lived amongst more beasts than man. As a child they escaped their holdings, a cell, and then lived in the nearby forest, illiterate and unable to speak any human language. They would eventually be captured again by the same family who alienated them and sold off for a profit because of their unique grey hair, red eyes combo, something uncommon in the Land of Reeds and thought to be tied to their outer god. Throughout their childhood and into their teen years, they would be sold around, used as entertainment for the owners. Typically, they would have them fight grown men or large animals to see their animalistic fighting skills come out.

Eventually, she would be brought with a group to the Lands Between, a group that caused trouble and caught the eye of the Golden Order. This group held a large amount of power and directly opposed the Erdtree’s ideals. They committed countless banditries and overthrew a fort to the south, to which the Golden Order responded with haste. 

Godwyn, son of Marika and Godfrey, left of his own accord to see to this matter himself, to make a statement. In reality, there were rumors of a wolf amongst the sheep, and Godwyn had a curiosity he had to satiate. Upon arrival, he tried to be civil but was quickly met with hostility. Godwyn crushed them with ease, bored and disappointed by no beast man to be seen, that is until he laid eyes upon a cage housing a red eyed thing. Those same red eyes pierced him through a veil of long, unkempt grey hair, following his every move.

Excitement and intrigue twinged at his fingertips as he stepped closer, putting his axe away. Upon further inspection, he came to realize this was no wolf, no beast man like the rumors had said. Instead, a tattered young girl was hiding in the shadows of the cage, palms pressed firmly against the floor and ready to push off in a pounce. With a mere glance he could read her sorrowful story.

A flurry of emotions ran through the demi god's eyes. Sadness, pity, anger. However, he let the wheel land on warmth. She did not need sadness or pity or anger on her behalf. No. She needed safety. He approached the cage with grace, squatting down to meet her red eyes with his own gold flecked teal ones.

He managed to open the cage for her, to which she immediately tried to attack him. He managed to grab one of her wrists and had a hand press her face back, however he didn't realize how fragile she was when his fingers sliced the corner of her mouth. Expecting her to let out a sound of pain, he was surprised when she calmed down and simply touched her bleeding face. 

Godwyn ends up bringing her back to Leyndell and has her recieve lessons to become more acquainted with societal norms. He even bestows a name to her, making it a pun on the rumors that surrounded her, and her future role he had in store for her. At the beginning everyone sees her as his pet of sorts, but with time she gains the respect of everyone around. Their bond grows over the years and she acts as Godwyn's shadow, but instead of a wolf man given to him by the Erdtree, she is instead a human, free from the Greater Will, that acts for Godwyn alone.

Throughout her time there, she of course befriends Fortissax, even training with him to learn the Dragon arts of Lightning. She eventually has a pair of custom dual blades made in order to channel a new Ash of War, one that used lightning charged blood.

At some point Howel becomes gravely injured in battle, having to be bedridden for some time. She recieves her second scar on her face that crosses the original one she got from Godwyn. After seeing her like this and trying to continue his days without her by his side, he felt pain and loneliness. The realization that she was not like him, a demi god destined to live for eternity, nor his companion Fortissax, an ancient dragon, hit him all at once. From this he decided to change that. He knew that he did not want to live another day without her by his side and could not bear the thought of some day outliving her. So, he used his powers given to him by the Erdtree to grant a similar level of immortality to her. From this day on, time would not take any more from her.

On the Night of the Black Knives, Howel was summoned away to the God Queen's chambers for unknown reasons. As she makes the treck back to her Lord's chambers, she is attacked by other members of the Black Knife Assassins, quickly realizing what their reason was. She goes on a rampage back to the bed chamber, leaving several assassins dead in her wake. Reaching the threshold of the room, a dismembered head is tossed to the feet of Alecto, the leader of the group. Her daughter's lifeless eyes bore through the skull of the numen woman.

She looked up to see a wild beast with only malice penetrating the air around their form, red eyes surrounded by blood were scanning the room. In a manner that felt like slow motion and an instant all at once, Howel made her way to the motionless figure hunched over on the ground and surrounded in a pool of golden hair. Gently, she cradled Godwyn's head into her lap, stroking his forehead to rid it of the messy strands. The eclipsed golden iris was becoming muddied with a black liquid, stealing the warmth of his gaze, of his body, of his soul. She couldn't look away.

That night, the Shadow lost her Sun, her wails could be heard throughout the quiet halls of the capital. Alecto escaped.

The loss rung loudly throughout the souls of both Howel and Fortissax. The latter offering themself up in an attempt at an inner battle with the fate of their beloved, while convincing Howel to take on the outer one.

Through the help of Miquella, Howel regained a sense of self and returned with him to the Haligtree. They found a kinship in the shared despair that overtook them with the loss of the golden. She was determined to aid the small demigod in laying Godwyn to rest. But she was even more determined to capture the leader of the Night of the Black Knives. 

Years later, Howel tracked down Alecto and managed to imprison her in an evergaol, leaving the ashes of her beloved daughter with her as a reminder of the eternity of loneliness she shall suffer. The same eternity she damned Howel with.

At Miquella's behest, she acted as a guardian in the Haligtree alongside his and Malenia's many soldiers. At any chance, she would offer her aid in his efforts to not only help godwyn, but to bring about the change and prosperity he had planned. This included staying behind as Malenia marched to fight their half brother Radahn and return the movement of the stars. Knowing full well what Miquella had in store, Howel remained tethered by his side as he slept, awaiting their visitor.

Of course it could not seem like such a simple task to reach Elphael, let alone the roots of the Haligtree. She played her part as she greeted her old friend, Mohg. And in return for being so believable, she recieved a near fatal blow as she was impaled by the omen twin, an act of mercy for their shared past. As Mohg crept away with the young demigod, Howel laid in the pool of water gathered at the base of the Haligtree, blood in seeming turmoil as her body fought to live.

The gift of everlasting life was not the only blessing laid upon her. Miquella had given her a blessing of his own. Or perhaps it was more of a curse. As gold rings enveloped her cold body, she would forget The Lands Between, of the life and warmth she was given. Of the turmoil she had been through, the loss and pain. Instead, she would be given a life unalloyed. Cleansed of all that is Golden. Miquella had hoped she would be able to leave the Lands Between and never look back...or so it's thought.

Cold and confused, she did somehow make her way back to the Land of Reeds as Miquella had intended. And whether intentional or not, the graces of gold would call her back to his side once more.

Main story 

The pull back to the Lands Between was not the usual route of a Tarnished. She did succumb to the grasp of death for a small amount of time, but it was not the usual rays of gold summoning her back. No, in fact it was quite the opposite. She felt a haze over her mind for a very long time at this point, a mist clouding her memories. The pull of sleep calling out to her. But what she felt from the Lands Between, was a stabbing pain, something that woke her up from a seemingly endless dream. She felt compelled to reach out towards it and follow the path laid out for her, to finally wake up. 

As she returns to the Lands Between, she follows her instincts first, and they tell her that something or someone is beckoning her. What she finds is a village overrun by roots. Not normal roots, but dark, festering, thorned roots surrounded by flies. It is here she meets half of the twins named D and a soft spoken sorcerer by the name of Rogier. They warn her of this phenomena called "Death Root" and "those who live in death." In return she gives them a nod and her thanks. Her journey would have her continuously coming upon these death roots and crossing paths with both Darian and Devin a number of times as well as other members hunting down the destined death.


Godwyn the Golden - From the beginning, they adored each other, but both parties lacked in expressing such feelings, let alone recognizing them. Howel became a loyal follower of Godwyn, watching him and learning to be the very best possible version of herself to live up to being his Shadow. She did not know what love was, or that it was what she felt towards him, regardless though, she was content being at his side and serving him until the ends of time. Godwyn was enamored by her, she brightened up his days as he watched her progress and learn to live freely. He wanted to give her everything. Slowly, and with each interaction ever expanding, he came to realize what he felt for her was a love that lasted beyond the stars themselves. 

While she did not bear his descendants, she did become his consort, both out of status and desire.

Miquella the Unalloyed - Miquella, being as he is, was incredibly interested in Howel given that she had not been bestowed upon Godwyn by the Greater Will, having no mental ties to the Golden Order the way other Shadows did. He also simply got along with and cared for her as he did any other. Or so he thought. Later, Howel would become just as loyal to Miquella as she was to Godwyn when she returns to the Haligtree with him, casting aside the Golden Order due to suspicions she had about that fateful night. She is fully aware of his capabilities, including that of his allure. However, she did not care if he was using her or manipulating her course, so long as it led her back to her life as a Shadow.

Ancient Dragon Fortissax - The companion by Godwyn's side longer than anyone. Howel became close to them naturally and had an immense respect and love for the dragon. Together, they stood by Godwyn's sides for their eternity.

Mohg Lord of Blood - Howel was particularly drawn to the Omen Twins, one because they were Godwyn's direct brothers, and two because Omens had never been ill towards her as normal humans had. Mohg became quite interested in this Blood Art that she possessed from her homeland and the two bonded over it. She would even make an effort to go into the Sewers to see the Omen brother.

Malenia, Blade of Miquella - There was not much exchanged between the two. Their proximity to Miquella was what made their paths cross, the small demigod wanting them to become closer. Unbeknownst to Howel, Malenia saw her as something close to a sibling, having a protective nature over the smaller woman. She witnessed what the loss of her older brother did to Howel. As of the current events in Elden Ring, Malenia is unaware of the fate that befell Howel, only the stains of her blood on the roots of the Haligtree give her any clue to what may have happened.

Lunar Princess Ranni 

- Returning to the Lands Between as a Tarnished, Howel was drawn to the Deathroot for reasons beyond her knowledge. Through this she eventually meets D and company, aiding for quite some time in their efforts. She becomes particularly close to the twins, Darian and Devin. When Devin first disappears after finding the Death Prince's Throne, Howel is the first to go after him.

Fia - Her skin crawls when near Fia. An unknown hatred boiling inside of Howel.

Rykard Lord of Blasphemy

Maliketh the Black Blade

Queen Marika the Eternal