


6 years, 4 months ago



"Whatever happened to all this season's losers of the year?"

Basics: Murdoc may not have much brains or brawn, but he has attitude. He is the charisma of the team, able to grift anyone into buying anything from his chop shop operation. He has a lot of emotional intelligence but no empathy, knowing how to take advantage of other's feeling for his own personal gain. He is someone who needs a group to function, as he is not independent and not able to function on his own. However, he is happy to start a fight to see what he can get out of it, even if he generally wimps out as he is small and not nearly strong enough to fight. His bark is far worse than his bite. He is quite immature. That being said, he is mostly just mean.

Obtained from designer as a gift, will not be sold or traded

Drawing notes: Design is not symmetrical, please note his references.

"Every time I got to thinking, where'd they disappear?"

【 Name 】 Murdoc 【 Gender 】 Male
【 Age 】 31 【 D.o.B. 】 August 16th
【 Alignment 】 Chaotic Neutral 【 Race 】 Collie
【 Role 】 Ship Thief 【 Theme 】 Surrender

【 Charisma 】
【 Kindness 】
【 Confidence 】
【 Integrity 】
【 Intelligence 】
【 Judgement 】
【 Maturity 】
【 Humor 】

Murdoc is a medium sized dog. He is build slight, his generally thin form only disguised by his long fur. He is generally not strong nor does he have much endurance; however, he makes up for it in his attitude. He walks and moves like he's the baddest dog on the block, and will fight with anyone with bared teeth and ears pinned. That being said, he is not actually intimidating; his bark is far worse than his bite. His icy blue eyes are always narrowed.


Murdoc lives in a futuristic realm. He moves from planet to planet, mostly occupying the most rugged port towns and grungy lands. In these areas, there are black markets and law-breaking, with few governments caring enough to enforce any laws over the broken. Money is the greatest ruler here, and the only force that seems to govern anyone. Murdoc co-owns a junk yard on one particularly abandoned planet, helping in her chop shop business hiding amid the ruins of technology of her junk yard.


Iacri runs a ship theft business with Murdoc. Together, they steal ships from the black-market parking lots, strip them, and sell for parts. They also will rebuild ships from the parts they have stripped, either for their own joy riding or for selling for high values. Their ships are highly custom and well-built; making their projects in high demand by black market leaders. Iacri is the mechanic and the brains of the crew, while Mudoc is the seller and the gifter.

If Murdoc's partner Iacri is the brain, he is the charisma. Murdoc is not particularly smart nor all that strong. What he lacks in size or brains, however, he makes up for in his mean attitude. His figure is mostly fluff, his fur the only thing making him look sizable, but he has the attitude of someone many times his size. He is downright mean at times. He can be cruel, making mean gestures or just happy to watch someone fall on his or her face. He walks around like he owns the place, a strut always in his step and his head raised high as though expecting a challenge. He says whatever comes to mind and does not seem to have much of a filter. If he does not like someone, he is happy to make that clear-- and he does not like anyone.

One would not expect such a mean creature to be the business face of the chop shop, but Murdoc is happy to prove otherwise. He can be mean, cruel, and nasty at times; however, he knows when he to turn it off. There is no one better at the salesman act than him. He is skilled at reading the expressions of others, to find out their wants and needs and market a product towards them. He still never comes across as warm nor fuzzy, though he is talented in business and negotiation. He possess a deep emotional intelligence and a lack of empathy, both of which make him perfect for the job as a salesman of stolen vehicles.

Murdoc relies very heavily on having others around him. He is not independent and truly needs the company to guide him. He does best what he has someone confirming his choices or to talk through issues with him. This is where Iacri comes in, offering the support he needs. He does better with someone there and struggles to function on his own. That being said, he would never admit it. He acts like he needs no one, and will attack anyone who tries to tell him otherwise. He can act very childish at times, needing the reassurance and simply being immature. He is a follower, not a leader, even if he does not realize it himself. He acts bold and brave but will back down when he gets himself into a situation he cannot handle. This occurs quite often as he rarely looks before he leaps.

Iacri and Murdoc have a long history. Long ago, they were next-door neighbors on the planet of their births. The neighborhood where they grew up was one of crime and poverty, and the two grew up knowing the reality of this world all too well. When there is endless danger around every corner, even the step outside of ones front door, there is power in numbers-- this is how the two grew close. Each was happy to rely on another if it meant survival. Countless moments spent braving the crime-filled back alleys together, exploring the black market shops and the dimly lit streets of their home town, and the two became fast friends. In their youth, they swore to each other that, why they were older, they were going to run this town.

It was not uncommon for individuals to leave the neighborhood early. While parents may care for their children, the only income in the area was associated with danger and with crime; so, when Iacri and Murdoc decided to leave together the day both turned eighteen, they were seen off with celebration for whatever future awaited them. The two left in a ship they shared, crossing the vastness of space looking to start new lives. They found a place together on a nearby planet where Iacri found work in a mechanic's shop and Murdoc a bar. However, it seen became clear that neither of them were happy with this life. Though the occupations and a shared apartment offered them stability, the two had always thrived on adrenaline, not peace. They could never stay for long.

So, Iacri and Murdoc decided to put their skills to use. They left their jobs and their apartment, and decided to start a chop shop. Iacri had the theft and mechanic skills, and Murdoc could sell anything; making them a perfect pair for this life of crime. They left the grid, abandoning their lives as they had known it to purchase a junkyard as cover for their operations. With Iacri's skills, they have managed to create a strong business together of stealing, stripping, refurbishing, and selling high-end custom ships to powerful and rich sellers. The two are well-known for their work, and through the money they have earned, are nearly untouchable. Their childhood promise has remained: together, they are running the town, and are enjoying every second of it.
