[25 USD]



1 year, 8 months ago


Ruby---Earth Nyanarr

Name Ruby
Age 26
Pronouns She/Her
Sexuality Pansexual
Occupation Animal Rescue and Shelter
Hobbies Knitting, Gardening
Likes Animals, Pets
Dislikes Dirt, Mites
Species Earth Nyanarr
World Gaidinia

Common - Earth
Masterlist Link

- Earth (Common)
Listed Traits:
- Flora growing in Tail and Ears (Common Earth)

Design Notes:
- Flora is optional

Listed rarity is based on Element

Ruby is a hardworking young woman who was the youngest of 7 siblings, all brothers. Her mother died when she was quite young and due to that was raised by a hardworking father who, as hard as he tried, was not always sure how to raise a daughter. It unfortunately turned to Ruby feeling an overwhelming pressure as her father became a little too overprotective and overbearing. While it is easier to have a relationship with her father now that she is grown, she is still wary at times of how he will react to certain news and has a tendency to hide certain things from him. Her brothers on the other hand still remain close with her and make sure to protect her while also allowing her to make her own decisions and simply make sure to be there for her in case what they believe to be the unthinkable were to happen. Of course it comes from a place of concern and Ruby understands and tries to not take it to heart. After High school, Ruby's best friend, Fleur was insistent that Ruby stand up and take the leap of faith in working with animals despite what her father and brothers might think. Once Ruby was finished with college she took Fleur's advice and started up a then-small animal rescue and shelter. While she had been afraid of what her family would think, her father and her brothers were very supportive of the work that she had decided to do with animals and have tried their best to offer help in ways they could.

After having moved out and started her own rescue, Ruby still finds time to make room for her hobbies and pets. She is trained and properly prepared to handle the sorts of animals that are both brought in and picked up. Her dream is to be able to one day get those animals back in their natural environments without having to worry if they can take care of themselves properly without help of her or those who work with her.


I first met Fleur all the way back when we were in middle school! I remember that she was pretty quiet around most people but once I showed her I wanted to be her friend I think she just sort of opened up to me a little more. I'm really happy we're still friends to this day, too!
Fleur - Best Friend

I absolutely love having friends who like animals and gardening! I think it's amazing how she uses her powers and it makes me often wish I could, too. That reminds me, I need to remember to find the book I told her I'd lend her about houseplants and light.
Liriann - Friend

I rescued Tafe when she was a little baby and when it came time that she could be on her own I just couldn't bring myself to let her go, so she's been with me ever since!
Tafe - Pet

The strangest thing happened, I was out and about last Halloween and I stumbled across her! She warmed up to me quick and followed me home and how can you resist that beauty? I can't!
TBN Tawari - Pet

While he's getting up there in years I can't help but think about how he was my first real pet and how happy I was back when my father gave him to me. I cherish him more than anything, and really he's just like a best friend!
Watermelon - Pet


code by fesaher maybe allegedly