
Name: Ashpaw (later Ashfeather)

Age: 10 moons (almost warrior)

gender: female 

rank: warrior apprentice 


clan: Winterclan

cat specie: Mainecoon

parents: she was found by the warrior patrol from winterclan  as kit, the parents are unknown

best friend: Ravensong


Personality: sweet,curios,rebel,troublemaker, trouble seeker,stubborn,protectful,justiceful,mercyful (especially because even she was a stranger kitten winterclan still took her in, so she learned to be mercyful to outsiders from her clan),respectful towards the elders,sassy especially when somebody is giving orders


likes: listening to the stories from the elders,snowfall, when the first flowers bloom during winter time (her tail, and neckfur is often covered in flowers), sundown and sunup, fallen leaves, learning to fight, medicine stuff (she sometimes sneaks in the medicine den, and listens when the medicine cat learns the medicine cat apprentice xD this resulted her often know what to use when somebody is hurt or helping her own wounds), races,making trouble, hunting mice and squirrel (because they are fast and she loves a good chase) 

dis-likes: clan fights, orders,her parents, getting punished when she makes trouble (ending up doing punishment work DX you can search on internet about their punishment lmao), foxes, warm weathers (because of her thic fur),bullies,two-legs(there are often hunters in their territory),dogs (often with the hunters) ,wolves,hate,deathly battles.
