Content Warning

Character Content Warning

This character profile has been marked with a content warning:


Hello! Name's Rac. My characters might deal with some pretty heavy stuff. If you're reading this, it's because this character profile does include some things i'd like people to be aware of before they hop in. I do NOT condone any of the things my characters may do, and these are just tools for character development. I don't agree with what they do, or think it's cool/awesome/rulebreaking. My villians might have some sob story, but that isn't a means of justyfing them, but rather explaining why they do what they do without trying to make it fine. Some things just aren't okay no matter what.

Please move over to the Warnings section to see what this profile contains!


  • dunno
  • what
  • to write
  • here lol


  • Make AUs of my characters!
  • Give them some cool new outfits!
  • Use them as inspiration for something new!
  • DM me about any questions!
  • Draw them however you'd like!


  • Sexualize minor characters.
  • Copy/steal. There's a line between inspiration and plagiarizing.
  • Make offers. If they're not on a sale folder. they're not for sale. I appreciate the interest tho and will happily design u something if you'd like a thing in my style anyway <3
  • Not drink water everyday >:[ take care of urself!

This character deals with the following themes:


  • Obsessive/Possesive behaviour
  • Death by childbirth
  • Violence


  • Are homophobic, transphobic, ableist, racist, antisemitic, xenophobic, a TERF, a MAP
  • Cringe-shame unironically
  • Support Blue Lives Matter, Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin
  • Fetishize LGTB relationships
  • Romanticize mental illness, war, any kind of suffering

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed consequat lorem quis pellentesque ultricies. Vivamus mi quam, eleifend eget turpis ut, ultricies aliquam felis. Integer quis dui venenatis, venenatis metus ac, elementum magna. Mauris ultrices magna quis consequat molestie.


  • user
    • None. Let's hope it stays that way!
  • user
    • None
  • user
    • None
  • user
    • None

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