Prickle - UFS



1 year, 10 months ago

Basic Info







Prickle is a Stardrop who fell to Earth after being weighed down by trash. Their wings are too small to lift them back up to the Sky Kingdom, so they're just sort of stuck on the ground. While certain pieces of trash are removable, such as their box hat, their tail cup, and their gloves, they usually make the conscious choice to keep these pieces on. They don't like being recognized as a Stardrop, as they feel shame for being stuck on Earth, so they like to hide as much of themselves as possible. They'll often try to sew the bottom half of their shirt back on to the top half, but somehow, it always ends up coming undone again. 

They don't really have a home (it's kind of hard to get one when you fell from the sky and thus have no record of ever existing on Earth), so they mostly just sleep wherever they can. They've considered moving into the forest, but since they're afraid of animals, they can never work up the courage to do so. They'll often sleep in cardboard boxes, or in tents when the weather gets worse. Their favorite place to sleep is in libraries, but when really strapped for safe places to go, they'll stay in the dump instead. After being forced to get so used to the trash that clings to them, they don't mind the smell or the filth anymore. 

Prickle is aware that they're not the only grounded Stardrop, and they're aware that grounded Stardrops aren't as uncommon as one may think. However, they are incredibly embarrassed of the situation they're in, and so try to avoid fellow Stardrops as much as possible. They feel lucky that their fluffy limbs help them blend into anthros more easily.

Unlike a lot of other Stardrops, Prickle actually has to open their eyes to see, because everything on Earth is too dark to see if they keep their eyes closed, especially with the box over their head. It's quite odd for them, and they have to consciously remember to keep them open. They'll often stumble around, everything dark and blurry, before remembering that they have to keep them open. They actually have quite pretty eyes, but they wouldn't keep them open if they didn't have the box to hide them.

Traits: Fluffy limbs, rest is common