Jade Embers



6 years, 2 months ago


Jade Embers She/Her






Early 20's


"Noodles and Spicy Foods!"


"Snow. Can't go anywhere (yeah, I can melt it but that's too much work!)"

Jade is the laid-back, friend of everyone type, on good terms with a lot of the people she's met. She holds her friendships close to her and values group outings and hangouts (Organizes a lot of them as well!) For better or for worse, she also doesn't hold grudges and looks to the bright side of everyone and everything. She can also be a bit clueless and takes a bit to realize when something's happeing (or if she could've done something in a better way). Can also be a procrastinator, usually putting off important assignments for the sake of hangouts and other fun things.

Development History

Jade was my main fur/scale/dragon-sona for years. Made in 2014, she's changed and 'grew' with me over the years and was at one point the OC that 'reflected' me the most

Jade started off as the main character in a story I was writing in 7th grade called Dragon Wings. The story was some fantasy epic about her meeting up with some evil guy who wants to destroy everything and giving him a chance to redeem himself. Never got past the exposition and wound up scrapping it, but I still kept her as my fursona afterwards.

Overtime, I changed her design (mostly with her hairstyle) and she became a character I feel at home with. I've long ditched the whole fantasy-hero trope. These days she's in a relationship with Iri and they live together in an apartment trying to figure out how to adult and getting into strange scenarios.

Though in current times, Jade's been retired as a main "mascot" (other ocs have long taken that role) but still lives on as a comic character, & still remains one of my OCs with more sentimental attachments if that makes sense

Misc. Facts

  • She LOVES noodles and is always finding ways to experiment with instant ramen & make full-out dishes
  • Handles spicy/hot foods better than anyone else she knows
  • Has snacked on hot peppers (and admittedly did it to flex a few times)
  • The main organizer of group-outings in her friend group! Favorite hang-outs include arcade meetups & potlucks

Don't Remind Me - Dexadrin


Rising in the Sun - kors k feat. Rie

Free L-Town - Spongebob Squarewave


Iri Desa - Roommate & GF

"So, we met in highschool and were really close back then. I don't think we started dating until freshman year of college? We were gonna be roomates there, but eh the apartment's working better. More personal yunno?"


Prisma - Friendly

"Eyy neighborino! She lives downstairs from me and we run into eachother a lot. And sometimes... things happen? I mean she got roped into the time we broke the elevator and there's that time I got her into rhythm games (that's a whole story in itself!)"


Risapon - Friends

"The ultimate. memelord. Swear she's on a whole other level like you should see her meme folder. No one can top it Trust me, I tried! She has some of the weirdest cursed pics and vids, and her ironic stuff's on a whole other level."


Jpeg - Neutral

"Met them at the arcade. Yeah, they can be a dick sometimes and hell our first meet-up were pretty rough. But they're trying to reel back and work on themselves. I can respect that. We're chill now if y'all are wondering."

HTML by Jade-Everstone