巨龙 Julong (AU: Sad Otters - HG3)



6 years, 1 month ago


I-it looks like...

... a dossier for Louie. There's a picture of him and a short bio, but nothing you don't already know. There are two interesting notes at the end, though:
Defining Trait: Empathy
Recommended Model Number: J64-agA22-UI564-12.V3


     The firm but playful vice-president of the United States unluckily elected under Preston Mills in 2030, Louie was a serious and devoted man, though at times foul-mouthed and impish in ways unfitting for his position. While he was a cunning and charismatic information-broker who intimidated those who opposed him, he also was a flighty, scared man, deeply scarred from a traffic accident in 1995 that hospitalized him for a year and his father to the present day. He was fiercely loyal and blindly altruistic, which gained him his third lover but cost him his life.

     Louie was, at a basal level, a neutral-good character who was so loyal and selfless that, in his quest to help those he was close to, he hurt many others, both knowingly and not. While Louie may have been duplicitous at times (as one would expect from a politician), he took the lives of others – especially the lives of children, American people, and animals – very seriously. Laws were merely suggestions to him, and while he never went out of his way to break any of them, he would do what he could to bend or rewrite unjust or inefficient laws.

     Most people see Julong "Louie" Leoi as the cheerful, aloof Vice President of the United States, someone who holds no real power and  whose only role is to show up for photo-ops and support the president, Preston Mills. Known for his good sense of humor and charm, Julong is a naturally likeable person. Becoming a politician was natural for him. His ability to think on his feet and stay calm curing pressure made him a natural choice as Mills's Vice President. With his tired smile and carefree posture and personality, most people would certainly never see him as a threat.

     Most people would be wrong.

     In truth, Louie is the top agent of a secret multinational cabal of billionaires and CEOs, an organization that has been shaping politics around the world from the shadows for centuries. His organization funneled countless millions of dollars into Preston Mills's presidential campaign in order to get him elected -- on the condition that Louie would be appointed into his inner circle. While Mills believes it's simply so Louie can advocate for laws favorable to Louie's interests to be passed, the truth is slightly more sinister.

     While having a president favorable to your ideals is nice, having a president who's a puppet of your organization is even better, and a few months into his presidency, Louie was able to successfully implant a prototype mind-controlling device into Mills's brain, keyed to Louie's voice. The technology certainly isn't perfect: it only works occasionally, and if he's feeling particularly strong-willed about something, he can fight it, but for all intents and purposes, Louie has twisted the mind of the most powerful man in America to always support his ideals.

     Right now, those ideals involve taking out The Wings of Latitude, a terrorist organization seeking to overthrow the government. They've gathered a fair amount of public support behind them, and right now, they're the only thing standing in Louie's way that could potentially challenge his ideals. With the full might of the United States government at his disposal, Julong Leoi will crush them quickly, efficiently and completely, and no one will ever know that the laid-back, sanguine VP had anything to do with it.

Perk: Power Behind the Throne
     Thanks to the mental suggestion device Louie secretly implanted in Preston, he can focus on Leoi's words and make him susceptible to commands. This ability can only be used three times, and each time it becomes progressively easier for him to resist the influence. In addition, if the command does not align with Preston's ideals (like telling him to kill himself), Mills gets a save to resist the command.

Flaw: Unlucky
     Sometimes, it feels like fate itself is conspiring against Julong. He's tried to rise through the ranks of the cabal, but every time he's gotten close, something out of his control happened to push him back down to agent. Leoi isn't sure of what he did to offend Lady Luck, but the evidence has piled up: she is clearly not in Louie's favor. (Julong takes a -1 penalty to all rolls, and if he ties on a roll with another player, their roll beats his.)

Lou was executed at the end of trial two, and his backup data used in trial five was incinerated along with the facility. While he seems to have been lost forever, things are more complicated than they seem...