Maxie Augustine



1 year, 6 months ago


Maximillian Augustine
Trans Man
He / Him

I don't know why I ever thought I trusted you..

M aximillian Augustine would prefer it if you just called him Maxie, thanks. On first glance, this brooding man appears to most as nothing more than intimidating and off-putting. Upon further inspection, though, some might sense familiarity in the face beneath his scowl...Though barely recognizable now, he was once known as a thief called Dahlia, a member of a gang called The Garden. The Garden was a safehaven for thieves, run by an elusive man titled the Fluer-de-Lis. Dahlia was infamous for his charming wiles and nimble hands, he was The Garden's second in command. Now, Dahlia is thought to be dead and a traitor by almost all who knew him...except for the Fluer-de-Lis, who was the one who wanted him dead.

The only ones who know what happened when Dahlia "died" are the man himself and the perpetrator. Close to the end of a heist together, the Fluer-de-Lis attempted to slit Dahlia's throat from behind. The only reason he survived was that he wormed out of Fluer-de-Lis' grasp. After a brief exchange, a chase over rooftops began, which ended with Dahlia's apprehension by the government, and the Fluer-de-Lis leaving unscathed. Maxie was sentenced to five years in prison for his numerous thefts as Dahlia, but managed to reduce it over time, being released after just one year. In prison, he changed completely, retreating into a shell of the man he had been, and coming to the conclusion that, when he got out, he would kill the Fluer-de-Lis.

What is one to do when thought dead by the world? After his release from prison, Maxie had all the time he ever wanted on his hands. He went off the grid, searching high and low to find his would-be-killer, but was unable to find any sign of him...or the Garden, for that matter. Eventually, completely on accident, he found himself in a party of adventurers, whom he formed a shaky alliance with. Over time, the group worked together to solve several mysteries, and get revenge on those who'd wronged them. You could call them friends, even—but some things just aren't meant to last.


D ue to his experience with the Fluer-de-Lis and The Garden, Maxie is extremely jaded and has trouble expressing his emotions...though the latter has been a constant throughout his life. He is seemingly cold and uncaring, and doesn't bother with anything that doesn't concern him. He is easily irritable and brutally honest, not one to take into consideration how someone might feel because of his words. He does not trust easily, but once his trust is established, it runs deep. For this reason, he tries not to get close to many people. His attempts to push others away have resulted in making him hard to get along with. Despite all this, Maxie has an agreeable soul somewhere—his actions with his party, as well as independently, have ended up helping people more often than hurt them, though there have been some that he has damaged.


optimist. pessimist.
introvert. extrovert.
daredevil. cautious.
chaotic. predictable.
logical. emotional.
messy. organized.
honest. deceiving.
leader. follower.
affectionate. stoic.
stubborn. yielding.
grounded. dreamer.
cooperative. lone wolf.
moves on. stays in the past.

— 6'1 1/2". For someone who doesn't like to stand out, Maxie sure is tall!
— Long and lanky, with slightly notable muscle in his arms and shoulders.

— Dark brown, wavy. A neck-length wolf cut.
— Maxie has always had longer hair throughout his life, though varying in style.
— There's a single strand of hair that just doesn't want to join the rest. Sadly, it lands in the middle of his forehead.

— Warm beige, with an orange undertone.
— He has dark undereye circles.

— Maxie has an angular face and sharp jaw.
— Thin lips, a Roman nose, and long eyelashes.
— On his left cheek is a scar, left by the Fluer-de-Lis in his attempt to kill him.
— Scruffy facial hair, thanks to time and Fantasy T.

— Dark brown, typically cold and focused. Hidden beneath furrowed eyebrows.

— Trying to find his own style seperate from what his family and The Garden taught him, Maxie typically wears loose button-up shirts and pants, all in unasuming, neutral colors.
— He's rarely seen without his big, clunky coat, or gloves.
— In addition to neutral colors, Maxie has an affinity for black.

— Both of his ears are pierced (lobe and helix), but he only wears earrings in his right ear. Both earrings are small hoops.
— Belts and straps are a part of his look, as they allow easier access to weapons.
— Speaking of: Maxie keeps, at minimum, three knives on him at all times. One on his hip, one on his right thigh, and one in his boot.
— Wears a leather breastplate with studded straps directly over his heart.
— A fan of neckwear, seen by the purple tie tied in a bow.

  • On his face are two scars: The one on his cheek from the Fluer-de-Lis, and one that cuts his left eyebrow. This was an accident from a party member, Remington.
  • During a battle with a young Dragon, Maxie was bitten in the right thigh. Its teethmarks remain.
  • In the Garden, Maxie had a tattoo of a rose wrapped around his left ring finger. In prison, he tore the skin off.
  • He has had top surgery!

In The Garden.
  • Fusce at fermentum felis.
  • Pellentesque sit amet hendrerit enim.
  • Nulla ornare orci pretium vulputate vulputate.
  • Curabitur iaculis orci nec neque pretium, maximus fringilla ex lacinia.
  • allowed
  • allowed
  • ask first
  • ask first
  • not allowed
  • not allowed

TL;DR: Summary.

  • Maxie was born to a rich family, who disowned him/he ran away from at 15. This was because of a massive theft he was thought to have done, as well as his parents' transphobia.
  • After 3 years of theivery to get by, Maxie was invited to join the thieves' guild "The Garden," and quickly rose through the ranks. He fell in love with the leader of The Garden, Fleur-De-Lis, and became his right hand man.
  • 10 years in, Fleur-De-Lis attempted to kill Maxie, but instead managed to get him caught by the government. He spent a year in prison, became a shell of himself, and plotted his revenge.
  • After his release and a year of searching for Fleur-De-Lis, Maxie reluctantly joined a group of adventurers. They eventually went on a quest to find a stolen book, only to be met with Fleur-De-Lis.
  • Fleur-De-Lis released an eldritch sea monster into the world, which was almost defeated by Maxie and company at the sacrifice of one of their own.
  • 3 months later, Maxie is no closer to his goal of revenge, and has only one true friend. Only time will tell what comes next.
plays dirty
close range
knives, shortswords
Sometimes violence is your only option. Sometimes, killing is your only option. You don't understand.
Normal Boosted

Vivamus cursus venenatis nisl, nec dictum dui faucibus et. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus commodo scelerisque ante pretium lobortis. Duis tristique pulvinar enim. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Donec pharetra viverra orci eget lacinia. In nec eleifend eros. Praesent aliquam viverra condimentum. Sed et nibh suscipit, malesuada tortor ut, finibus odio. Pellentesque sit amet lectus at neque ullamcorper tincidunt.

Suspendisse tincidunt sapien ac pellentesque suscipit. Aenean eleifend justo non mauris sodales mollis. Nullam euismod metus vel pharetra bibendum. Aliquam eleifend odio ac lectus iaculis luctus ac eu orci. Vestibulum ornare facilisis turpis, sed feugiat metus. Integer eu cursus mauris. Nullam eget mollis leo.

chaotic neutral
death (upright)
strength (reversed)
extra tarot
extra tarot
extra tarot

...Hm. It was much simpler than that. I was just a man being taken advantage of


  • Maxie is afraid of water and unable to swim. He almost drowned as a child, but the fear gradually faded with time...until Mhurren drowned.
  • Prior to the Mayor of Greenwater's death, Maxie had no idea what magic was. He had to ask Captain Swiftshot about it.
  • Languages he knows include Common, Undercommon, and Thieves' Cant. He is fluent in Common and Thieves' Cant, and his Undercommon is passable.
  • Captain Swiftshot was trying to gaslight Maxie into believing Roland was just a normal wooden raft. After beating the Captain in "the knife game," Maxie was told how Roland works. Despite this, the Captain claims Roland is just a regular raft.
  • The Personality section of his character sheet includes that he "cannot stop hitting that stanky leg" as a flaw.
  • Originally, he was going to have a plotline where he tried to stop stealing. I threw this out the window because I wasn't having fun with it.
