The Khelinace



1 year, 6 months ago


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Pronounced: Kɛl-in-eɪs, Kel-in-ace



The Khelinace are humanoid fox/wolf-like beings with a hard but flexible shell and spikes for hair. Their primary fur color is black, with a cream-colored muzzle, and a "main color" that identifies the Khelinace with stripes along the spikes and limbs, as well as being the iris color. The shell has a yellow front, with white spikes poking out of the back, which is usually colored an offshade of the main color.1 The shell also has cuts above the legs and in the center of the torso that are of the main color. The Khelinace wear a standard of white gloves, gold gauntlets, and shoes that are of the main color and extend into gold anklets.

1Cowser is the only Khelinace to have a shell color that is not an offshade of his main color, red. His shell is in fact green.


The Khelinace are a small species of wandering travelers who hop from dimension to dimension to have fun, go on adventures, and help out those in need. While not godlike, they have lived for a time longer than even they can remember, harboring great elemental power and control. Despite this power, the Khelinace have not been corrupted by it, and the most "evil" of them only commit petty crimes for laughs. Their personalities also vary fairly broadly, with most being at least well tempered and friendly, and the worst only being regularly disgruntled.

Not much is known about the Khelinace beyond what is observed and what they can remember, but they are more than willing to say what they can. They each have an element, a weapon, a color, and a sense of fashion beyond the standard gloves and shoes. They can also use disguise kits to transform into other things via illusions (a paper mask).



Full Khelinace are those who are 100% Khelinace, with all described traits. There are only 9 in existence, with most going by the moniker "{name} the Khelinace".

There exists:

  1. Cowser, of fire; the leader
  2. Lowser, of earth, metal, and plants; the comedian
  3. Zowser, of water; the smart guy
  4. Vowser, of ice; the mechanic
  5. Howser, of air; the friend
  6. Towser, of darkness; the cool one
  7. Nowser, of poison; the drunken flirt
  8. Dowser Lovestruck, of electricity; the scaredycat
  9. Powser, of light; the angel team mom


Half Khelinace represents those that are either offspring of Khelinace, or imitation Khelinace, such as an imperfect clone or a hybrid. These half Khelinace may have the appearance of full Khelinace, have some of their powers, or be derived from full Khelinace in some way.

There exists only two Half Khelinace:

  1. The Heartbreaker Khelinace, shortened to "HK"; created when a blob of malicious darkness infected and threatened to tear out Cowser's heart, and took the appearance of a corrupted Cowser.
  2. Tesi Lovestruck, of hearts; the daughter of Dowser and Betrayed Aura Lovestruck. She inherited the electrical prowess of her parents, but gained her "Heart" element through meddling of the Heartbreaker Khelinace before her birth.


The Khelinace usually get their element at a young age, due to exposure to it. For instance, Dowser got his in a lightning storm, where Lowser simply ate a handful of dirt, metal, and plants.

Elemental Immunity

All Khelinace with an element are immune to their own element. They cannot be harmed by it in any way, shape, or form. However, this does not grant them immunity to other elements. For example, Cowser has the element of Fire, therefore he is immune to being burned by fire, lava, etc. However, he is not immune to getting burns from chemicals, such as ones Nowser, who has the element of poison, would create. However, Nowser would be immune to chemical burns.

One such edge case is that of Tesi, who has the element of Hearts, but inherited the powers of electricity. While she can use and somewhat control electricity, she does not have immunity to it, only a resistance. Therefore, using electricity can lead to it shocking and hurting her. However, Tesi has proven to have a surprising immunity: to that of the Heartbreaker Khelinace.

Elemental Control:

The Khelinace have the ability to create, destroy, or manipulate their element. They can use their elements in various ways, such Zowser filling a glass with fresh water, Lowser, bending a steel beam into a circle, Cowser dispelling a flame, or Nowser turning a bottle of cyanide into alcohol.

Khelinace can also combine their powers if need be in various ways. For example, Howser, Zowser, and Dowser can create a massive storm, with Howser providing the winds and clouds, Zowser creating the rain, and Dowser summoning lightning and thunder.

Elemental Breath:

Some, but not all Khelinace have the ability to breathe out their element as an attack or a utility. Whether the Khelinace can breathe their element depends on the element itself.

The Khelinace who CAN breathe out their element are:

  • Cowser (Fire)
  • Zowser (Water)
  • Vowser (Ice)
  • Howser (Air, to greater effect than others who breathe air for clarification)
  • Nowser (Poison)

The Khelinace who CANNOT breathe out their element are:

  • Lowser (Earth/Metal/Plants)
  • Towser (Darkness)
  • Dowser (Electricity)
  • Powser (Light)
  • HK (N/A)
  • Tesi (Hearts)


Every Khelinace has a unique hairstyle to differentiate themselves from their peers. For the most part, they consist of spikes in the back of the head, and some have spikes in the front. They can be manipulated to some extent, but will frequently be fixed back to the default.

  • Cowser has his back spikes pointing straight-ish back, with a couple of front spikes curved down around his right ear.
  • Lowser has his back spikes pointing straight up, as well as two small front spikes pointing up.
  • Zowser has his back spikes pointing straight-ish back, as well as a couple of front spikes pointing up.
  • Vowser has her back spikes bunched into a ponytail with a gear headband, as well as their tips being literally frosted.
  • Howser is almost never seen with his hood down, but when it is, his hair is a mess!
  • Towser has his spikes arranged as a mohawk.
  • Nowser has her back spikes waving down, with her front spikes waving down as well.
  • Dowser has more back spikes, jutting in every direction, and has one front spike shaped like a lightning bolt hanging down over his right eye.
  • Powser has her back spikes pointing down slightly, and two spikes on the sides of her head curling down.
  • HK has the same hairstyle as Cowser, but sharper and more corrupted.
  • Tesi has her back spikes pointing back and very slightly to the sides, and one large spike covering her right eye.


Most Khelinace have various clothes and accessories to differentiate themselves from each other as well. Most.

  • Cowser is the one exception. He does not wear any clothes besides the basic rings, gloves, and shoes. He claims it's "so people can see what the baseline of Khelinace anatomy is".
  • Lowser has a green Hawaiian shirt with white flowers, khaki shorts, and a pizza slice bandana around his neck.
  • Zowser has a dark blue vest over a cyan shirt, with light blue shorts and a belt, as well as a pair of blue perscription glasses.
  • Vowser has an oil-stained blacksmith apron over a pink shirt, a gear styled skirt, and a gold shoulder pad holding up a tool bandolier, as well as a gear headband and a pair of goggles on top of her head.
  • Howser wears a black hoodie, as well as a jetpack to fly with.
  • Towser wears a black leather jacket and a pair of dark sunglasses, as well as a silver wedding ring on his left hand.
  • Nowser wears a purple crop top that says "TOXIC", a lime green and purple skirt, a purple and black garter on her right leg, and an earring on her right ear and a silver wedding ring on her left hand.
  • Dowser wears a yellow lightning patterned sweater, black and purple sweatpants, a yellow and purple gradient scarf, and the Lovestruck family crest pin of a pink heart intersected by a yellow lightning bolt, as well as a gold wedding ring with a repeating lightning pattern.
  • Powser wears a flowing yellow dress, a gold skirt, and a gold cross necklace.
  • HK also wears nothing but its logo on its chest.
  • Tesi wears a cyan and yellow gradient sweater with the Lovestruck family crest, a cyan and yellow skirt, blackish leggings that match that of normal Khelinace fur, and a yellow and cyan six-petal lily on her head.


Each Khelinace has a signature weapon they can use in combat if need be.

  • Cowser wields a Keyblade, with the handle having a rounded handguard, the tip resembling flames, and a keychain that looks like a burning clock.
  • Lowser wields a lumberjack axe, covered in vines.
  • Zowser wields a navy blue trident.
  • Vowser wields a massive ball and chain made of ice to swing above her head and fling.
  • Howser doesn't have a weapon, but can fly around in his jetpack to distract enemies.
  • Towser can manifest large fists made of dark energy out of his arms.
  • Nowser wields a dark scythe with a purple blade.
  • Dowser wields yellow throwing daggers with an electric jagged blade.
  • Powser wields a holy golden hammer of light.
  • HK does not wield a weapon, using its claws instead.
  • Tesi uses electric shurikens gifted to her by her parents.

Gift of the Khelinace:

By closing their hand into a fist, and focusing their power, a Khelinace can create a crystal containing a small amount of their power. This crystal has many benefits, and can be used by anyone, even other Khelinace, for a limited time. However, the Khelinace only give it to people they trust, are desperate, or did something to deserve it.

There are various things the Khelinace Crystals can do. They can grant the user temporary immunity to the respective element by wearing it around the neck. It can be used to imitate the powers of the element, such as warming with Cowser's or a high output, long life battery with Dowser's. As a last resort, it can be used similarly to a grenade, releasing the Khelinace's power in a giant burst by shattering it against the ground.


Some dimensions aren't very fond of outsiders, or their reality could even shatter if they see something out of the norm, so the Khelinace put on disguises using disguise kits. This isn't exclusive to their species, but they always keep plenty of them on hand, just in case either they lose one or wish to gift one to a friend.

They are still on the run from Mann Co.

Khelinace Regeneration:

Should a Full Khelinace recieve a near fatal blow, they have one last resort: Regeneration.

A Khelinace will begin glowing with their element if they are going for a regeneration. If you notice it, RUN. AS FAR AS YOU CAN. The effects of a Regeneration are VERY destructive, regardless of which Khelinace it is. When finished charging, the Khelinace will uncontrollably shoot its element out of their arms and head in order to heal itself, causing immense damage to their surroundings.

  • Cowser will incinerate anything in range.
  • Lowser will entangle the area in thorns and vines.
  • Zowser will flood the place like a tsunami.
  • Vowser will freeze the vicinity in thick ice.
  • Howser will blow everything away in a massive tornado.
  • Towser will suck up matter in a black hole.
  • Nowser will dissolve things in toxic acid.
  • Dowser will fry the place with lightning.
  • Powser will burn anyone with radiant light.

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