Ophelia ✪



1 year, 8 months ago


Name: Ophelia Leon

Age: mid 20s

Species: Elf

class: Mage/Summoner

Adventurous at heart, a social anxiety wreck in spirit

A shy and quiet woman who loved to read stories about adventurers growing up. She always dreamed of going on adventures herself, but even leaving home could be a challenge. She finally did manage to will herself to sign up to be an adventurer. But she was too afraid to reach out and join a party. And although there were several that offered to let her join them, Ophelia was too worried she would be an inconvenience and turned them down. She adventured alone with her summons.

She originally only formed pact with beast type monsters (mostly cute weak monsters) because she didn't have to worry about needing to speak with them and originally mostly viewed her summons as pets to spoil. She's very fond of animals and is more likely to open up around them.

The first strong summon she pacts with is Celevestrial, a former angel of judgment who was sealed after she fell from grace. During her very first adventure, Ophelia accidentally stumbled across and broke part of Celevestrial's seal. Although the seal could not be fully broken, and few would dare try to break a seal of a fallen angel, Celevestrial promised to serve Ophelia as a summon should Ophelia allow Celevestrial to venture outside. Ophelia had nothing to lose, and the nature of the pact would keep her safe even if Celevestrial was evil and ever meant Ophelia harm. Ophelia agreed, and although Celevestrial's body still remained sealed within the dungeon, Celevestrial's spirit could still be summoned to aid Ophelia whenever needed.