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Welcome to my profile! Please make sure to read everything here before clicking the okay button, as a lot of it is important.


  • I identify as genderfluid/nonbinary, transmasc, bi gay, and a turigirl/gaygirl. I use he/she/xe/it/meow/gore pronouns.
  • I am autistic, and have ADHD and BPD. I am also physically disabled (Lupus).
  • Some characters will contain sensitive topics, which will be mentioned in warnings on those characters.
  • Some characters will contain darker topics. This does NOT mean I support or condone those things. (also no this doesn't mean i support proshipping, keep that away from me lol. fetishizing/romanticizing pedophilia, incest, and abuse is disgusting.)
  • Some characters do have NSFW content. If you are a minor, please do not try to view said content.
  • If you have any concerns (such as seeing I interact with problematic people), please DM me about it. Sometimes I'm not aware of things like this, and would appreciate being told instead of assumed I willingly interact with stuff like that.


  • Draw art for my characters!
  • Favorite or comment on characters!
  • Offer on characters in my sales folder!
  • Offer character relationships!
  • Kin characters outside my sonas folder!


  • Steal/trace/copy my art or characters!
  • Offer for characters outside my sales folder!
  • Use my characters without permission!
  • Kin characters within my sonas folder!
  • Draw NSFW art of characters without permission!
  • Ship my characters without permission!


  • you don't support lgbtq+ / you're queerphobic. yes this also counts for the "i don't support them but i don't hate them either" people. you either 100% support us or you don't, you can't be neutral about human rights.
  • you're racist, ableist, sexist, etc.
  • you're a proshipper, comshipper, anti-anti, whatever the hell y'all call yourselves. also lolicons/shotacons.
  • you're a zoophile, pedophile, necrophile. also counts if you support them.
  • you don't support xenogenders or neopronouns.
  • you don't support mspec lesbians/gays. this also goes for lesboys/gaygirls. basically if you're against any good faith identities that are literally not harmful in any way, get away lol.
  • you don't support otherkin/fictionkin.
  • you support NFTS and AI "art".
  • you're a fan of killing stalking, boyfriend to death, and your boyfriend.
  • you're a transmed/truscum, terf, or "gender critical".
  • you support pro-life or all lives matter.
  • you defend feral nsfw art.
  • you're anti-vax / a covid denier.
  • you idolize real life serial killers or just generally very horrible individuals.
  • you glorify self-harm / eating disorders.
  • you ship subkit/medspace. (it's highly triggering to me for personal reasons.)
  • you think age regression is sexual/you don't support age regression. i am an age regressor myself and it is a completely valid coping mechanism that is completely SFW.

These are users that I don't want interacting with me at all. Typically people that have brought harm to me or my friends. I will not accept designs or art from them at all, and I don't want my designs traded to them either. Depending on how bad the person's behavior is, I may not even want to interact with people that consider them friends.


  • ramghost_ (toyhouse), deadlysquidink (toyhouse), ANARCHYMAJESTY_ (twitter), _websofchaos (twitter), toxicanoxic_ (twitter)
    • Stalking, Abusive behavior, Block evading, Told my partner they deserved their sexual abuse, Hides behind mental health as an excuse for his actions, Took part in harassing a minor, Faked memory loss to avoid taking accountability (would claim to not remember abusive actions but then would later contradict himself), Encouraged his underage partner to make a public nsfw acc, Allowed minors into nsfw spaces / Would talk about nsfw topics around minors, Would talk to minors in detail about ocs having anatomically correct animal genitalia
  • starlunakitsube (toyhouse), LunaChaosMage (twitter)
    • Friend of toxicanoxic, Took part in harassing a minor, Proshipper, Stalking, Wanted smut fanfics/erp from a minor while he himself was 25
  • SkyWaave (twitter), SkyWaave (toyhouse)
    • Friend of toxicanoxic, pushed NSFW into SFW convos and rps / constantly disrespected boundaries, would be warned that she's following shotacon / lolicon artists and would unfollow them only to refollow days / weeks later, fetishizes trans women
  • BubonicTonix (twitter), Girllbossmecha (twitter)
    • Friend of toxicanoxic, Wanted to doxx a minor (going as far as to attempt to send an IP grabber so she can call the minor's abusive household, school, and workplace), Stalker
  • _riven (toyhouse), @blumutt (tumblr), @BluMutt (twitter), @Heart_Riven (twitter), Bluminescent (deviantart), Bluminescent (furaffinity), _riven (artfight)
  • PantherPaws (toyhouse), @bivesimp (twitter)
    • Spreads misinformation (claims anybody calling him out is siding with his abuser, even when it's not true), Made fun of someone's sexual trauma and then tried to set off one of their triggers on purpose (when confronted about it, all he could say was "damn i might feel bad if they didn't side with my abuser", which again is not true), link to a psa about him

Character Content Warning

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nsfw content


Slasher OC


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