Terms of Service



1 year, 6 months ago


Terms of Service - last updated: 6/11/24

By owning my designs or doing any work with me, the owner affirms to have read and agreed to be legally bound by the following Terms of Use listed below.

[ Please note that Terms of Use may be subject to change without prior notice ]

These Terms of Use only apply upon the owner's new ownership of my work. Any changes made to the Terms of Use after an owner has claimed ownership will not apply to said work.

[ None of my work is to ever be used or associated with the following subjects ]

underage, incest, noncon, zoophilia, discrimination, hate speech, online discourse

General -

  • All sales are final. Once a payment is sent, the purchased item will be transferred/given to the buyer. No refunds or take backs. Doing do will get you blacklisted from doing any future work with me.
  • Owners of my work are free to share said work on other platforms so long as clear credit is shown of me being the designer and/or artist and linking back to the original source.
  • None of my work is to be used for any kind of financial gain without prior contacting me.
  • My work is free to be used for personal means such as icons, backgrounds, moodboards, ect.
  • My work is never to be copied, traced, claimed, or edited in any way.
  • Any owners of my art or designs are free to watermark said work to protect it.
  • None of my work is allowed to be used as face claims.

Ownership of designs -

  • The owner is free to gift, sell or trade the design on or off of toyhouse. The owner may not resell the design for more then it was bought for unless new art/commissioned work has been added to it since then.
  • The owner is free to alter the design to their liking, however not to a point where the design is unrecognizable to the original.
  • Changing a trans design to cis is not allowed. (example, the character is noted as trans female, and the new owner removes this stating she is cis. This also included removes top surgery scars and the like.)
  • Altering the design to remove poc features/lighten the skin is not allowed.
  • The owner is free to use the design for any personal means as well as any hand-made merch not made for financial gain.
  • The owner is free to private or delete a design's character profile on toyhouse if they so wish. The owner can also transfer the design back to me instead if they wish.

Commissions -

  • Please note payment is upfront. 
  • Refunds are only possible if I have not gone beyond the mockup phase. Please be sure you can afford/want this commission before buying.
  • I have the right to deny a commission for whatever reason.


  • NSFW of my designs is permitted SO LONG AS THE USER IS 18 OR OLDER.
  • NSFW includes: any kind of sexual content, sexual nudity, kink, fetish, gore, extreme violence and abuse.
  • Any kind of NSFW including the following subjects are not allowed: underage, underage looking characters/'barely legal', incest, noncon, zoophilia (including sentient animals like ferals), sexualization of abuse and toxic behavior, raceplay, large age gaps (example, 19 y/o and a 42 y/o) and any kind of tragic real life events. Please respect my personal comfort and limits.
  • It is expected that the creator of such NSFW will take care in properly labeling their work and keeping it away from minors and other parties undesiring to view such content when possible. I take no responsibility for the new owners way of dealing with such sensitive content.
  • Some specific designs may be exempt from allowing NSFW work of them. Make sure to check individual character rules if you plan to make NSFW of a design.