Woo Kihyun (Harry Potter AU)



1 year, 5 months ago


Woo Kihyun
DOB 06/13/XX

House Hufflepuff

If you and I are together, I can smile.


Key, 우 기현
Slim, athletic

Woo Kihyun – or Key – is a pureblood Hufflepuff. His natural hair color is a dark brown to match his eyes, but he’s usually seen with hair bleached white or some various pastel shade of the rainbow. He’s a very quiet, soft-spoken bundle of smiling fluff, who keeps to himself or his small cluster of friends – people he regards as his family. Key’s real family is a touchy subject. All his friends know is that he was originally set down at birth to attend the Japanese wizard school Mahoutokoro, but his family moved from South Korea when he was a child for unknown reasons, and his attendance at Hogwarts was nearly begged of the headmaster. Key’s academic skills lean towards transfiguration, what with his natural abilities, and he struggles the most with Potions. He has a white, green-eyed manx cat named Dadamato who frequently disappears, but always shows up when Key needs him most.


Key's natural hair color is a deep brown, but as a metamorphmagus, he frequently sports blond or pastel shades. His eyes are a warm mocha, the dark color softened by the shy kindness with which he looks at everyone. He has a slender build with sharp angles - a smooth body. Striking cheeks, a strong chin, and sharp jaw give him a dramatic appearance, while his slim eyes, soft nose, and plush lips give him a youthful expression. Key is deceptively strong, fit through years of playing Quidditch.


Key has a casual, small, shy demeanor. He prefers to stay in the background, unwilling to draw attention to himself. He seems easy-going, smiling and laughing with his friends and members of his house, but almost every social interaction is filled with anxiety, uncertainty, and crippling shyness. He wants to feel like he belongs at Hogwarts, the school he's been forced to make his home, but he can't open himself up enough to do so, always worried that the people he opens up to will see that he really doesn't belong with them after all. He considers himself incredibly lucky to have his small group of friends.
Interacting with girls is a distinct impossibility.


Kihyun Woo was born to Hyungwon Woo and Sookmin Kim (both pureblood) in South Korea, while his father pursued extended studies at the Japanese wizarding school Mahoutokoro. Both of his parents were quite young when he was born, their wedding having been an arranged affair, a common practice. When Key was eight years old, Hyungwon suddenly and wordlessly whisked his small family away from Korea in the dead of night, bringing them to the UK and avoiding any ministry officials. A week or so into their 'trip' to Ottery St Catchpole, Key uncovered a magnificent white robe in his father's things - and his mother's wordless horror when he brought it to her was all he needed to realize that his father had done something terrible.

He never asked questions.

Key's attendance at Hogwarts was practically begged of the Headmaster by Sookmin, who knew that they would never be able to return to Korea or Mahoutokoro. Against Hyungwon's wishes (he was adamant that they remain as anonymous as possible), Sookmin arranged Key's admission and he started Hogwarts school at the age of eleven, still trying to learn the language of the country and under strict instruction from his father to keep his head down.

Key was sorted into Hufflepuff, pleasing his father - who believed Hufflepuff to be the most inconsequential of the houses - and was immediately drawn into a small group of Korean boys. Befriending them allowed Key to open up to other members of his house, and from there, to other students in the school. Having played Quidditch from childhood, Key was a shoe-in for the Hufflepuff team, and he wears his Seeker's robes with a carefully measured amount of pride.

Design Notes

  • Short hair, sometimes with an undercut.
  • Beauty marks under right eye, on left side of nose bridge.
  • Sharp cheekbones, pointed chin, full lips.
  • Face Claim is Moon Jong Up.



cats, flying, warm colors, charms, reading


potions, small talk, strangers, loudness

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