[F2U] Beach



1 year, 4 months ago



character profile

A simple profile for characters with mostly text. It is designed so you can keep expanding the main text section easily! Comes with a little music player too. This was made for the Coders' Quarters December challenge as well as the Advent Calendar :) Thinking of you, southern hemisphere people (I am thinking of lobsters).

Code is safehouse compatible, just paste it into the code filler. This means you can use safehouse to live fill the information without having to go in and edit the code!

bootstrap colors yes
custom colors yes
mobile friendly yes
featured character(s) chaise
featured image(s) freepik

Character Name

I'm the story you don't speak of, I'm the one they call the underdog.

- willyecho

L orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus facilisis urna nulla, vel bibendum urna porta eget. Donec erat dolor, fermentum et ornare id, lobortis sit amet nunc.

Sed faucibus leo orci, et vestibulum velit aliquam vitae. Nulla ut semper arcu. Maecenas vitae finibus velit. Etiam pretium, lorem tempus luctus aliquet, velit nibh molestie nulla, quis feugiat leo tellus vel nisi.

character Relationship status. Aliquam lacinia commodo felis quis tempor.

character Relationship status. Aliquam lacinia commodo felis quis tempor.

I want everything or nothing at all, yeah I want everything or nothing at all


  • Fact. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Fact. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Fact. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
tomorrow - echos