


1 year, 4 months ago

Basic Info

Full name

Hibiki Midorikawa


Dragon kemonomimi


Early twenties


Nonbinary trans man










- his name, hibiki midorikawa, is a fake name chosen when he was trying to be nobody in particular. he goes by his fake surname for anonymity and personal comfort.
- space prince groomed to be a galactic emperor and shit. lived a very cushy life until his late teens/adulthood and was given everything he wanted while a great and terrible war was waged by the giant faction his parents rule over
- like, this guy lived in blissful isolation and detachment from reality until his parents decided that it was time for the experiments to begin. they wanted to make him into a supersoldier so he could inspire the next generation through victory in battle and like. basically just wanted to make an artificial god out of their heir as their trump card for taking over many worlds
- midorikawa did not like the experiments (they were painful and they did not really understand why they had to fight anybody. they were always told that the opponents were bad people but never given a proper reason why)
- shit kept escalating until midorikawa got pretty powerful and was sent out to storm an opposing base pretty damn far away from the palace/capital as a trial
- instead of mindlessly doing as he was told, he let himself be captured and disappeared, presumably dead...
- but no actually he was just fed up with being treated as a weapon, confused, curious, and resentful of just about everyone involved in the midorikawa training arc
- the training/experiments weren't complete but midorikawa was absolutely sick and tired of being experimented on, forced into battle, and fed propaganda that they were genuinely starting to be extremely skeptical of
- midorikawa can summon a mech out of the green crystals that fracture from their body, and can also use the same crystals for offense, both ranged and melee. the crystals are made out of energy and are strongest when midorikawa actually believes in what he's doing. he doesn't have godlike powers but he's really cool and can definitely hold his own. i love him
- so when he let himself be captured, he was genuinely weak from the mental fatigue and inner turmoil. he kind of broke down because he actually saw community and cooperation in the base he was inflitrating and trying to fucking destroy, which is something he was denied his entire life
- it took a lot of persuasion because midorikawa didn't actually know any particularly valuable intel about his faction, but the base kind of adopted him after seeing he was really depressed and harmless and also passionate about breaking free from his circumstances
- they almost used him as a bargaining chip for ransom and stuff but he begged them to let him just exist and learn the truth about the space war. this is when he took the fake name that is now more real than his real name and tried to live a life of neutrality. but the more he mingled with the society of the opposition, the more he learned...
- turns out his home faction was definitely not the good guys. who would have thunk it!! it is a war over many things but the long and short of it is that his home faction should NOT be colonising the galaxy.
- after discovering many of the atrocities that were committed in the name of his family, in the name of him, midorikawa went ballistic and decided to take revenge for the people he killed in his training montages, hoping to absolve himself of the awful sins he was a part of
- everyone knows that the royal family had an heir so everyone hates midorikawa in theory. but in practice, they don't know he is that heir - they just know he's a weird magic dragon man with a lot of mental disorders who showed up out of nowhere and seems to have something to hide.
- because of his true identity being a secret, he doesn't let anybody close and has serious trust issues
- but because he now works as an assassin for the opposition, people don't really question him.
- midorikawa knows that he will probably break from trauma and such if he actually has to face his family and faction and people he knows, so he doesn't want to be a leader or a protagonist. at this point in his story/existence, he's mostly just doing what he can to survive and feel good about continuing to live despite the lives he has taken.
- however, what midorikawa (and the rest of the galaxy) does not know is that his parents have ordered to have another supersoldier-god made, one that won't betray them by dying like their failure son.
- so it's only a matter of time before midorikawa has to face off against his mirror image... who is one of his childhood best friends, coincidentally! but they probably wouldn't recognise each other, right? now that midorikawa's estranged himself/faked his own death, and that the friend is one of the top generals in the space army volunteering for apotheosis...
- they totally will recognise each other lol. yaoi
- but even yaoi will not win the war... it is genuinely a very multifaceted thing, war. so this is just a slice of it, just midorikawa's story. there is lots of negotiation and politics happening elsewhere. shit's crazy and for midorikawa's parents' faction to step down, the king and queen would need to personally surrender and order a total ceasefire. which wouldn't magically make everything better in an instant because war fucking sucks!!!
- i think midorikawa and friend would have very tragic yaoi. in the good timeline they'd go storm the castle together but i don't feel like letting them do that for the sake of realism and tragedy and [penis emoji]
based off this song