(0/4) Holiday Adopt Collab



1 year, 5 months ago


Hihi! ShadowDarespark & I were feeling really silly and made a bunch of winter/holiday-themed adopts for fun!
If interested, feel free to comment under the comment for the adopt you want!

Both of us are accepting: USD (Paypal), dA points ($1:100p), art, customs (picky) & characters!
Character preferences: ShadowDarespark | Demistasis

[CLOSED] Hearth of the Party

Designer: ShadowDarespark | AB: 10$/1,000 dA points

"C'mon, The party isn't over until the morning! Anybody care to join me for this dance?"
The fire in your heart will never die with this friend around. They love to bring everyone's spirits up during the holidays and their favorite thing to do is plan get-together events. They absolutely adore talking to people and make it their all time goal to spread smiles!

[CLOSED] Warmth Longing

Designer: ShadowDarespark | AB: 10$/1,000 dA points

"Hush now, everyone else is sleeping! Would you mind sitting with me next to the fire?"
This clever little mouse is a crafty individual who eagerly seeks warmth on a chilly winter. They take great care not to stir up much noise while they tinker late at night. They can seem quite shy and introverted at first but as you get to know them they will be sure to warm up and prove to be a very valuable buddy to have as a friend.

[CLOSED] No Time for Christmas

Designer: Demistasis | AB: 15$/1,500 dA points (+10$/1,000 dA points for an extra bust)

"Goddamn, I've been so busy this month, I haven't been able to do anything! Now I gotta rush to all the malls. Ugh..."
This bat always has the coldest expressions, probably from always being so hard-working all the time. But, despite this, they always manage to squeeze some time to spend with those they cherish. Despite their hard-to-approach demeanor, they are always seen with a never-ending amount of gift bags before Christmas. Seems they do care about people after all!

[CLOSED] One-winged Serenity

Designer: Demistasis | AB: 15$/1,500 dA points (+10$/1,000 dA points for an extra bust)

"Ah, my other wing? Hm, I don't think I should tell you about it. Anyway, you want to warm up with hot chocolate?"
This angel lost one of their wings through an event they refuse to talk about. As much as people want to ask about it, they will often change the topic to something more light-hearted. They seem to be the master of distractions, always managing to charm those around them with their conflictless vibe. But uh, can someone tell me why there's an ice statue of a person outside?
