

6 years, 3 months ago



  • Name benjie eastwood
  • Age twenty-one
  • Gender afab trans boy
  • Orientation ???
  • Species nephil (half angel, half human)
  • Height 5'4"
  • Build wiry, unathletic
  • Theme Tune cut my hair (remix)
  • Pinterest Board here



where to begin with this one? it's not an easy story to articulate. benjie is a boy who doesn't know what's real. his entire life feels like a show, a farce. having suffered from severe hallucinations since he was a young child, and the subject of extreme emotional and physical neglect, he has no concept of what in this world is a real thing and what isn't.

his mother was a human, and his father an angel, who left them both for dead around the time of birth. as nephilim are illegal, benjie was a death sentence for all parties involved. so the father fled, leaving them alone to pick up the pieces. the mother gave up, picking up drinking and other methods of coping to deal with her abandonment. benjie suffered because of this. she would often lock him in closets to keep him 'out of trouble' when she went out, which caused him to develop a significant phobia of tight spaces. in this time, benjie created imaginary friends-- which, it turns out, are not so imaginary.

he doesn't know he's not human-- not fully, at least. benjie's delusions and his skewed view of the world leave him to think his wings and halo are just hallucinations, like any other. this also leads him to believe that his friends, the beings he's created, are just in his head, and not actual entities built by his powers. their names are mollie, paulie, dannie, annie, and georgie. they all have unique temperments. they can interact with the world around them, but cannot speak with anyone but benjie and one another. they are the primary manifestation of his powers and abilities.

talking to him is like walking through a maze, but you are welcome to try. he can be rather insightful when given an opportunity to be understood-- or he will just ramble about why colors have flavors. it depends on the day.

[ nametag credit. ]

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  • benjie is living entirely on social security, having been deemed unfit to work due to his mental issues. this doesn't leave a lot of wiggle room for superfluous expenses, and barely keeps a roof over his head. he doesn't seem to mind it, however, even though he probably should (ex. his apartment is terribly small and in a rough part of town).
  • his favorite foods are potato chips (usually just the plain ones), chicken nuggets, and bananas. yes-- he's very uninspired.
  • benjie does not have a high school diploma, though he does have a ged.
  • he is not on hrt and has not had any surgeries due to lack of funds.
  • he has a fixation with fire and matches which extends to his having a problem with self-harm. he burns himself without even thinking about it.
  • benjie would more easily believe that he is a demon before he would believe he is an angel. he has a very low self-worth and thinks his hallucinations etc are punishment for his sins. he isn't afraid of things like satan or death, though, and hasn't been for a long time-- he'll cheerfully tell you that he's 'meant to burn in hell'.
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+/- Traits

  • positive traits.
  • neutral traits.
  • negative traits.
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  • (chewing on) matches. benjie is fond of fire. he hates lighters, though, preferring wooden matches. he lights them and stares at the flame, or burns things/himself. he'll even gnaw on the matches absent-mindedly-- he's never without a pack of them in his pockets. the sensation the wood between his teeth causes, the stimulus, is grounding to him.
  • listening to music. he listens to it far too loudly, and never with headphones. he favors rock and alternative, or very electric/techno beats. it's a wonder he doesn't have hearing damage.
  • eating. he eats constantly, usually as a way to fill the hours. his inhuman metabolism is a blessing in this way.
  • marijuana. benjie smokes several times a day. it keeps him mellow. he suffers from quite a lot of anxiety, and it helps. however, he's also been known to burn himself with the lit end of the joint (as well as just straight-up matches).
  • coloring. his drawings aren't very advanced; they're comprable to children's doodles. all of his crayons are very well-loved, worn down into little nubs.
  • sour candies. he likes how much he can feel them. the sensory feedback is fantastic.
  • cats. benjie hasn't the funds or the capacity to own one himself, but he loves watching videos of them and staring at them through shelter/pet store windows. he owns lots of things with cats on them.
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  • complete silence. this is when the auditory hallucinations hit him most.
  • item here. explanation here.
  • item here. explanation here.
  • item here. explanation here.
  • item here. explanation here.
  • item here. explanation here.
  • item here. explanation here.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc eu rhoncus nibh, nec congue urna. Suspendisse porta, ligula nec tincidunt vehicula, tortor ipsum ullamcorper mauris, non mollis augue enim non ligula.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc eu rhoncus nibh, nec congue urna. Suspendisse porta, ligula nec tincidunt vehicula, tortor ipsum ullamcorper mauris, non mollis augue enim non ligula.

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