

6 years, 6 months ago



  • Name wynn henrietta fairweather
  • Age twenty-three
  • Gender amab trans woman
  • Orientation pansexual
  • Species human
  • Height 5'2"
  • Build fit, some curves
  • Theme Tune uma thurman
  • Pinterest Board here



she'd much rather be studying-- that much is obvious. socially awkward and, at times, a little (or a lot) abrasive, wynn hasn't got a clue about how to make friends. she's defensive and maybe a little arrogant, with a skewed worldview that leaves her fairly removed from those around her.

a mess of twists and turns got her to this point in her life. her family has never accepted her for who she is, telling her that she could never make it in this world as a woman. strong-willed and determined to prove them wrong, she threw herself fully into her studies, smashing expectations left and right. her intelligence is incredible, to the point where she was constantly being called the "kid genius". outperforming and outlasting her fellow students, her dedication to maths and sciences had her graduating with seamless grades and honors, and a full ride to her college of choice.

however, as with anything, it's easy to overdo the compliments and ego-stroking. the heavy-handed way that she and others praised her skills picked her out of deep hole of self-loathing, but perhaps it lifted her too high. it left her with a complex, a reputation for being an extreme elitist who doesn't think anyone could be as smart as herself.

it's a mentality she's doing her best to work on-- with the help of her demon boyfriend.

that might sound backwards, but this impulsive little upstart has got a pride demon turned around her little finger. he changed her for both the better and for the worse ... but they're stuck with each other now, and she doesn't have any intention on breaking things off any time soon.

she's almost never without the company of prague, doyle's hellhound. under the guise of a service animal, he follows her everywhere. really, he is providing a service ... it's just not a very normal one. she loves him to pieces.

she's had a lot of bullshit slung her way, including getting involved in a terrible mess with some of doyle's enemies. in their search for information on a certain individual, they followed the trail to doyle, and felt that going through his human might produce results. (unfortunately for everyone involved, neither doyle nor wynn even knew anything.) the things they did to her to try to get her to talk, she's ... never been quite the same. it woke something up inside of her. it's no surprise that doyle would find her covered in blood a few weeks later, with little memory of why she was holding a pair of bloody craft scissors.

she's had it rough, but she's even rougher. don't pity her. she won't give you any of her own.

[ nametag credit. ]

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  • currently, wynn is going to college and majoring in criminal justice. she wants to be a federal prosecutor.
  • her favorite foods include sweet potato fries, donuts, and fried rice. she probably eats way too much guacamole. she believes dr. pepper is the most supreme soft drink, but sprite is good, too.
  • she has self-harm scars on her inner thighs, and some on her forearms, though these are more faded. the deeper ones on her thighs are more noticible.
  • she is on hrt, but has not had any surgeries yet.
  • she has to sleep entirely under the blankets, or the monsters will come out of her closet and get her.
  • wynn lost her father when she was a child, being primarily raised by her mother, aunt, and uncle-in-law.
  • she can speak fluent french, alongside her first language of english.
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+/- Traits

  • positive traits.
  • neutral traits.
  • negative traits.
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  • chess. wynn's chess ability is uncanny. she is proud to say she's only ever been beaten a few times ever, and she plays a lot of chess.
  • reading. her favored genres include mysteries, thrillers, and sci-fis. she's almost never without a book.
  • studying. unlike a lot of people, she really enjoys schooling. she loves taking classes, and doesn't even mind homework most days, unless it's completely mind-numbing.
  • playing with prague. she'll go on walks with him, or run around in the park. he loves his frisbee and his rope. their tug-of-war matches are always fun to watch.
  • video games. she enjoys open-world games, puzzle games, and horror games. any game with a great story can appeal to her, as well, it just depends. she's a sucker for anything including lgbt+ characters.
  • maintaining her journal. she keeps a very strict record of her day and what needs to be done in her journal. it's sort of a bullet-journal format. it's color-coded and practically nonsense to anyone but her, but it does look pretty cool.
  • alone time. it's wynn's normal, being alone. too many people around her for too much time leaves her feeling drained. she needs peace.
  • clothes shopping. nothing is more validating than buying new feminine clothes to wear.
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  • too much noise. this ties hand-in-hand with being overrun by people. wynn just needs to be left in the quiet and still for a while, on the regular. otherwise, her head will absolutely implode.
  • being underestimated. she wants nothing more than to be believed in. someone looking down on her, or saying she can't possibly do something, only pisses her off.
  • transphobia. this is pretty self-explanatory. she has no time for people who want to call her a man. if you tell her she's just a man in a dress, she's going to punch you in the face.
  • religion. despite literally dating a demon, she's not really interested in religion. talking about god makes her uncomortable. she supposes she can't say that there's no god at all now, considering what she knows, but... it's complicated. maybe it's just all the "pray the gay away" crap she's had to endure.
  • the romance genre. particularly rom-coms, but just anything hyper-focused on romance. it bores her to death.
  • holidays. she's not a huge fan, mostly just because of bad family memories. when on her own, she practically forgets about them.
  • tv crime dramas. this is more of a love-hate, as she enjoys making fun of their inaccuracies. doyle likes to do this with her, and it makes it even more fun.
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doyle and wynn met under some less-than-savory circumstances, due to the context of doyle's profession. all this time later, however, they're all but attached at the hip. the relationship they have isn't exactly the most conventional, or even the most healthy sometimes, but they can't seem to part ways. she doesn't know what she'd do without him. he makes her feel like no one else does.



eli is doyle's practically lifelong friend (ie. 200+ years). wynn knows him only through her boyfriend, but thinks the envy demon is fun enough to be around. if he'd stop stealing food from her fridge, she'd like him even more.



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