

6 years, 3 months ago



  • Name elijah ferguson
  • Age 298
  • Gender cis man
  • Orientation homosexual
  • Species (envy) demon
  • Height 5'9"
  • Build straight, lanky
  • Theme Tune tba
  • Pinterest Board here



born in the colonial era of america, elijah was the son of impoverished store owners who were trying to put down roots. unfortunately, when their business venture fell through, it left the lot of them without substantial food or water as the father struggled to find a job.

at the age of eleven, elijah was caught stealing food from a market stall. the man who ran said stall was cold and unforgiving, and chased him into an alleyway, where he beat the boy and took the food back. due to elijah's small size and overall unwell state, the injuries he sustained turned out to be too much for him to take. as he lay there dying, slowly bleeding out, he was happened upon by a "good samaritan"-- who, in all honesty, barely counted as such. a hand on the boys shoulder had him morphing into a demon of envy, meant to represent his 'coveting' of the stolen food.

he was then left to figure himself out. the severity of his transformation (ie. the fact that he now had a snake tail almost as long as he was tall) left him incapable of rejoining society until he could control his shape. thankfully, his other abilities - enhanced strength, enhanced agility, and a powerful paralytic venom - made it possible to survive in the wild, keeping him safe from the wild animals and from anyone who might want to do him harm. it wasn't for quite some time - easily another twenty years - that he could hide away his tail and blend back in with society. his fangs and black-as-pitch tongue were unfixable, but closed-lipped smiles solved that easily. in this time, he'd grown into a young man, his body having matured to about age twenty before freezing with his immortality. and it was this charming boy that managed to worm his way into the good graces of a local, corrupt plantation owner.

with the aid of his suggesitve abilities (which allowed him to toy with peoples' desires), elijah made the man care for him like he was his own son. it was easy enough after that for him to worm his way onto the gentleman's will-- and see to his unfortunate demise. all it took was a touch to send him into a jealous rage at his wife, and-- well... the mess that followed isn't worth recounting. using the bountiful riches the man had accumulated (and left wholly to elijah), he overhauled the entire place. after freeing all of the slaves, he downsized the plantation, hired enough individuals to take care of the fields that remained, and lived comfortably on the profits from that. he wasn't looking for a lavish lifestyle, just a liveable one. and it's that lifestyle that kept him happy-- until war struck.

plenty of envious souls on the battlefield to eat, and he figured he had little better to do. but along the way, he met a new friend-- a born-demon, doyle, who would quickly become his very best friend. practically inseperable from the very first moment, doyle would teach him the ins and outs of being a demon, and they'd watch each others' backs from then onward.

in the present day, elijah is still very much attached to doyle's hip. he frequents college parties, easily blending in due to his size and eternal youth, prowling for any envious souls that he can whisk away and play with. sometimes he'll just go for the fun of it and take no one. sometimes, when he takes someone home, it's really just to sleep with them. other times he'll be joined by doyle and they'll hunt marks together-- they're very well-versed in baiting targets to go after elijah by having doyle "whisk him away", causing a jealous fit.

[ nametag credit. ]

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  • elijah's fangs contain a paralytic venom that prevents movement from the neck down for an extended period of time. it can be lethal if enough is administered, but this would take an extreme overdose.
  • he does have a small lisp due to the nature of his reptilian tongue. it's pretty cute.
  • he can speak several languages, but prefers english as it is his native/first language. he learned most of his languages when interacting with people on the warfront, though he's also spent plenty of time in the "melting pot" to have picked up even more over the years.
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+/- Traits

  • positive traits.
  • neutral traits.
  • negative traits.
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  • his job. regarding causing chaos, collecting souls - he's ... less than driven. doyle has said before that it might be because he was made rather than born, and tries to help him when he can. but he'd still rather be doing anything else. he can't find the same thrill in torture that doyle and others can, and sometimes this eats at him. (he couldn't even tell you how many times someone has asked him if he's 'secretly a sloth demon'. it makes him want to tear his hair out.)
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best friend

eli and doyle ...



eli and wynn ...



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