Pembroke "Pencey" Pennoyer



1 year, 4 months ago


Character profile best viewed on desktop. Also almost everything has a hover for more information lol.
Name Pembroke Pennoyer

Birthday February 27th

Height 5'9"

Race Aasimar

Class Bladesinger Wizard

Personality Type ESTP 7w8

Allignment Neutral Good

Occupation Adventurer

Affiliation The NSH

Orientation Bisexual

Status Alive

"So nice to meet you! I'm Pencey, and you are?"


Pencey is known for being very forward and social. Curious to a fault, he always asks questions, tests boundaries, and indulges in new experiences! He is prone to getting him caught up in silly nonsense through his own impulsive ideas that he forms based on his endless observations. He enjoys finishing tasks, and the praise that comes with a job well done, so he works hard in all aspects of his life.

Personality Traits

Impulsive Thoughtful
Logical Illogical
Pessimistic Optimistic
Kind Mean
Playful Serious
Adaptable Uncompromising

  • A good story
  • Winning on a technicality
  • Pastel colors
  • Being a little silly
  • Large social events


  • Large birds
  • People who are mean to service staff
  • Pearls (he finds them tacky)
  • Boredom
  • Uncomfortable shoes

Appearance Details

Body Type

Lean and athletic from years of training

Skin color

Sandy and light

Hair Color

Deep Black

Hair Style

Long hair with natural ringlets and curled bangs

Eye color

White irises with no pupil, and grey scleras

Eye shape

Mostly round and slightly upturned

Facial Hair


Facial structure

Strong cheekbones, full cheeks, and a defined jaw


Small beauty mark under his left eye


He is farsighted and uses a monocle for reading

Character Colors


  • He has a halo :). It is pure gold and hovers close to the top of his head, shaped similarly to a diadem. It has a small white 'gem' that mimics his own white iris in the center and thin gold ringlets that trail down the back, reaching to almost same length as his hair.
  • He is a big fan of wearing lots of layers.
  • His favorite time of year is harvest season because of all the festivals


Languages: Celestial, Common, Draconic
Family: A dutiful mother and father, he is an only child.

Pencey has been a ballet prodigy since he was a child. After graduating from a prestigious ballet school, he joined a relatively successful dance troupe. They preformed in many towns, for many years, before Pencey decided he wanted to quit. He grew bored of the monotonous work of dancing the same songs every day and looked for a reason to leave, which ended up coming from the incident that turned Wilwen into a snake. Worried for his friend, and finally having a reasonable out, he took Nosewise and amicably broke off from his troupe. He got a job as a bartender in a nearby town and spent his time there, dancing for his customers and falling out of love with his art, before the promise of new travels and gold caught his eye via the adventuring groups coming in and out. He decided after a few years of doing nothing that he would join, and try to reignite his passion for the world. And of course he is bringing his lovely pet with him on his travels.


Nosewise Animal Companion, Friend, Past Coworker

Wilwen Nosewise
Previous Gnelf, Current Snake

He was originally a Gelf (half-gnome, half-elf) ballerino named Wilwen Nosewise, in the same ballet troupe as Pencey. He was turned into a snake around 5 years before Pencey started adventuring and they both quit ballet after the incident. Now Nosewise has no real desire to turn back into a person, and though he can still speak to Pencey (in Draconic) and understand his past known languages, he and Pencey have almost forgotten he was a person before. Nosewise enjoys his days placed atop Penn's shoulders, wrapped loosely around his neck, and travels with him everywhere. He looks similar to a Ball Python and has a blonde and black swirl pattern with tiny brown eyes.

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