Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

Content Warning

blood (mild to copious amounts)

gore (mild to severe)

horror & body horror

occasional bright colors


medicine, surgery, disease

insects, parasites

smoking and drug use

apocalyptic settings

abuse (physical, emotional)

religion (story/art only)

mental illness & suicide


nsfw (very rarely, auth only)

if you see anyone missing a content warning, please feel free to comment or pm me!

if you see "nft" on this profile, it will mean "not for trade" unless otherwise specified

my favorites folders are just for sorting, they arent at all a shopping list or wishlist!

if i dont respond to an offer in a designated trade area im usually not interested, but i dont mind bumps or anything ever!

huge blocking disclaimer: i usually block people who have a synonym for "vomit" in their username. it's not personal at all !!

feel free to

draw any of my characters

offer on literally anyone, idgaf

add any oc to a dreamie folder, again, idgaf

spam favorite i never clear my notifs. LOL

ask to be on a pinglist (but disclaimer i am very poor at remembering them)


dont kin my ocs or use them for roleplay

dont buy anything from me if youre a minor using paypal please

dont interact if you consider yourself "proship" or "problematic"

dont interact if you support "bi/pan lesbians"/"mspec lesbians"

dont interact if youre a fucking zionist

dont interact AT ALL if you are friends/interact with the user kil i will IP block you

if you slip poison into my food i will be very sad

ty for reading!

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