Mothpaw's Comments

I can offer to do 2 scenes, 2 headshots and 1 full body! I love the design sm!! <3

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i’d love to offer 2 shaded fulls, a scene and 100gb :3!!

zomg i can totes accept this <3 !!! u can send me the gb on ld and ill send them over :3c !! might take me awhile to choose the characterz for the owed tho if thatz alr ! :3c 

woo ty! sent the gb!
and yeah take ur time :3!!

I could offer a $50 gc if those are acceptable? If not I could offer something else.

Two simple shaded fulls, an on-base medium to complex custom, and two symmetrical busts! (Complex shaded)

Examples are here!

hehe hi I could do 2 flat fbs and a shaded bust! My examples are here ofc :D plus my insta!

I can also offer any 1 character from these folders:

Pretty design and gl with trading n selling nonetheless!!!

I could do 1 fullbody, similar to this- (rendered, but bg is a simple scene) Other, more recent examples (including examples of my usual bg style) can be found on my IG ↝

i can offer some art (busts) examples:

aww such precious bab! anything from this folder interest you? Calamity-Yeen on Toyhouse

HIII ... I LOVE MOTHS I NEED THEM Offering a scene plus a shaded bust with a background !


ohmgoodness :D !! not offering, but it just like to pop in and say this design is GORGEOUS !!! luvluvluv the colors hohoo . . wishing you luck on selling them ^w^ (ALSO OMGOSH you play lioden as well hehee..)

Anyone in here? Some I may be hesitant with!

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