$50's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Xtremity Global Rules

Xtremity's Design TOS

♡ Please put your offers in their respective places
-Toyhouse - On the comment section of the adopt
-DeviantArt - Reply your offer to the featured comment
-Twitter - Reply your offer to the reply/my comment of the adopt tweet

♡ I accept Money/Paypal, DA points, discord nitro, art, customs, character trades and mixed offers.

♡ If you offer art, please specify what kind of art and how many or else I will ignore it. (Ex. "2 flat-colored fullbody and an icon")

♡ Please calm down with the offers or else you will clog up the comment section. This is an OTA, not an auction

♡ Please do not be upset if I don't reply to your offer. Either I do not know what to say, considering your offer or just not interested! Please be patience ;;

♡ I am only giving you 1-2 months to finish your art payment (May extend due to my patience that of a saint's but please do not take it for granted). You can ask for more time from me if given a good reason.

♡ Please do not ignore me or atleast answer my messages if I checking for updates about art payments. I am not there to put pressure, I am just checking in.

♡ Please do not resell the character for more than you initially bought from me, unless art is added! (Art offers and characters trade doesn't apply here though. Just money.)

♡ You may alter the details of the design, give them a different eye color, add accessories, different hairstyle, names, slight alterations, etc... AS LONG as it is recognizable as my design in a way.

♡ You may make small edits to the original image but do keep a copy of the original in the gallery please! Please do not trace, recolor it fully nor use it for your own gain!

♡ If I give a design for free. You must NOT give it away so soon. Please wait for a 2 months cooldown before giving it away. Unless there is a understandable reason behind it such as giving away due to leaving TH or go inactive.

♡ You may resell the adopt/design after 1-2 months. (Trading or gifting it away does not apply here, just reselling)

♡ Avoid publicly sharing Paypal screenshots that you have sent money to me, it is best to notify me in DMs or in private. Or just simply say that you have sent the money, I get notifications from Paypal anyway to know.

Failure to follow these rules will end you on a warning or my blacklist, depends on me or the offense if it's appealable or not.