


1 year, 9 months ago



"I'll probably just forget about it anyways..."

  • name > Ocelotflame
        prefix meaning > family name theme
        suffix meaning >for her tenacious personality
        previous names > Ocelotkit, Ocelotpaw
    nicknames > Oce, Ocelot

    clan > Cloudclan
        previous clans > xxx
    rank >warrior
        previous ranks > kit, apprentice
    mentor > Swallowcall, Pumanose(briefly)
    apprentices >
        current > xxx
        previous > xxx

    age > 12+ Moons
    gender > She-cat
    pronouns > She/Her
    sex > Female
    sexuality > lesbian

IMAGE%20URL%20HEREbasic description > A brown tabby she-cat with spiky fur, a pointed tooth, and olive-green eyes.

build > Average but a bit lithe
fur description > Spiky fur that has a slight wiry texture to it
breeds >Moggy

height > 25 cm
weight > 7.1 lbs
voice > xxx
> Dry grass, boneset flowers, and a light hint of roses

scars > xxx
accessories > xxx
banned traits > xxx


Positive Traits
positive >

Resourceful >  “The situation may seem rough, but I have an idea!”

-Ocelotflame makes do with what she has and uses whatever resources she’s given for any situation. She uses her mind to find quick and clever ways to solve the problem that’s at paw. Even when a situation looks bleak, she’ll always try her hardest to find a way that will improve it.

Confident > “I’m already perfectly fine! I don’t need your opinion on that to decide.”

-Cats could look down upon her with distaste and Ocelotflame wouldn’t even have a care in the world. She believes wholeheartedly that she’s perfectly fine as she is, and other cats have no business telling her if she’s good enough.

Decisive > “Let's go with that one, there’s no time to sit and think of it cmon!”

-Ocelotflame is able to make quick and efficient decisions. She prefers not to halt and be indecisive able something, so instead, she chooses the option that she believes is best. This can be good when she’s in a situation where quick and confident decisions need to be made.

Tenacious > “It’ll take more than that to knock me down!”

-If you knock Ocelotflame down, she’ll just get right back up again no matter how many times you try. She’ll fight til the very end, refusing to give up even in the direst of situations. Ocelopaw will preserve again and again if she has to just to make it through life.

neutral >

Stubborn > “Hmph! I’m right and you’re wrong; doesn’t matter what you say to me.”

-When Ocelotflame believes in something, it’s hard to change her mind. She stays set on her idea of what something means or the truth of something and very few can make her budge from what she’s set on. She’ll use any reason necessary just to hold on to whatever she believes in.

Independent > “I can do it on my own, I don’t need your help.”

-Ocelotflame prefers to achieve things without the help of others. She feels that if she doesn’t complete something on her own, then she’s basically done nothing at all in the end. This can be bad at times when she refuses help from others just because she wants to do it all on her own.

Ambitious > “One day I’ll be the greatest leader there ever was!”

-Ocelotflame shoots for the stars with her goals. She wants to be the greatest cat that ever lived, and she’ll work her hardest to make that happen. Sometimes this can mean that she’ll push other cats down so she can move forward.

Questioning > “Oh really?”

-You can tell her just about anything you like, but it doesn’t mean she’ll believe it. Ocelotflame will question just about anything a cat tells her. She won’t fall easily for others’ words, and it can take a lot to fully convince her of something. Ocelotflame also questions every decision made and wants to know exactly why instead of “just because I said so.”

negative >

Rebellious > “I don’t care if you’re a leader or not, I’m doing what I want!”

-Ocelotflame can any and every reason to rebel against something. She resists authority and prefers to march to the beat of her own drum. This is usually for the worse because most rules are set in place for a reason, and Ocelotflame actively rebels against them.

Bossy > “Just do what I say!”

-Ocelotflame has a tendency to only do what she wants, and she’ll try and force everyone else to come along with her. She’ll try and boss around just about anyone if she can get away with it. If she wants to play a certain way, then she’ll very quickly start trying to force everyone else to play that way too.

Impatient > “Ugh! Hurry up already”

-Despite being young and having all the time in the world, Ocelotflame just cannot wait. She can hardly wait more than a few seconds before she’s pestering someone to hurry up. Ocelotflame doesn’t care who you are, if you take too long then expect an earful.

Manipulative > “Pretty pretty please?”

-When Ocelotflame wants something, she’s not afraid to manipulate the situation to her liking. Whether it’s her sweet smile or pitiful story, when it comes to her she’ll happily use whatever she can just to get a leg up or get something that she wants from someone else.


 parents >

>> Servalsnap> Parent >Fluffy rosetted tabby tom with green eyes
>> Burbotscale > A nearly black ticked tabby with a slivery belly olive green eyes and a missing tooth

siblings >

>> Lionpaw > Littermate > Black smoke cat with pale deep green eyes > missing
>> Cougarfire > Littermate > Darl grayish-brown tabby cat with pale deep green eyes

mate >
    >> name > short description

kits >
    >> name > short description

extended >

>> Leafdrift > Great Grandfather > Blue classic tabby tom with green eyes

>> Leopardbite > Grandparent >Gold rosette tabby with green eyes
>> Gloomthorn > Grandparent > Black tabby cat with one white paw and green eyes

>> Beechbriar > grandmother > medium-haired gray-and-cream tortoiseshell she-cat with ticked markings and white paws
>> Shadowpad > donor grandfather > dark gray ticked tabby tom with a pale belly  
>> Dapplefur > adoptive grandmother > silver rosetted she-cat with blue eyes and white dapples

>> Sunwatcher > Great Aunt > Red torbie she-cat with green eyes
>> Gusthowl > Great Uncle> Sandy colored classic tabby tom with green eyes
>> Bloomsong> Great Aunt > Caliby she-cat with blue eyes
>> Rainpuddle > Great uncle > Blue tabby tom with violet eyes
>> Snailbelly > Great uncle > Blue classic tabby tom

>> Pumanose > Uncle> Brown tabby tom with green eyes
>> Panthercrow> Aunt >Fluffy spotted torbie she-cat with green eyes
>> Cheetahcloud >Uncle > Black spotted tabby tom with green eyes
>> Lynxpool > Uncle >Brown tabby bobtail tom with green eyes
>> Caracalskip> Aunt >Black tabby cat with green eyes
 >> Snowbird > Aunt > Albino white she-cat
>> Fogfall > Uncle > Gray tabby tom with light blue eyes
>> Hollownight > Uncle > Black classic tabby tom with a light grey chest and stomach with white paws and green heterochromic eyes

>> Widgeonfreckle > Uncle > tan ticked tabby cat with bright green eyes

>> Morninglight > Cousin > Orange tabby with bright green eyes
>> Lightpaw > Cousin > Pale orange spotted tabby with teal eyes
>> Dawnpaw > Cousin> Orange spotted tabby with brilliant green eyes

mate > xxx
    previous mates > xxx
    romantic interests > xxx
    looking for > crushes

likes in a potential mate >
    > Strength
    > Confidence

dislikes in a potential mate >
    > Weakness
    > Pushovers

interested in kits > not yet
preferred family size > large



Den Building
Sign Fluency
Small Animal Tracking

kithood [ 0 - 6 moons ] >
Servalsnap and Burbotscale had been friends, only occasionally flirting with eachother until one day when Servalsnap found himself expecting kits. Servalsnap purposely began avoiding the tom after discovering this, leaving Burbotscale out of the picture. Ocelotkit, Lionkit, and Cougarkit were born healthy mewling scraps of fur. Ocelotkit felt like she was a natural-born leader since she was firstborn, despite that meaning nothing in reality. She made sure to show that she was someone to be respected by her older cousins, aunts, and uncles who were all the nursery with her. It probably didn't show anything more than her arrogance, but she believe she should be respected!

   Cougarkit came out as trans to the family not long after he was able to mewl. Ocelotkit respected her younger-by-seconds-brother for having the guts to speak his mind. It was also good to have someone who was just as bold as him for a brother! She wished everyone else were as natural born leaders as they were, but her large family would have to do. Ocelotkit sometimes thought about her other parent although she knew that they were probably just like her! Servalsnap was amazing, so it was only fit that he would have someone just as amazing. For now she'd be content just thinking about what a great cat her sire must have been.

    It wasn't long before her uncle's litter became apprentices. She watched in admiration at each of them touched noses with their mentor, wishing that she was able to become an apprentice that very day, it was only fair considering how strong she was becoming. Ugh, why did waiting to become the greatest warrior ever take so long, she wanted it now! Her feelings of frustration only grew when a moon later her aunts and uncles were made apprentices. She was ready, who cared if she was only two moons old and barely tall enough to reach the middle of Servalsnap's legs. Hmph!

     One day the wind howled outside, and snow fluttered down from the sky like a swarm of hungry birds. She hadn't seen anything like it before, and Servalsnap told them that it was called a snowstorm. They all hurried to the nursery, escaping the freezing winds in the warmth of the nursery. During that time, Cougarkit managed to stray from the group and was nowhere to be seen. To say she was scared for him was an understatement, she was terrified for him. That was her brother, and she couldn't even help look for him while she was snuggled up cozily in the nursery next to Servalsnap. It felt like seconds turned to hours as she waited for the eventual return of Cougarkit. He had to return, she couldn't lose her brother! Otherwise, they'd never be a trio of great warriors, ready to fight whatever evil lurked within the shadows.

    Cougarkit was eventually found by a patrol, along with the dead body of Thistleflame. The old tom had kits of his own in the nursery along with his mate Algaebreeze, all of whom ran to his body crying. Ocelotkit couldn't help but feel anger towards them with the way they looked at Cougarkit. Even if they had just lost their dad, it wasn't Cougarkit's fault! It was a big storm, any cat other than her could have gotten swept away in the fearsome winds.

    About two moons later Halfstar adopted a litter of kits. They had to be pretty amazing, considering they were the leader's kits! Ocelotkit was definitely going to try and make friends with them once they could do more than squirm around and mewl helplessly. With luck they'd all see how great she was and especially how worthy of friendship she could be. Actually, she didn't need luck because it was so obvious!

    Cirrusflight decided to pick Dragonflypaw as the next herbalist apprentice of Cloudclan. Ocelotkit was glad because being a herbalist seemed soooooo boring! She'd much rather be a leader than mope around sniffing flowers and talking to dead cats. Algaebreeze's kits also became apprentices not much later. Finally! Now Cougarkit would be free from the anger of those kits and they could all go back to being the greatest sibling trio, even if Lionkit was a bit lazy.

     Her cousin Dawnpaw went missing one day along with another apprentice. Despite spending some time in the nursery together, Ocelotkit wasn't too terribly sad. It wasn't like she was dead, just missing, and her family members always returned! Just like Cougarkit had during the storm.

    All seemed well the night of the gathering, and Ocelotkit wished she could've gone. It wasn't fair, she wanted to show the other clans just how great Cloudclan was! Even with her indignation she found herself dozing off to the lull of the breeze. It was quiet and peaceful, with crickets chirping in the moonlight.
    Suddenly, cats began to swarm the camp, striking down anyone in their way. Ocelotkit puffed out her chest, with was her moment to shine, to prove that she was the greatest warrior to ever live! Something seemed to stop her though, and she instead huddled against her siblings until the stillness of the night returned. Several cats had been killed or seriously injured. Most notably was her uncle Lynxpool who died in camp and her cousin Lightpaw, who had been running to get help. Her family was supposed to be the greatest, t-they couldn't just die like that! Panthercrow and Cheetahcloud were also injured during the battle. Even the gathering cats hadn't farred well, with Eveningpaw getting kicked by a deer.

    As the shock of the attack subsided, Ocelotkit felt her usually unwavering confidence return. If those cats ever came back, she would be ready to fight with tooth and claw! She would make sure that her family was safe, even if they were plenty strong enough to protect themselves. Just a few days before she was set to become an apprentice, Cheetahcloud was released from the herbalist den, although Panthercrow had to remain a while longer.

apprenticeship [ 6 - 12 moons ] >
    Ocelotkit walked up to receive her mentor and new name with pride. Really, they should've been giving her a warrior name instead of just a lousy apprentice name. She received Swallowcall as a mentor, hopefully they would be someone worth her time. Nevertheless, she was ready to make her mark on the clan!

    A moon after she became an apprentice her aunts and uncles became warriors, receiving the names Snowbird, Fogfall, and Hollownight. She cheered them on, although she was wished it was her becoming a warrior. Swallowcall was a decent mentor overall, but being a warrior just seemed sooo much more fun than learning how to catch a rat or build dens. Battle training was the only highlight of it all, that was something useful at least! Hunger bellies couldn't be full if no one could even protect themself. That same day the current deputy, Lupinestorm, went missing in the rouge shrowd, leaving the clan without a deputy. She hoped that someone from her family would get picked, or even better, Servalsnap!

   Her aunt Panthercrow was released from the herbalist den, which must've been a relief. Ocelotpaw couldn't IMAGINE having to be in the herbalist den for soo long, especially with Dragonflypaw yammering off about random herbs that no one cared about. Cheetahcloud was picked as the new deputy of Cloudclan a few days later. At least it was someone from her family, though in her mind Servalsnap would've been a better choice as deputy.

    A patrol was sent out nearly two moons after Lupinestorm's disappearance, which Ocelotpaw didn't know what they thought they were going to find. The old deputy was gone, and now they had Cheetahcloud as their deputy so they should just accept that the old one was coming back! Although, she couldn't see any reason why someone would leave Cloudclan so maybe it was a more noble thing. When the patrol returned, Lupinestorm was confirmed dead. What a surprise... that no one didn't expect! Unfortunately, Pineconelight was killed by a group of attacking rouges that same day. She was particularly close to the tom, and personally dying by rouges just seemed, a bit embarrassing? Her mentor returned injured as well, leaving her to receive Pumanose as her temporary mentor. At least it was someone who was somewhat cool!

    A bit later into her training the Halfstar's kits became apprentices, and one of them was even given her dad as a mentor! Hmph. She hoped they weren't a complete loser, being the leader's kit wasn't enough to have a great warrior as their mentor. A few days later a random cat showed up and apparently they were a former Cloudclan cat. Ocelotpaw didn't know how someone could leave such a great clan, but the warrior must've realized what they were missing and came back.

    It took nearly a whole moon until her original mentor, Swallowcall was released from the herbalist den! Ocelotpaw was glad to have her original mentor as her uncle Pumanose was a bit too... boring, it wasn't that she disliked him, there just wasn't much there anwyays. Whatever it was, Swallowcall was her preferred choice even if she hadn't made that choice anyways- although she would've if she could've. A day later Lightninghound, Eveningsnap, and Walnutowl became apprentices, finally ridding the den of the cats who just seemed to never stop holding a grudge against her poor brother Cougarpaw. Once she was a warrior she'd make sure to give them a piece of her mind!

    One of the oldest cats she had ever seen passed away one day it. She remembered when Owlheart would tell the stories in the nursery, even if they were boring stories in her opinion. She hoped the old cat was enjoying Starclan or wherever she ended up. The same day two kits were born, their father was obviously a rogue since Swansong had arrived to the clan pregnant. Ocelotpaw just hoped it wasn't the same rouges that had attacked her mentor and killed Pineconelight.

     Not long before they were set to take their warrior assessment Servalsnap sat them down to tell them something. Ocelotpaw was sure that her father was just going to tell them how proud he was, because why wouldn't he be? Instead, he told them the truth about their other parent who was in fact Burbotscale. Ocelotpaw was furious. How DARE Servalsnap hide this from them! They could've had another father the whole time and yet Servalsnap selfishly chose to not tell anyone. She yelled at him, "How could you! What makes you think this is just okay? We could've known him our whole life!" Instead of joining her, Cougarpaw yelled right back at her. After all the things she had done for him? Ugh! It seemed like these betrayals just didn't stop.

"You're not my dad anymore and YOU'RE not my brother." Ocelotpaw snarled before running away.

    After that, Ocelotpaw began to try and connect with Burbotscale. They really were so much alike! She was glad to have a parent like him instead of someone who couldn't even tell the truth to their own family. She hoped that Burbotscale would be proud of her when she walked up to receive her name.

warriorhood [ 12 - present moons ] >

   Ocelotpaw stepped forward to receive her warrior name. Sure, there had been some hiccups but she pulled through. She was stronger and smarter after all! She received the name Ocelotflame for her tenacious personality, because she like a flame she'd fight til the end. Cougarpaw was named Cougarfire, which she could care less about her- some random cat. Unfortunately, Lionpaw failed their assessment, something she entirely disagreed with. Her sibling was plenty good enough to be a warrior, Halfstar just wasn't thinking straight. Hmph, no one in this clan ever seemed to be thinking straight anymore.

    A moon later Lionpaw took their warrior assessment again. Ocelotflame waited to congratulate them once they returned, but instead Walnutowl arrived in a panic. There was evidence of her being heavily injured. Why wasn't anyone there to help her? Maybe that stupid warrior decided to take "revenge" on her poor sister because their father had died long ago. Whatever it was, her sister better be alright, or someone was going to pay. A few days later her aunt Bloomsong died from hitting her head on a rock. Ocelotflame felt bad for her aunt but she had to admit that the molly hadn't exactly died in the most... dignified way.

-Kits rescued [8/10] UPDATE LATER***



Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

  • Her family
  •  Being respected
  •  Bossing other cats around
  •  Like
  •  Like
  • Being treated like a kit
  • Feathers (They tickle!)
  • Dislike
  • Dislike
  • Dislike
  • 🟆 Trivia fact (optional)
  • 🟆 Trivia fact (optional)
  • 🟆 Trivia fact (optional)
  • 🟆 Trivia fact (optional)

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