Cassian Dinorah



1 year, 5 months ago




"May the gods strike them down."

Cassian is a hesitant man. Born and raised under the conditions of hierarchy and tradition he keeps himself to familiarity. Cassian believes there is a certain order and flow to things and he consistently strives to keep things as such. Foreign ideas make Cassian a nervous wolf, and although open to change he isn't one to handle them well.

He holds himself to status, and he takes his purpose very seriously. He can not handle himself when he has nothing to do. He goes through methods and he's often offset upon his method being differentiated. He can adapt, yes, but he may not handle things as well as someone who is heavily focused on that task. He may even lack effort in doing so.

His mind is like a pit. Things get thrown into them but not many come out. This pit has walls built around them, and once throwing yourself over the wall the pit will not let you out. It's hard for Cassian to make attachments but once they are made it's devastating to break them. Once trust is earned and broken again you will never get back into the pit.


Name Cassian Dinorah
Age 5 Years
Gender Male (He/Him)
Species Wolf
Birthday January 3rd
Height 38"
Orientation Demisexual Biromantic

  • Rain
  • Personal Time
  • Patterns

  • Summer
  • Lack of Activites
  • Aggression


  • Cassian has a twin brother named Osborn.
  • He used to have a child named Caldor.
  • Was in a platonic relationship with his deceased mate.
  • He has a newphew who he is not allowed to see.

Design Notes

  • Cassian has a large robust build.
  • His father comes from the mountains resulting in a thick coat.
  • He has a fluctuating design, so interpret it how you want!
  • Having bad posture Cassian is prone to slouching, so much that his shoulders are very sharp.


Cassian had been born to the pack of Abram in a land called Staurrian. His mother was Ares a wolf of black and cedar, some hints of red within her coat. A strong, independent woman who could've taken over the world if she hadn't fallen pregnant. Her will was just that strong. His father had been a timid yet loving wolf named Apollo, a lean and skinny wolf with a light coat of tannish birch, although he held the similar color of oak and stone that Cassian holds now. After the two had found love and Ares fell pregnant Apollo had passed. The wolf had gained a sickness from the last cold-season, and it seemed it had yet to go away. Slowly he couldn't hold on any longer, passing before the boys were born.

Cassian had been within a set of unidentical twins. A litter of two. Him and his brother Osborn had only come out, but to say his mother was fine with that was an understatement. His twin had inherited a similar set of coloring and markings from their mother. A mix of brown and black, mostly, along with some of her reddish patches. This had placed Osborn as more of the baby to their mother, the she-wolf favoring the kin that looked the most like her. Cassian wasn't as lucky. He came out with a similar marking set to his father, along with the colors more prominent from his coat. Even if he didn't look as identical his mother just couldn't stand to look at him. Cassian had blamed her then, but he grew to understand.

It wasn't long before the two brothers drifted. They were never close in the first place, really. Who wouldn't be surprised? Osborn was favored and Cassian was brushed off for anything that wouldn't result in his death. Even with that they were just to different in everything else. Osborn was boisterous and loud. He walked with a sense of confidence and regality that others could hardly match. It was almost as if he saw himself over everyone else, which he secretly did. Cassian on the other hand hung around the backgrounds. People of the pack hardly noticed him, and when they did it when they needed something. Other than that he was merely a ghost within the wind to everyone. His brother Osborn really had nothing going up within that brain of his, only success and the now. Cassian on the other hand had too much going on, the world and possibilities. He was constantly thinking. Constantly overwhelmed. That was until he met Tullia.

At that fateful moment he knew Tullia was the love of his life. A white she-wolf with golden swirls intermixed within her fur. She was more stunning than a goddess. She was everything Cassian could ask and want for. She was smart, funny, and she challenged him in more ways than he could think. They met when they were adolescents. She had approached him when he was coming back from a patrol training. When she spoke it was like the world froze to listen.

From that moment on he couldn't help but think of her, and whenever he could he'd come and bother her to talk. For any discussion that was smarter than his brother's stupid responses. Upon becoming adults Cassian asked her to be with him. The first couple of tries had only been met with a laugh and a brush of her shoulder. She'd always give the excuses that they were 'too young' or 'not yet,' but after enough convincing the she-wolf had finally agreed to the persistent wolf. Cassian immediately became clingy. It was like he'd been given permission for everything in the world. Attached at the hip. In fact there was hardly ever a time they weren't together, day and night were spent at each other's sides. Almost as if they couldn't spend anymore time together, their child was born. Soon the two became three with the birth of Caldor, their child sharing the same colors and markings as their father and late grandfather. His mother lived to see the birth of her grandchild, and she couldn't be more proud. Admittedly Cassian, with his ongoing sibling rivalry with Osborn thought it was a way to stick it to his brother, show him that he can do things other than sit quietly in the corner.

Cassian hadn't been very happy with his placement as an Epsilon. Yes, he had a mate, he had a child, and most of his family was still around, save for his father. Yet it was a simple job that he and his brother were placed to do. At times they hardly even did things, and it was a lot of sitting and waiting. Osborn enjoyed. Gave him more free time to do whatever he wanted. Cassian did not. He spent enough sitting as a child, and now that he was out of his shell he wanted to achieve his full purpose. He always had felt that they both should be doing more things to help with the pack, and this was the perfect opportunity.

Cassian soon came to wish that wasn't what he'd wanted. While he worked his mate, Tulia, worked with the Lambdas to hunt and provide. This left their child Caldor either in the paws of Cassian, or off with the Gammas and other adolescents. By teen hood Caldor had grown to take after their grandmother, being quite the independent wolf and choosing to slip out constantly with friends to venture the woods. They wanted to see what was out there. They wanted to see and know every part of this world they called home. The place their grandmother oh so chose to respect.

As an eager epsilon he had been the first to go out. A panicked Lambda came to camp to call for help and to evacuate everyone out in the woods to get back to camp. A landslide occurring as result of the recent wet season. Cassian quickly called to Tulia to make sure Caldor stayed in camp as he rushed out to help collect survivors. He was long gone by the time Tulia had realized Caldor was nowhere to be seen.

He quickly sprinted off into the woods, fellow Epsilons charging out behind the male to collect the other wolves as the Lotas prepared a health station. North, South, East, West. Epsilons quickly evacuated the area, collecting most wolves that had been out. Few casualties had occurred, but Cassian came across the worst one.

Coming to the slope of a hill Cassian was met with a scene he'd only seen in his nightmares. Caldor had been caught above when the landslide came, pushing the teens body down the mountain and through a thin tree that had been struck by lightning only days before. Caldor's head had been slid right through it like a meatball on a kabob, the spike like tree going straight through the right side of their head and right out the other. If it wasn't for the fact it had pierced through their brain they would've never been able to walk again, the mudslide having mangled some of their limbs from the rocks that had mixed in.

Cassian had to leave Caldor on that tree for a whole month until things had cleared up enough to be able to traverse that area of the forest again. He hadn't told anyone what he saw. Mostly because he couldn't handle it, resulting in sleepless nightmares for months. He didn't even tell Tulia the demise of their child, constantly reassuring her that their child would come back. Even if he knew their fate like the back of his paw. By the time the landslide was over and cleared Cassian immediately went back out in the search party for the unaccounted for adolescent, yet Cassian still kept his mouth shut. Cassian knew where they were, going back to that horrid spot in hopes it was all a dream. By the time they had been able to make it the only mark of Caldor having been there was a pile of bones with rotting scraps of flesh that had been picked off by vultures above.

The brute returned to camp that day empty handed. Only with the tale that he'd found a pile of bones by a tree, with no further explanation as he refused to talk further about it.

Tullia had been heartbroken, and quite frankly so was Cassian. Even with the love of her life her child was gone. Her own flesh and blood. She had no resolution and it slowly broke her. She stayed within her den only to come out for the occasional meal. Eating, then returning to sleep. She had fallen into a deep mental hole, and soon she passed away from heartbreak, hopefully joining her kin among the stars.

As time passed his whole family fell into carnage. His mother was senile to him and even in his lowest time she constantly berated him for his choices in life. How he could have prevented this all. He didn't want to listen to her, but he never once argued her opinion. For some part of him was completely aware that she was right above all. He must remain strong, for the unexpected happened.

His mother had left in the midst of the night. A note of her heir was given to Cassian's great uncle who remained alive. An even older man than his mother. It was a wonder that he was still alive, but that's besides the point. He delivered the news to Cassian and Osborn. A half hearted apology to them both, but she had things she had to do. Cassian was chosen to lead Abram into the future and provide them all a life that his mother believed she had failed to give.

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