Echonine 🖤🌙's Comments

Do any of these peak your interest?🥺 Can add multiple too to fair price 

omg ! I really love these 2 :'L Are there any chance i can get 1 of em' ?

I can add Simon : to the mix :3

Or any multi from here :

Thank you for your offer and a good day to ya !

I don't think I get can get myself two let them go 😅 plus one is worth $570 and the other is $88.

If there isn't any others besides sonas mostly I appreciate you looking 

xL i kinda knew the result haha, the are hella pretty and from an awesome artist after all !! Ty for ur time and letting me know :D a good day to ya !

Im more then happy to put you on a ping list if you want <3

1 Replies


Hiya! I’d love to offer a full body for them if they’re still available! Here’s some examples of my art🥰

Would someone in my TH, other than my sonas and mains interest you for them?

Hello there ! My apology for late response, I'm interested in this buddy' if he's up for trade :')

I would do that trade if its okay with you!

Sorry For the slow response and also sadly none pop my interests, sorry and thank you for offering. Have a good day to you 🍰 

Just curious if any of these oc’s would be of interest for trading

sadly none catch my interest :'( ty for offering :')

they are stunning, would you be up for a trade?

none pop my interest sadly :"L ty for offering !