


1 year, 5 months ago


   Henry Emily + 32 + (he/him) 62A5732A-96D0-4CB2-8C65-819E21D911A2.gif

Co-owner of Fredbears Family Diner and Fazbear entertainment with his..bff..William Afton.

He has 2 children, Charlie and Sammy, but he has little to no contact with  Sammy since his wife took him in the divorce. (Akwardd..) He cares a lot about his kids and tries his best to be a good father. Charlie is his obvious favorite and he spends as much time with her as possible when he’s not working! Got her into TMBG and they both love it. Really does care about his kids even if he’s busy a lot. Will build Charlie lots of robots and watches cartoons or draws with her or something 

He is a very hardworking, well-mannered, dedicated and humble man who is extremely passionate about his beliefs and interest/career in robotics. Super dorky! Cute af. Very painfully awkward. He's pretty laidback and friendly but he has a pretty short temper when it comes to William and will not hesitate to lash out at him when she’s being a you know what. He tries his best to be a friendly and attentive guy but he's also horribly awkward and gets lost in his work easily. nerdy af…Hell ramble about his projects and he robots for hours on hand if you’ll let him. Constantly fidgeting with crap and can never keep his hands still. Will space out in the middle of you talking to him thinking about robots or something. He has a really hardcore thick country accent too..te...he...Also he’s really intensely Christian! Maybe Baptist? Idk..but hes pretty conservative I guess he’s not a horrible person but he’ll tell you youre gonna go to hell if you’re gay🤷‍♀️ Hell get made fun of for being a total dork and autism but other than that everyone thinks he’s just a normal guy! Kind of! Him being friends with William is suspicious but he’s so crazy about god that its not dwelled on too much. Genuinely horrible at talking to women..hell start sweating and trying not to stare at their boobs and just Being really cringe. Speaking of that..PERVERT!!! Literally insane over women not only does he go nuts every time he sees a pretty girl in public but also every time william even remotely looks or acts like a girl! Bad habit of staring right at Williams boobs all the time (William doesn’t  care he thinks it’s cute) Just a weird little freak! William will talk to him in that weird sweet voice and baby him and talk to him like he’s stupid and Henry looooves it! Henrys very smart but every time william even slightly teases him he’s stupid af. Love him! 

He has a very Erm…complicated..relationship with William due to his religious beliefs and kind of somewhat dislike towards him. He’s 100 percent in denial and extremely guilty about his affection towards him and will often claim that there was nothing and won't be anything between them ever! Even though he finds Williams constant complaining annoying he does finds it a little amusing. He does care a lot about him even if it’s just in a platonic way and sees him as his best friend no matter what. Hell get all sappy romantic towards william sometimes but it’s kiiind of rare and only when he’s not feeling super guilty or is drunk or something..He goes crazy when William even remotely looks or acts like a girl and it’s really obvious! Even if he is in denial he does feel more for William than just sexual stuff. Will get super lovey and affectionate towards william sometimes though and act like an idiot over him. Will do pretty much anything william says and is very easily persuaded by him! Although he’s very adamant about not  being jealous he does get a little jelly whenever willam flirts with other guys! (Not nearly as bad as William gets though) 

 He’s a furry in the only draws them way ( doesn’t know what furries are and if he did he’d be in denial about it) (if he was an actual furry hed be a dog! very dog vibes you can’t tell me he wouldn’t have the waggiest tail known to man…) and his fursona is Fredbear, the first character he ever designed back in college. His favorite color is green or brown. He loves they might be giants and also john conlee! 😂 He smells like a mixture of pine tree air freshener oil coffee and like idk.... really intense sweat or something he sweats a really weird amount all the time. He’s pretty warm all the time (likr body heat wise) and his hands are always weirdly sweaty it’s gross🤷‍♀️😍

 He’s extremely guilty and regretful about his homosexual thoughts/activities and  prays about it every day (almost every time william is within a foot of him he thinks he’s gonna drop into hell immediately.)


Henry grew up and has lived in Hurricane, Utah his whole life. He lived with his mother, father, and sister Jen. His parents were good people and supported their children through everything, though they could be strict at times and were super crazy about god

He was a very intelligent child and was often tinkering with crap or drawing or something. He never truly had any friends cuz he was so awkward and awful at talking to people. Tried to be friendly but couldn’t connect with anyone. He was also basically just a clone of orel!

Growing up into highschool, Henry pursued his interest in building things and robotics. He still didn’t have any friends and threw himself into his passions full time. He was a friendly guy but didn’t talk to people or really do anything but his interests and church. Super awkward like it was almost unbearable to talk to this guy for more than 5 seconds. Verry very anxious and a weird little freak!

He ended up going to Hurricane University, the college he and his family had always planned on him attending, with a major in robotics/engineering. Shortly after arriving there, he ran into William, and instantly had a slight dislike for him due to how girly annoying and obviously gay he was…also the fact that he was british..They ended up becoming roommates and best friends!

Henry met his wife Amanda in his senior year of college, and they ended up being  married with children by the time Fredbears opened. He absolutely loved his wife with every centimeter of his body and talked about how amazing she was every 5 seconds. He felt horrible every second he was being a cheaterpants..but..Welp..
She ended up divorcing him and taking his son Sammy a few years later.


Obviously Henry didn’t like William at first mainly just because he was so different than literally anyone else in hurricane. He wasn’t necessarily mean to him he’d just be extra on guard around him and try to avoid him. After a couple months with the guy Henry realized William was okay and was just trying to be his friend or something. He eventually warmed up to him and they started being besties! William would always ask 5 billion questions about his robots to hear him ramble about it which always got Henry really excited😂 ( autism..) They made the plan for fredbears at some point for whatever reason (Probably cuz they were both mildly furries and William was a buisness major? Idk?) But they were both really excited about it! They often study together even if it’s just Henry doing all the work and trying not to lose it when Williams sitting 1 inch away from him. William helps him get ready for church most sundays (Henry’s alarm wakes him up) and Henry gets all awkward and shy about it. He appreciates it he just has to pray extra hard! Tends to wake up earlier than William on school days since he tends to run late but he sleeps in on the weekends. William thinks sleepy Henry is the cutest thing ever AND HES RIGHT!😂😭😭

They wouldn’t officially date or anything in college but their relationship was really complicated …😂😭 They started out as just friends but Williams so obviously crazy obsessed with Henry that they both got weird around eachother quick. Henry really did like William back (mostly whenever William was extra girly..) but he was so horribly guilty about it that he denied it all the time. Actually is pretty romantic and lovey towards william some nights..but only before he starts dating Amanda! Very in denial about his feelings and hates himself for them..will pray every night about it

I feel like he’d switch from being normal friendly to  romantic and awkwardly affectionate to crazy guilty randomly throughout the week. He does get extra flustered and kind of romantic whatever when William gets all girly so William exploits this as much as possible. If they ever did go on a date for some reason henry would get really nervous the whole time and constantly look around scared. Whenever he’s feeling extra guilty he’ll start yelling at William for how awful and sinful he is or something and cal him 5 million slurs and then like an hour or two later he’ll be sobbing and apologizing for it🤷‍♀️ he’s just a little crazy!

AS FOR ACTUAL HIM INFO….He’s like fredbears Henry but 20 times more awkward and dorky af! Always constantly fidgeting like crazy and has a ton of trouble talking to people his own age but he tries to be friendly. Loves god and church and Jesus and stuff and will volunteer at church whenever possible..the old ladies love him!😂 Very humble whenever William compliments him on literally anything he’ll be like Heh…erm…Thank u..😅 >_< Speaking of that….He goes literally insane whenever william touches him even remotely for 1 second like he could just accidentally touch his hand or something and henrys eyes would go super wide and he‘d start blushing and breathing like he’s having a heart attack and gripping the closest object like he’s trying to break it in half. William exploits this too! He loves his robots more than anything and is somehow always thinking about it no matter what. Kind of shy I guess. Hes horrible at eye contact which william thinks is cute so he just constantly stares right in his eyeballs. Pretty clumsy too if it’s not robot making related. Also he has a stupid mullet. Hes always either wearing his button up sweater outfit or just his button up if it’s hot out or like idk his church volunteer shirt if he’s sleeping or if he doesn’t have to go anywhere all day. Idk..he’s just cutesy af..

PLAYLIST- https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3Yn5ctLDLZLM4ea6JeawVE?si=Desh1HW9Sm-4V9NNdTiwqA

WILLRY PLAYLIST-https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7EQuGyDQUyNbIZykJHuoke?si=ae66e3ccc6bf4ff7