Maps's Comments

would my art interest you? i could do like 5 fbs n 2 headshots

No thank you, sorry

Hi there! I was wondering if you're taking offers on this kiddo? If so what would you be interested in/looking for?

Lf: art, willing to look at pretty much any oc trades, like the trade folder states. I am picky tho so pls keep that in mind

Id love to offer artwork! And anyone in my UFS/UFT folder, if you need art examples I'm happy to send you some, but I have most my art posted to my Instagram Sarcosse.7 ! Any mix of art you think is fair is really fine with me as well

Pls dm examples if u can, thanks!

Anyone interest you in my TH for them or this guy: ?

(You may ignore tags, they’re not up to date)

And or art?

Really cute character but no, sorry im not interested 

I can trade anyone here: or offer art!

I'll offer the same for ^^

Sorry i dont see anyone in interested in 

Sorry ill have to decline!

No Worries