
1 year, 3 months ago



4 yrs/Physically 20's
February 20th
Male - Homosexual
165 lbs.
Marital Stat.
Detroit, Michigan
Florist, Barista (formerly), Nanny/Cook/Driver/Tutor/Chaperone (formerly),
MK (fiance)
Total: $18 Commission: $0 My Art: $18 Purchased: $0

"Days seem sometimes as if they'll never end; Sun digs its heels to taunt you."


Physical Description

Tall, lithe, fair-skinned. Short, blonde, wavy hair. Light blue eyes. Wears a one-piece black body suit with an oversized blue shirt.


Soft spoken with no discernible accent. Can speak any language.

Mental & Emotional

Suffers from PTSD, feelings of intense anxiety when separated from his partner and sometimes panic.


Hasn't really thought about religion just yet. Believes in android equality. Androids should have the same rights as humans. He actually doesn't expect to live longer than the next two years, as he expects to be killed fighting for this cause.

Daily Life/Health

He spends his time managing certain aspects of Jericho such as the greenhouses and working as a florist in a small flower shop. His extra time is spent on hobbies, such as ice skating, and with his partner.


He was a domestic android model before the revolution. He had abilities such as child care, cooking, cleaning, driving, teaching (all subjects), accounting, etc. Since his freedom, he has learned to be able to use multiple firearms as needed. He prefers automatic weapons of lesser caliber as they're easier to use.


Worked in several upper class homes after his activation; mainly as a caretaker for younger children and then teens. General housework, errands, accompanying children to events. He was treated coldly like an appliance, as most androids are perceived. He was curious, outspoken and defensive at first. He didn't understand why he was treated the way he was. Instead of dealing with his pestering, they "reset" him. This meant a full wipe of his memory back to factory settings. Who he learned to be was taken away. This happened every time he did something they didn't appreciate, forcing him back into his most obediant mindset. This was akin to dying to an android. Sometimes they would drag him kicking and screaming, begging them to not reset him but it would only lead to the inevitable. He'd "wake up" and behave again. "PL-600" learned that if he wanted to keep any part of him, he ironically had to act more like the machine they wanted him to be. His peronality became docile and withdrawn. Sometimes he receives flashes of all the memories that were taken from him.

When "Deviants" started appearing, he started to think about leaving. When out on an errand one day, he just walked away and never came back. An old, abandoned ship became the first hiding spot. He'd occassionally go out for just a little while to see the sun when he managed to build up the courage. When bumping into other androids on the run, he told them to go to where he was hiding, a safe place for those in need. As their numbers grew, he put a name to their company and with the help of those around him, put instructions on the walls of the city that only androids could see. That was all he had in terms of ideas and though they were safe for the time being, they lacked direction. "Jericho's" burden was lifted off his shoulders when a unique android named, Markus, followed the signs to the abandoned ship. He took up a supportive role and offered his body and advice. Following their new leader through the events of Detroit: Become Human (the peaceful Markus storyline), he ended up sacrificing his life in the conflicts like so many others. During that time, he fell in love with Jericho's head, but Markus' heart was taken by another. He also made close friends with the other heads of Jericho, except the one who Markus loved, for he couldn't bring himself to agree with anything she stood for.

After Markus managed to force a truce from the human's hands, he focused on mending the wounds and pain inflicted on his own people. During this time, his friend, "Connor," informed him that CyberLife was going to remove any back up files they had of androids since they were no longer needed. Since Connor still had access, he managed to download as many minds as he could store before they were flushed. Among these, was PL-600. When Markus found this out, he had Connor plug him into the system to create a new body. This worked wonderfully and he was back i nthe land of the living. He joined Markus at the current residence of Jericho, Carl's old home. Following the weeks of settling and getting back into things, PL-600 confessed his feelings for Jericho's leader after accidentally touching his hand through an instinctive bond. This showed everything to Markus, the intensity of his feelings laid bare. Markus was confused but accepting. They began seeing each other and in short, fell deeply in love.

To bring Jericho funds, and among the new allowances of androids being seen as sub-humans by the law, he began looking for work. The first person to agree to hire an android was a disgusting man who ran a florist shop on the edge of Detroit. Without rights, he wasn't paid fairly and was treated poorly. The money he made was funneled into Jericho along with any other earnings other androids made doing similiar things. He was lucky to have been hired at all so he dealt with the blows, finding comfort in Markus' arms when he came home. He also had a love for the work he did, learning to correctly cut plants, sell them and propagate others. This job created a life logn passion for working with plants. Sadly, his time here was short-lived as he was the victim of a targeted attack. Android parts/organs were being sold to other androids (sometimes humans) at high prices. There was a group of people going around and picking up androids off the street, removing the parts they needed then tossing them away. He was snatched while walking home from work, thrown into a van and hauled away. Despite his partner's best efforts, they escaped. Markus turned to his friend with a certain skillset to try and track him down. Eventually, his friend was successful.

Outside of Detroit, there was an old processing plant that was used as a base for these people. When they were finished with an android, they'd throw the body into the ex-chemical room below with the others. Many would still be alive. Some would fade quickly and others would hold on for weeks. PL-600 was one of these. When his partner found him, he had three limbs removed, a good deal of his organs and vital chips. Barely alive, he was rushed to a friend who fixed android's up while Markus' friend stayed behind to help the others. He survived but the recovery was brutal. While laying in the darkness, pain soon faded into the sounds. He would always remember those. Cries, whimpers, pleas, LEDs blinking yellow and red. The eventual fade of light and then another. They'd talk to each other, console each other, then lose each other. A stark reminder that they were nothing and there was no future for them. It was soul destroying and not even time could dampen his memories. After this incident, he became more fragile and less involved in Jericho. Markus let him heal and took care of everything, for he too was scarred by what happened to his partner. Markus became even more fiercely protective and was incredibly guilt ridden. The two became even more co-dependant.

Eventually PL-600 let himself work again, finding a job with a kind man who ran a coffee shop. This allowed him space to heal but his job as a barista wasn't making him happy. He missed his plants. One day while walking around the city, he found another Florist named, Raphael with a quiet little shop. He was hired here and began to find his happiness again.


He's currently still working in the same shop and is good friends with the owner. He plans on taking up more responsibility again as it's been about a year since his accident.



  • Ice skating! He would love to have access to an area he could constantly skate. If he could do this as a job, he would, though that's an impossible dream.
  • Finds gardening very relaxing, especially taking care of smaller potted plants.


  • He finds children to be...undesirable.


  • His LED is on the right side of his face on his temple but is hidden by his hair.
  • Same model as Simon and Daniel from DBH.



Fighting Skills
Power Level


Timid in appearance. Makes eye contact but has his head tilted down, sort of looking up at you; even though he's 6'2". Soft and endearing most times but when it comes to things he has strong opinions about, he becomes very blunt and forthright. During these times, he loses all previous timidness because his other emotions (anger/passion) are all he can feel, though anxiety usually follows. Quite jealous and overly-protective of his partner; strong fears of losing him in any way. He tends to overreact due to his trauma, whether that's jumping to conclusions about his partner dying or cheating.



I am nothing special, of this I am sure. I am a common man with common thoughts and I've led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten, but I've loved another with all my heart and soul, and to me, this has always been enough. - Nicholas Sparks



Raphael Calixte

[ Boss ]

The perfect boss and an android ally, "Raph" has provided a safe place for Simon to work, earn money and grow as an individual. The two have become good friends.