Malakas/Weedfly Blakesley ☆ (Relationship Info)



 Relationship Status  Dating 
Malakas Blakesley
Age 22
Height 6'9"
Gender Male
Tier 3
Region/Circle Violence
Job College Student
Owner TomboyKei LINK LINK
Vio Zelenka
Age 20
Height 6'2"
Gender Male
Tier 3
Region/Circle ?
Job Second Son
Owner kytazy LINK LINK
Character 1 Info

Weedfly calm and doesn't show much emotion most the time, though does seem happy if also forgetful. He is helpful and sweet, not wanting to overstep bounds but also wants to have fun and figure out life.


Weedfly is very flirty and with more aggressive tendencies, usually being a all or nothing sort of person. He has more short term goals in mind and doesn't always think through everything.

Character 2 Info

Vio is calm and very proper, very energetic and highly emotional when allowed to be. He is the more loving of the pair and though doesn't always have the right reason behind his actions, he does mean well all the time and is willing to do whatever needed. 


They were childhood friends that eventually grew apart, but when Vio was given a tip about Weedfly living a more commoner life he searched out his friend now older. 

Weedfly and Vio are young adults still learning how to take their more serious relationship. Affectionate with one another and very much in love, but still figuring out their life together as they get older and closer with one another. 

Both are unsure about things, but more then happy to figure it out together as they come to those hurdles. 


Vio and Malakas first met as children, the Zelenka family looking to marry their oldest son to the Blakesley's oldest daughter (Kalasun). 

⇩ Type out the stuff below nicer ⇩

childhood friends (met due to vio's family wanting to marry kalasun), clinging to the furry fox siblings. eventually the interactions stopping when Kalasun said no.

remeeting again when vio met grandparents at a party/event. Giving wedfly's info to teh harmless boy, vio goes to see weedfly with the intention of courting him. Vio asks weedfly out, getting denied but they form more friend relationship like weedfly wanted/suggested

many date ideas / vio learning about the commoner life

eventually starting dating on halloween

Vio eventually is happy with the relationship and tries to convince weedfly to make baby, denied

stopped being afraid of and having those oh no moments when malakas came out due to mala mostly being sexual but not actually harmful to him. eager to make baby, he stops becoming scared of the lewd and mala becomes disinterested